content analysis Flashcards
content analysis is the process of
a statistical process changing qualitative data e.g interviews into quantitative data
to turn written information to numbers you need to count how many times the coding occurs
categorising/recording events and
coding unit
top or bottom down
either be top down and decided before the content analysis
or bottom down decided after you’ve viewed the material and realised recurring categories
what is a coding unit?
specific behaviours/actions/words/phrases you are going to count to be analysed
needs to be trialed and adjusted, another independent observer should use the same coding system on the data to check data is reliable/ high inter rater reliability
once data is collected can be analysed with statistical tests
benefits of content analysis
large amounts of qualitative data
analyse large amounts of qualitative data quickly and systematically
after designing clear coding units all you have to do is count
computer software can count info e.g words for you
large amount means more representative results
benefits of content analysis
easy to test for reliability
get second person to check coding material and compare outcome
or same coder on different occasion
if reliable supports content analysis being objective and non-bias
problems with content analysis
potential for bias
can choose data specific to hypothesis so miss out on conflicting data
reduces internal validity
not accurately represent what is being measured
problems with content analysis
not be accurately analysed
material can be very ambiguous or unclear so not fit nicely into any coding units so will be ignored
based on frequency, just because a word appears more often we can’t assume it is more important
no accurate representation reduces internal validity