Context Dependent Memory PI- 1 Flashcards
What do you understand by the term Context Dependent?
In this investigation, context dependent will be operationalised as whether pps have access to the same conditions at the point of retrieval as they experienced at the point of encoding. Participants will either have a consistent context (music played at the point of encoding and retrieval) or an inconsistent context (music played at the point of encoding, but silence during retrieval)
What is your interpretation of the term memory task?
In this investigation, memory/memory task will be operationalised as the number of words correctly recalled
from a list of 30 words.
Identify the aim of your experiment on a context dependent memory task:
Do participants recall more words when tested under the same conditions as encoding than participants tested under different conditions?
Pre-existing research
Godden and Baddeley (1975) indicates the importance of setting for retrieval. Baddeley asked 18 deep-sea divers to memorize a list of 36 unrelated words of two or three syllables. One group did this on the beach and the other group underwater. When they were asked to remember the words half of the beach learners remained on the beach, the rest had to recall underwater. Half of the underwater group remained there and the others had to recall on the beach. The results show that the external context acted as a cue to recall as the participants recalled more words when they learnt and recalled the words in the same environment than when they learned and recalled the words in different environments.
Grant et al. (1998) found that performance was significantly better when the studying and testing environments were the same (i.e., silent study - silent testing or noisy study - noisy testing). This was true for both multiple-choice test questions and short-answer test questions. Thus, memory and recall were better when the context/environment was the same than when it was different.
Operationalised independent and dependent variable
IV: Whether pps have a consistent (music-music) or inconsistent context (music-silence) at the point of encoding and retrieval of a list of words
DV: The number of words correctly recalled from a list of 30 words.
operationalised experimental/alternative hypothesis:
Participants who experience a consistent context (music at the point of encoding and retrieval) will recall more words from a list of 30 words than participants who experience an inconsistent context (music at the point of encoding, but silence at retrieval).
Justify why you chose to use a directional or non-directional hypothesis:
A directional hypothesis is justified as there is a well-established bank of pre-existing research which indicates that reinstating the external context at the point of encoding makes recall easier by providing relevant information
Null hypothesis
There will be no difference in the number of words correctly recalled from a list of 30 words by participants who experience a consistent context (music at the point of encoding and retrieval) and participants who experience an inconsistent context (music at the point of encoding, but silence at retrieval). Any difference found occurs by chance.
Why was lab experiment chosen as methodology
- High levels of control over variables including the independent variable (whether pps experience a consistent or inconsistent context at the point of encoding and retrieval) and the ability to reduce the impact of confounding/extraneous variables (e.g. time of day/noise/distraction) which may affect one’s performance on the memory task through the use of a standardised setting = HIGH INTERNAL RELIABILITY & VALIDITY
- Increased replicability – the use of a lab experiment and the standardised setting provided would allow for greater replicability to assess the reliability of findings (do we get the same outcomes on the memory test where context conditions are replicated on different occasions?)
- A natural experiment was not selected as this would have been very time consuming/challenging to investigate by waiting for the independent variable of consistent or inconsistent context to vary naturally on a large enough sample of pps to produce reliable data.
Why was independent groups design chosen as experimental design
- Reduced chance of order effects and demand characteristics as pps are only involved in one half of the investigation. E.g. pps in the consistent context condition will not experience the inconsistent context condition and vice versa. These pps will be unaware that another group of pps will have experienced only silence at the point of recall. As pps will only take part in one condition, they will remain naïve to the opposite side of the test and are less likely to alter behaviour to suit the needs of the experimenter and will be less likely to become bored, tired or practiced. If pps were to become bored/fatigued in the second condition this could significantly reduce their performance in the memory test and corrupt the study.
- Greater reliability will be created as the same 30 words can be used for the memory test in both
conditions. This will increase the fairness of the conditions and the level of control over variables. - A matched pairs design would have been too time consuming to carry out due to the restricted time allowed for the investigation as it is being conducted as a school-based assignment.
Why was a lab chosen as location of experiment
- High levels of control over variables including the independent variable (whether pps experience a consistent or inconsistent context at the point of encoding and retrieval) and the ability to reduce the impact of confounding/extraneous variables (e.g. time of day/noise/distraction) which may affect one’s performance on the memory task through the use of a standardised SETTING = HIGH INTERNAL RELIABILITY & VALIDITY
- Increased replicability – the use of a standardised lab SETTNIG would allow for greater replicability to assess the reliability of findings (do we get the same outcomes on the memory test where context conditions are replicated on different occasions?)
- Other locations would not have been possible on this occasion e.g. online as it would not be possible to control the context that pps were exposed to so readily if they were conducting the memory test remotely.
Describe how the ethical issues that you have identified as relevant in the table above will affect your study
Confidentiality – pps may not wish to be identified as having taken part in the research or linked with the data provided, particularly as this may lead to a stigma against them if they were to score poorly on the memory test.
- Deception – pps will be unaware of the full aims of the investigation and the experience of pps on the opposite side of the investigation e.g. those who are exposed to a consistent context at the point of encoding and retrieval will be unaware that those in the other condition will experience an inconsistent context at the point of encoding and retrieval. Any insight provided as to the true aims may lead to demand characteristics.
- Risk of harm – There could be an element of distress created for pps through embarrassment if they were to obtain a particularly low score on the memory test. Furthermore, the music used to facilitate a change in context may act as an emotional trigger to an individual if they were to associate the music with a distressing memory/experience.
- Consent – valid informed consent becomes an issue due to the element of deception in the study.
Explain how you overcame these ethical issues
- Confidentiality – anonymity will be offered and no names will be taken. Pp numbers used rather than names.
- Deception – A debrief will be given to pps at the earliest opportunity to inform of them the true aims of the investigation and the changes made to context on either side of the study. Pps will be offered the retrospective right to withdraw.
- Risk of harm – Debrief used to assess whether undue harm/distress has been caused. Necessary support offered to those who encounter distress. Pps will be informed of right to withdraw in the instructions. Any risk of distress is deemed to be minimal, however, the study will be stopped if harm becomes apparent. Pps will not find out how they performed on the memory test to reduce risk of stress or embarrassment. Harm has also been mitigated by using a generic piece of classical music to create context which is unlikely to be a negative emotional trigger based on the age of those pps involved in the research.
- Consent will be formally sought through a comprehensive information sheet and consent form at the outset of the investigation. Retrospective consent will also be sought once pps are fully aware of the aims and the manipulation of context on both sides of the investigation and their role within it during the debrief.
Who are your target population?
Sixth formers aged 16-17
Why have you chosen opportunity sampling
- Opportunity sampling has been selected due to its efficiency. There is a 4-week time limit placed on this research study and the opportunity method is quicker and more convenient than a random method of sampling.
- The opportunity method is also selected due to having easy access to a large number of students who fit the criteria of the target population who attend the same sixth form as the researchers.
- some sampling methods e.g. self-selected and snowball sampling methods would result in
highly biased samples whereby all pps shared particular characteristics. This would reduce the extent to which the results could be generalised. E.g. with self-selected sampling, pps are likely to be more motivated and so may try particularly hard on the memory test and skew data in a particular direction.