Contraception Flashcards
COC in women 35+?
Low dose monophonic (unless smoker)
Controls hot flushes of perimenopause if continued until ~30y
Cease pill around 51y, wait several weeks and check FSH/oestradiol
if FSH high and oestradiol low, presume menopause
Absolute contraindications to COC?
First 2 weeks post partum
Hx of thromboembolic disease / thrombophilia
Cerebrovascular disease
Focal migraine
Coronary artery disease
Oestrogen dependent tumours
Active liver disease
Relative contraindications to COC?
Heavy smoking
> 35 + smoking / other CV RFx
Undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding
4 weeks before surgery, 2 weeks post
GB/liver disease
HTN / DM / hyperlipidemia
Severe depression
Circulatory disorders linked with COC use?
Venous: DVT, PE (+rare = mesenteric, hepatic, renal thrombosis)
Arterial: MI, thromboembolic/haemorrhagic stroke (+rare = retinal and mesenteric thrombosis)
What causes increased circulatory d/o risk in COCs?
Oestrogen content. Now reduced as doses have been reduced to 20mcg etc
Which cancers may be influenced by COC use?
Very low risk: cervix, breast
Protective: endometrial, epithelial ovarian
Mx breakthrough bleeding on low dose COC?
Usual to have breakthrough bleeding in first 2 months. If minor, continue. If major, cease and start new pill, usually with 50mcg ethinyloestradiol
Advice when starting pill?
Periods often become shorter and lighter
No break is necessary
Drugs that may affect pill: antacids, purgatives, vitamin C, antibiotics, anticonvulsants
D/V may reduce effectiveness: if vomits within 2h taking pill, take another active pill
Return yearly for review
Advice re missed pills?
Just keep going: take a pill as soon as possible then resume usual schedule
IF >2x20 or >3x30 EO pills are missed, use condoms / abstinence for 7 days
7 day rule for missed or late pill?
take forgotten pill asap, even if you take 2 the next day
if >12h late, increased risk of pregnancy so use another contraceptive method for 7 days
if these 7d run beyond last hormone pill in pack, miss the inactive pills and start next pack
you may miss a period (at least 7 hormone tablets should be taken)
What is the mini pill?
Progestogen only pill e.g. levonorgestrel 30mcg/day
Side effects mini pill?
No serious AEx. Compliance a problem due to cycle irregularity, irregular bleeding.
Often decreases cycle length
Indications for POP (progestin-only pill)?
> 45y
smokers 45y+
CIx to or intolerance of oestrogen (migraines, DM, chloasma, lactation, HTN)
What is the injectable contraceptive?
Depo-provera. Only IM contraceptive in Aus.
150mg injection every 12 weeks
What is the implanon?
Subdermal contraceptive implant containing etonogestrel (progestogen). Inhibits ovulation and has anti mucous effect.
3y system