Contemporary Perspectives- Examples Flashcards
The study of current environmental influences and the importance of satisfying the needs for love and acceptance best describe which school of psychology.
Dr. Morgan believes James’ aggressive nature was inborn. After examining MRI scans, James’ amygdala seems to be overstimulated and more sensitive. This gives Dr. Morgan further evidence of James’ aggressive personality having a genetic predisposition.
Which perspective would most likely explain anger as an “outlet for unconscious hostility”?
Which perspective would most likely look at how our interpretation of a situation affects how we react to it?
This perspective arose in opposition to the determinism of earlier models. One of the fundamental precepts of this perspective is that people have free will, that their behaviour is not predetermined.
A lot of research suggests that shyness or inhibition is inherited.
This perspective emphasises the concepts of self-actualisation and reaching our full potential.
Sally has low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which doctors have determined is causing depression. Sally’s state of depression is supported by which perspective?
Riley has a very extroverted personality. Dr. Thomas believes that most extroverts see the world in such a way that being outgoing makes sense. Which perspective believes his personality is based on Riley’s interpretation of his social situation?
This perspective looks strictly at observable behaviours and what reaction organisms get in response to specific behaviours. For example, someone who is shy might have been punished for being outspoken.
This perspective focuses on how people behave based on how much emphasis people place on being part of a group versus being an individual, social norms, or social interaction.
This perspective believes that we choose most of our behaviours and these choices are guided by physiological, emotion, or association needs.
This perspective is largely based on the belief that the part of our mind we do not have conscious control and access to controls much of our thought and action.
This perspective might explain that an introverted person avoids social situations because of a repressed memory of trauma in childhood involving a social situation.
Dr. Marcos explains to a client that his feelings of hostility toward a coworker are most likely caused by the way the client interprets the coworker’s actions and the way he thinks that people should behave at work.
Which perspective would explain how memories and impulses are pushed into the unconscious mind, thus driving our later behaviours?
Sally was given $5 for getting an A on her first quarter report card. After 2nd quarter, Sally had 5 A’s. Which perspective believes Sally’s increase in effort was result of the monetary reward.
Which perspective believes behaviour is a result of the combination of reinforcers and punishers?
After Ronny’s motorcycle accident in which his frontal lobe was damaged, friends and family saw a change in his personality. He wasn’t the same fun-loving person anymore. Which perspective supports the claim that Ronny’s personality was a result of damage to his frontal lobe?
A researcher who concludes that “people who watch graphic violence in films are more likely to behave in than people who don’t” is likely from which perspective?
Dr. Winton is studying attachment differences in young children from parents who raised their children in Western Europe versus Eastern Europe. Which psychological perspective is being demonstrated in this example.
This perspective focuses on how our level of motivation is affected by needs. For example, at this moment, with your needs for air and water satisfied, other motives– such as your desire to achieve– are energising and directing your behaviour. Let your need for water go unsatisfied and your thirst will preoccupy you. But if you were deprived of air, your thirst would disappear.
Jean Piaget (a famous developmental psychologist) determined that a child’s mind develops through a series of stages. He believed the driving force behind this intellectual progression was our unceasing struggle to make sense of our experiences. His core idea is that “children are active thinkers, trying to make sense of the world they live in”.
Some people view life with the “glass half-full” approach, while others view life with the “glass half-empty”. Researchers who study how people perceive and react to life events in a positive or negative manner support which approach?
Adopted individuals are more susceptible to alcoholism if one or both biological parents have a history of alcoholism. Which perspective supports this explanation?
Which perspective supports the following example… When you encode into memory, such as the name of the person sitting next to you in class, you associate it with other bits of information about your surroundings, mood, seating position, and so on.