Contraception Flashcards
Can pts on COCPs have major surgery?
Yes, but the cocps must be stopped 6 wks prior to MAJOR sx to reduce the risk of VTE
In which conditions are COCPs assoc. with an unacceptable health risk (MEC group 4)?
- Current pregnancy/ undiagnosed pv bleeding
- Trophoblastic disease - prior to
undetectable HCG - BMI>39
- Chronic illness:
- BP >160/ 100
- severe uncontrolled DM
- thrombophilia
- prior thrombosis
- focal migraines
- prior stroke/TIA
- hyperprolactinaemia
- ischaemic heart disease
- cardiomyopathies; active
Kawasaki disease - uncorrected valvular disease
- breast ca (current)
- active liver disease
- severe IBD (inflam boweldisease)
- acute prophyria/SLE
- 4 wks PRIOR to major sx to 2 wks
AFTER full mobility - Altitude > 4500m
Which drugs reduce the efficacy of COCPs?
- Antiepilepsy meds (CPPPT):
- carbemazepine
- phenytoin
- phenobarbital
- primidone
- topiramate - Griseofulvin
- Rifampin (and rifabutin)
- Modafinil
What special precautions should women on COCPs who are also taking hepatic enzyme inducing drugs take?
- increased doses of oestrogen to achieve desired contraception
- additional contraceptive precautions (e.g. Barrier, abstinence) during use
- for Rifampin, use additional contraception for at least 4 weeks post treatment
Justify your contraceptive choice for a 16 y.o. with Eisenmenger’s syndrome?
Progesterone only implant (Nexplanon, Implanon)
Why: bcuz COCPs and high dose progesterone like DMPA are contraindicated.
- the uterus may not be fully developed so an IUCD is not ideal. LNG-IUS is MEC 2
Cu- IUD is MEC 1
POP is MEC 2 - LARC is preferable, doesn’t rely on her compliance
Justify your contraceptive advice for a 27y.o nulliparous pt who does not want hormonal contraception.
GyneFix IUCD is recommended.
- is a very small Cu iucd that is >99% effective at preventing pregnancies over 5 years.
- is designed for the nulliparous patient
- does NOT increase menstrual blood flow
- advise use of barrier contraception to prevent STIs.
MOA of progesterone only implants?
- Prevent ovulation
- thicken cervical mucus preventing sperm penetration
- thin the endometrium preventing implantation
Recall effect of IUS differs from oral LNG.
- Thins the endometrium to prevent implantation.
—– causing endometrial atrophy within 1 month of insertion - Increase in endometrial phagocytic cells, change in endometrial stroma and reduced sperm penetration thru cervical mucus add to the contraceptive effect.
- prevents ovulation
- thickens cervical mucus
- thins endometrium to make it unfavorable for implantation
Benefit of DMPA in sicklers?
Can reduce sickling crises
Advice for a pt with hirsutism who desires contraception?
COCPs help to prevent an increase in hirsutism.
- any existing hair will have to be treated cosmetically
COCPs are also good for acne
What is the Persona contraceptive method?
- a natural method of contraception with no side effects
- monitors changes in urinary LH and oestrogen
- to identify the days a pt is at significant risk of getting pregnant.
- requires the first urine of the day to be collected on test sticks
—the monitor reads and stores the information from the test sticks
— a red day (not at risk of getting pregnant) vs green day (significant risk of getting pregnant) is indicated on the monitor.
▪︎94% reliable - of 100 pts 6 will get pregnant in 1 year
How long after unprotected sexual intercourse can Cu-IUD be offered?
Up to 120hrs (5days) after first UPSI
Or 5 days after earliest expected date of ovulation.
- has a low failure rate (<1%)
- provides ongoing contraception after insertion
- Ulipristal acetate up to 120h
- failure rate: no known decline jn efficacy when taken up to 120hrs post upsi
-LNG-IUS licensed use up to 72hrs but efficacy up to 96hrs has been seen.
- failure rate: 1.1%
Types of emergency contraception?
1.Cu iud
2.Progesterone only emergency contraception
3.Ulipristal acetate
What is the MOA of Ulipristal acetate?
- it is a progesterone receptor modulator.
- Suppresses growth of dominant follicle and hence ovulation (if taken before ovulation)
- Unknown if it has an effect on the endometrium to prevent implantation.