Contraception Flashcards
Name the LARC
Depot injection
What is the mechanism of action by which the depot injection works?
Inhibition of ovulation
How often do you have to get the IM depot injection?
Every 12-14 weeks
What are the contraindications for LARC/depot injection?
Breast cancer
Severe cardiac disease
Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
Before starting the depot injection what do we have to consider?
Side effects of the depot injection (5)
Weight gain
Increased risk of osteoporosis
Risk of ectopic pregnancy
Delay in return of fertility - roughlt 10 months
Irregular bleeding - which usuallly settles with time
When can we start the depot injection?
Any time! No need for other contraceptives if: Up to day 5 of cycle Up to 5 days after TOP Up to 21 days PP
Need for contraception 7/7 if the above not met
Name the types of VLARC
Copper coil IUD
Mirena coil IUS
What is the mechanism of action of the copper coil IUD?
Prevents fertilisation
Non-hormonal IUD
What are the contraindications for the copper coil IUD? (5)
Pregnancy - increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and second trimester miscarriage
Intra-uterine infection
Abnormal uterine anatomy - will need a PV to check
Peptic ulcer disease
Hx of/current endometrial/cervical cancer
When would you be able to insert the copper coil IUD?
Anytime if reasonably certain they are not pregnant
Within 7 days of period
Up to 5 days after UPSI for emergency contraception
Immediately after TOP
< 2 days or > 4 weeks post partum
Name the problems/side effects associated with the copper coil IUD
Heavy, prolonged periods
Problems with insertion: pain, increased risk of infection, uterine perforation, expulsion of device
What is the mechanism of action by which the Mirena coil IUS works?
Prevention of implantation
How long is the Mirena coil IUS effective for?
Either 3 or 5 years
What are the contraindicaitons for the Mirena coil IUS?
Pregnancy - increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and second trimester miscarriage
Intra-uterine infection
Abnormal uterine anatomy - will need a PV to check
Peptic ulcer disease
Hx of/current endometrial/cervical cancer
Name the problems/side effects associated with the Mirena coil IUS?
Irregular menstrual bleeding that usually becomes lighter with most women becoming amenorrhoeic
Problems with insertion: pain, increased risk of infection, uterine perforation, expulsion of device
When is the Mirena coil suitable for insertion
Anytime if reasonably certain they are not pregnant
Within 7 days of period, if more than 7 use another form of contraception as cover
Up to 5 days after UPSI for emergency contraception
Immediately after TOP
< 2 days or > 4 weeks post partum
What can be used for emergency contraception, the Mirena coil or the copper coil?
Copper only