Contraception and termination of pregnancy Flashcards
What is the failure rate of both the combined hormone contraceptive pill and the progesterone only pill with typical and perfect use?
Typical = 9% failure rate Perfect = 0.3%
What is the failure rate of the injectable contraception (e.g. DepoProvera)?
Typical = 6% Perfect = 0.2%
What is the failure rate of the copper intrauterine device?
Typical = 0.8% Perfect = 0.6%
What is the failure rate of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system (e.g. Mirena)?
What is the failure rate of the implant?
0.05% - lowest failure rate of the options available to females
What is the failure rate of female sterilisation?
What is the failure rate of male sterilisation?
What forms of combined hormone contraception exist?
Oral pill (e.g. Microgynon, Marvelon, Glaira) Dermal patch (e.g. Evra patch) Vaginal ring (e.g. NuvaRing)
What are absolute contraindications to using Combined Hormone Contraception?
Smoker > 35 years, < 6 weeks postpartum, breast-feeding, HTN, current or past VTE Hx, migraine with aura, CVD, current breast Ca, liver cirrhosis
Which type of drugs will reduce the efficacy of CHC?
Enzyme-inducing drugs such as antiepileptics, antiretrovirals, Rifampicin, sulfonylureas
What is the mode of action for CHC?
Suppression of ovulation is the main mechanism of action. Also, thins endometrium and thickens cervical mucus.
What is the treatment course of CHC methods?
3 weeks ‘on’ - using the contraception (daily pill/weekly patch/3-weekly ring) then 1 week ‘off’ - not using any contraceptive methods. Still covered during this interval
Side effects of CHC?
Nausea, headaches, mood changes, acne, (weight gain), blood clots, increased risk of breast/cervical cancer, raised BP, increased risk of VTE.
What are some non-contraceptive benefits of using CHC?
Lighter, less painful bleeds, regularity of bleeds. Reduces risk ovarian and endometrial cancer
When should CHC be started?
Start on day 1 of menstrual cycle, (up to day 5).
What are the rules with regards to missing the COCP?
If missed one, take forgotten pill immediately even if with next one. If next one on time, it’s fine.
If missed 2+ consecutive pill, take one pill immediately and will need to use condoms for 7 days.
What is the mode of action of the Progesterone only pill (POP) a.k.a. mini-pill?
Thickens cervical mucus and thins endometrium
What is the treatment course for the POP?
Take at same time every day, no pill-free intervals.
3 hour window rule for traditional POP e.g. levonorgestrel. 12 hour window rule for newer POP e.g. cerazette
What side effects may be elicited by using Progesterone contraception?
Headaches, acne, mood changes, weight gain.
When should POP be started?
Day 1 of the menstrual cycle
What are the rules with regards to missing the POP?
Take ASAP, even if with next one. But if > 3 hours late or > 12 hours late for cerazette, use condoms for next 2 days and consider emergency contraception if had sex in the 2-3 days before the missed pill or had sex since the missed pill
What is the mechanism of action of the copper intrauterine device?
The copper is directly toxic to sperm and the coil provides a hostile environment for implantation.
How long does the copper coil last?
5-10 years
What an important negative to be aware of when using the copper coil as contraception?
May make periods heavier and more painful.
Also, slightly increased risk of ectopic pregnancy
What is the mechanism of action of Intra-uterine Systems such as Mirena or Jaydess?
Thickens cervical mucus, thins endometrium, prevents ovulation in some women’s cycles.
How long does the IUS last?
5 years for Mirena
3 years for Jaydess
What effect does the IUS have on a woman’s menstruation?
Initially, irregular bleeds but then much lighter/less painful bleeds or some women may not have any bleeds at all.
What are some risks when inserting either the IUD or IUS?
Infection in the first 3 weeks, bleeding, perforation (1 in 1000), expulsion (1 in 20), vasovagal faint (1 in 10)
When should the IUD or IUS be inserted?
Put in any time if not had sex since period or within first 5 days of period
How long does the progesterone implant (e.g. Implanon) last?
3 years
How long does the progesterone injection (e.g. Depo-Provera) last?
3 months
What are some contraindications to fitting an IUD?
Pregnancy, Undiagnosed bleeding, Cervical/uterine cancer pre treatment, Active PID,
Asymptomatic chlamydia, Uterine abnormality, Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, Long QT syndrome
When should F/U be arranged for a man having a vasectomy to check it’s success?
Sperm sample at 8 weeks, then again 2-4 weeks later (both must be negative).
Can take up to 3 months for remaining sperm to be used up therefore condom should be used for at least 12 weeks post vasectomy or until azoospermia confirmed.
Is reversal of sterilisation available on the NHS?
Even when attempted, reversal is not always successful.
What 3 options exist for emergency contraception?
Levonorgestrel 1500mcg (aka Levonelle)
Ulipristal acetate 30mg (aka EllaOne)
Copper IUD
What is the mode of action of Levonorgestrel?
Acts by inhibiting ovulation.
It’s less effective when unprotected sexual intercourse (UPSI) occurs around ovulation.
Up to how long after UPSI is levonorgestrel licensed for as an emergency contraceptive?
72 hours post UPSI.
Not effective if already ovulated
What should a woman do if she has vomited less than 2 hours after taking levonorgestrel as emergency contraception?
Repeat dose
What should a women do if she wants to use levonorgestrel as EC but is taking enzyme inducing drugs?
Double dose
What options does a woman wishing to take oral EC have if she is over 70kg or BMI > 26?
Double the dose of levonorgestrel or use Ulipristal
What is the mode of action of Ulipristal?
Inhibition/delay of ovulation.
Effective even if LH levels have begun to rise
Up to how long after UPSI is levonorgestrel licensed for as an emergency contraceptive?
120 hours
What should a woman do if she has vomited less than 3 hours after taking Ulipristal as emergency contraception?
Repeat the dose
Why should Ulipristal be avoided as the form of EC if progesterone has been taking in the past week?
This reduces the effectiveness of the Ulipristal
How long is the copper IUD effective for as a form of EC?
Within 120 hours or UPSI
within 5 days of earliest calculated ovulation
Is oral emergency contraceptive effective after ovulation has occurred?
Up to how many weeks gestation is termination of pregnancy legal?
24 weeks
What surgical options are there for termination of pregnancy?
Up to 14 weeks: Vacuum aspiration. If < 7 weeks, examination of aspirate required to confirm complete abortion.
Up to 24 weeks: Dilatation and evacuation. Preceded by cervical preparation (using misopristol 400mcg pv 3 hours before surgery if < 14 weeks or using osmotic dilators if > 14 weeks).
What is the medical method of termination of pregnancy for early pregnancies (=< 63 days)?
=< 49 days: 200mg mifepristone then 24 hours later 400mcg misopristol
=< 63 days: 200mg mifepristone then 24 hours later 800mcg misopristol. If no abortion within 4 hours, give 400mcg misopristol
What is the medical method of termination of pregnancy for early pregnancies (=< 63 days)?
9-13 weeks: 200mg mifepristone then 36 hours later 800mcg misopristol PV. Can add up to 4 doses of misopristol 400mcg PO if needed
13-24 weeks: Same as above but if still no abortion after 4 further doses, give additional mifepristone dose
What prophylaxis against infection is given for both surgical and medical management of termination of pregnancy?
1g azithromycin and 800mg metranidazole