Contraception Flashcards
What is the definition of LARC in the UK?
Long-acting reversible contraception - a method that requires administration less than once per month (so includes the implant, IUD, IUS, injection)
What are the most effective contraceptive methods?
Longacting reversible methods of contraception (LARC) a.k.a. ‘fit and forget methods’ e.g.
- copper intrauterine device (Cu-IUD),
- levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS)
- progestogen-only implant
What are the currently available MOA of contraception?
Prevent ovulation:
- combined hormonal methods (pill, patch and vaginal ring),
- progestogen-only injectables,
- progestogen-only implant (Nexplanon®),
- oral emergency contraception,
- lactational amenorrhoea.
Prevent sperm reaching the oocyte: sterilisation
Prevent an embryo implanting in the uterus: Cu-IUD and LNG-IUS.
Allow sperm into the vagina but poison them e.g spermicides.
Allow sperm into the vagina but block further passage e.g. diaphragm, cap, progestogens.
Prevent sperm entering the vagina
- male and female condoms
- avoid sex during the fertile time of the cycle
- fertility awareness-based methods (FAB)
Percentage of women experiencing an unintended pregnancy within the first year of use with typical use and perfect use

‘What % of couples will concieve within 12 months without use of any contraception
male condom with typical and perfect use?
85% without any contraception
18% with typical use and 2% with perfect use will become pregnant within 12 months
What does efficacy vs effectiveness of a contraceptive depend on?
Efficacy - depends on MOA
Effectiveness - real life factors e.g. compliance and continuation.
Compliance depends on route of administration and continuation on use acceptability.
What WHO criteria is used to guide the safety of contraceptive use in different health conditions?
Medical eligibility criteria (MEC) - categories 1-4, where 1 is no restriction on use while 4 represents an unacceptable health risk
Name the MEC conditions.

Which categories of medication may interact with hormonal contraception?
- Anticonvulsants
- Antifungals
- Antiretrovirals
- Antibiotics
Interact with…. by inducing liver enzyme cytochrome P450 and reducing the reliability of the contraceptive.
- Patch
- Ring
- Progestogen-only implant
List 5 examples of MEC category 4 conditions as given by WHO.
- Age >35 and smoking
- BP >160/100mmHg
- HTN with vascular disease
- DVT, curent or past
- MI, current or past
- CVA, current or past
- Multiple serious RFs for CVD
- Thrombophilia
- Current breast cancer
List 5 examples of MEC category 3 conditions.
- > 35 years old and smoking <15 cigarettes/day
- BMI > 35 kg/m^2*
- family history of VTE disease in 1st degree relatives < 45 years
- controlled HTN
- immobility e.g. wheel chair use
- carrier of known gene mutations associated with breast cancer (e.g. BRCA1/BRCA2)
- current gallbladder disease
Which MEC criteria does breast feeding < 6 weeks post-partum fulfil?
UK MEC4 i.e. an unacceptable health risk
Name an antifungal which is known to decrease efficacy of hormonal contraception through induction of liver enzymes.
Name 2 antiretrovirals which are known to decrease efficacy of hormonal contraception through induction of liver enzymes.
Protease inhibitors e.g. ritonavir, lopinavir
NNRTIs e.g. efavirentz, nevirapine
Name 2 anticonvulsants which are known to decrease efficacy of hormonal contraception through induction of liver enzymes.
Name 2 antibiotics which are known to decrease efficacy of hormonal contraception through induction of liver enzymes.
What SE are commonly reported with hormonal contraceptives?
- Unexpected bleeding - common (15%)
- Weight gain - evidence for progestogen-only injectable in adolescents
- Headaches - may occur with COCP in pill-free interval so advise to continue serial packs. If they occur frequently or are severe then change method of contraception.
- Mood swings
- Loss of libido
Do hormonal contraceptives cause weight gain?
With the exception of progesterone-only injectable in adolescents there is no good evidence that hormonal methods can cause weight gain.
This includes for Cu-IUD, LNG-IUS etc.
Do hormonal contraceptives affect mood and libido?
There is not good evidence that they affect mood or libido
With unexpected bleeding on hormonal contraception, when should you refer for further investigations?
If bleeding persists for >3 months
What are some determinants of contraceptive method acceptability?
- Personal characteristics (e.g. age).
- Fertility intentions.
- Perceptions of effectiveness.
- Perceptions of safety.
- Fear of side-effects.
- Familiarity.
- Experience of others.
- Ease of use and of access.
- Need to see a health professional.
- Intrusiveness.
- Non-contraceptive benefits.
What are 3 non-contraceptive health benefits of progestogen-only injectable (depot medroxyprogesterone
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Endometriosis
- Dysmenorrhoea
What are 3 non-contraceptive health benefits of COCP?
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Irregular menses
- Hirsutism
- Acne
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Reduces risk of ovarian cancer
- Reduces risk of endometrial cancer
What are 3 non-contraceptive health benefits of LNG-IUS (52mg)?
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Endometriosis
- Adenomyosis
- Dysmenorrhoea
- Endometrial protection
- Simple hyperplasia