Context Flashcards
What is Animal Farm?
Animal Farm is an allergorical tale with direct links to the rise of the Soviet Union in the early 20th century.
What is Animal Farm about?
The book charts the corruptions of Communist ideals of equality, where workers are promised equality and freedom and are eventually repressed and treated as bad, if not worse, as under the previous rule of the capitalist ‘Tsar’.
Who does Old Major represent?
Old Major represents Karl Marx/Vladimir Lenin, putting forward the communist ideals which will free them from the tyranny of capitalism (represented by Mr Jones).
Who does Snowball represent?
Snowball represents Leon Trotsky, a passionate component of Animalism (Communism) who is expelled by Napoleon (Stalin).
How did Napoleon rise to power?
Napoleon follows a similar rise to power as Stalin, using fear and propaganda to control the masses, including show trials and executions.
What happens to the idea of Animalism?
By the end of the novel, the ideals of communism have been so far forgotten and abused, that Napoleon meets and forms agreements with former oppressors.
Who does Mr Jones represent?
Mr Jones represents Tsar Nicholas II
Who does Mr Whymper represent?
Mr Whymper represents George Bernard Shaw.
Who does Squealer represent?
Squealer represents Vyacheslav Molotov/ the media/ propaganda/ pravda newspaper
Who does Mr Pilkington symbolise?
Pilkington symbolises both Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Who does Mr Frederick represent?
Mr Frederick represents Hitler.
Who do the dogs represent?
The dogs represent the NKVD
Who does Boxer represent?
Boxer represents the Proletariat/workers
Who does Mollie represent?
Mollie represents the Bourgeoisie
What is Boxer’s motto?
“I will work harder”, and, “Napoleon is always right”
Who is George Orwell and why did he write Animal Farm?
George Orwell is a well known British writer, famous for his novella ‘Animal Farm’ as well as many other novels such as ‘1984’. ‘Animal Farm’ is an allegory, meaning it was written to reveal a hidden political meaning. In this case, Orwell was warning his readers of the consequences of Stalinism and the Totalitarian government.
How is the Russian Revolution connected to Animal Farm?
Before 1917, Tsar Nicolas II ruled Russia. The upper class were rich and powerful, whilst the majority of the population were poor and lived in appalling conditions. They received low wages and and little food. This is similar to Mr Jones at the start of the novel, with his poor leadership on the farm leading to the animals living in squalor and being malnourished.
What message does Orwell convey?
Malicious groups of people will continue to use propaganda to usurp power, to exploit the vulnerable, and to control the masses, unless courageous individuals spread the truth and stand up for those who cannot fight for themselves.
What kind of upbringing did Orwell have?
The Orwell family was not wealthy, and, in reading Orwell’s personal essays about his childhood, readers can easily see that his formative years were less than satisfying.
What ideas influenced Orwell’s writing?
The rise to power of dictators such as Adolf Hitler in Germany and Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union inspired Orwell’s mounting hatred of totalitarianism and political authority.
Who does Moses represent?
The Russian Orthodox Church