Contacts Flashcards
Sequence for trim
Rudder, Elevator, Ailerons
See and Avoid doctrine
The pilot’s best defense against a mid air collision. Develop a scan 60 degrees to either side of center and 10 degrees up and down
Seven skills of CRM
Using specifically defined behavioral skills as an integral part of every flight to improve mission effectiveness by minimizing crew preventable errors, maximizing crew coordination, and optimizing risk management.
Situation Awareness Adaptability/Flexibility Decision Making Communication Leadership Assertiveness Mission Analysis
Reduces or offsets risks by systematically identifying hazards and assessing and controlling associated risks.
Sandbag syndrome
Break down of CRM skills. SNA being “along for the ride” My primary responsibility is to support and back up pilot at the controls.
Illness Medication Stress Alcohol Fatigue Eating
PAT Principle
Power Attitude Trim
Steady green
cleared to take off or land
Flashing green
cleared to taxi, return for landing
Steady red
STOP, continue circling and giveway to other aircraft
Flashing red
Clear the runway, Do not land
Flashing white
Return to starting point
Alternating red and green
Use extreme caution, warning
Red pyrotechnics
Wave off immediately!
Fast Cruise
240kts, 80%, -1
Norm Cruise
200kts, 54%, 0
Slow Cruise
150kts, 33%, 3.5 Up
Normal Climb
180kts, 100%, +8
Terminal Route Descent
200kts, 20%, 5 down
Downwind config (no flap approach)
120kts, 31% (12%), +4
TO Flap approach
115kts, 15%
Short final: 105kts
Landing Flap approach
110kts, 18%
Short final: 100kts
Trim requirements: Accelerate
Left + Down
Trim requirements: Decelerate
Right + Up
Trim requirements: Power addition
Right +Down
Trim requirements: Power Reduction
Left + Up
Cruise to Climb transition
- Power to MAX
- Attitude: raise nose to 12-15 high
- Trim
- As Airspeed reaches 180, lower nose to normal attitude of 8 high
- Retrim
Climb to Cruise transition
- 200 ft prior to level off alt, begin lowering nose toward level flight attitude
- Trim for acceleration
- Five knots prior to desired cruise airspeed: Power- reduce to 54 (norm) or 80% (fast) Attitude- level. Trim
Cruise to Descent transition
- Power- reduce to 20%
- Attitude- lower nose to 5 low
- Trim
Ability to understand instructions, demonstrations, and explanations. Evaluates situational awareness (aviate, navigate, communicate)
Taxi checklist
Heading and turn slip indicators. Proper indications
Power setting for simulated feathered prop
Best rate of climb
140 KIAS
Descent to Cruise Transition
Passing 100 ft prior to level off altitude simultaneously:
- Power to 54% or 80%
- Attitude- raise to level (0 or 1 down)
- Trim
1/3 rule
Roll out of a turn by leading the turn 1/3 of angle of bank. 30AOB-10 lead. 45/15. 60/20
Turn pattern
- Straight and level on any numbered heading. Norm or slow cruise
- Turn direction of last clearing turn with 30AOB and 90 heading change. Reverse.
- Reverse turn direction with 45AOB and 180 heading change. Reverse.
- Reverse turn direction with 60AOB and 360 heading change. Reverse.
- Roll out on original heading with slight forward pressure to prevent ballooning.
- Reset normal cruise.
Level speed change
- Establish normal cruise, any numbered heading
- Reduce power to IDLE. Trim and maintain altitude. “Airspeed below 150, Gear. Before Landing Checklist…”
- As airspeed approaches 120, increase power to 31%. Maintain 120.
- Trim control pressures.
- Lower landing flaps. As airspeed approaches 110, advance power to 50%. Trim
- Complete before landing checklist “Gear down, flaps landing, speed brake retracted, checklist complete.
- Power to MAX. Raise gear and flaps. Trim
- Accelerate to norm cruise (200) and reduce to 54% as it approaches 200.
- Retrim
Clearing turns
180 clear, 15-30 AOB
3 C’s
Configuration Checklist Clearing turns
Recovery from all stall maneuvers must be accomplished above…
B Airspace
Visib: 3SM
Clear of Clouds
C Airspace
Visib 3 SM
D Airspace
Visib 3 SM
E Airspace below 10,000 MSL
Visib: 3SM
E Airspace above 10,000MSL
Visib: 5SM
1000B/1000A/1SM H
- Slow below 150 KIAS, lower gear.
- Lower LDG flaps. Maint ALT 8o nose up
- Approaching 80-85 KIAS, 45% TQ, 15 AOA
S – Straight and level
C – Coordination Exercise: L and R turns using 15-20 AOB with rudder. Keep ball centered.
A – Adverse yaw: NO RUDDER R turn 20 AOB. Initial yaw left! Rollout rapidly. Repeat turn w/ rudder.
T – Torque and turns: MAX; Release controls–nose pitches up, yaw left. Repeat with rudder.
S – Steep turns: 60 AOB while add pow and back px to MAINT LEVEL. Stall. Roll out to recover
A – Abrupt control movement: Sim rapid flare. Abrupt 20 High. Stall. Relax to recover.
F – Flap retraction: Raise flaps LDG to UP, without stopping at TO. Increase pitch, MAINT ALT. Stall. Recover Flaps TO.
E – Effectiveness of controls
Power On Stall
Config: Clean
- PCL 30-60% & Raise nose to 15-40 UP
- Maint attitude.
- Recover: Simultaneously RELAX MAX LEVEL BALL
- Use max AOA to minimize alt loss
Power On Turning Stall
Config: Clean
- PCL 30-60% & Raise nose to 15-40 UP & 20-30 AOB
- Maint attitude.
- Recover: Simultaneously RELAX MAX LEVEL BALL
- Use max AOA to minimize alt loss
Glide to High Key Stall
- Slow CR
- Wings level, 4-6%. Decelerate to 125 kts
- Speed appr 125, lower nose, stabilize glide picture.
- Raise pitch slightly (10 up).
- Airspeed decays, gear warning.
- Recover: Lower pitch slightly below norm glide pic
- Reestab glide 125
High to Low Key Stall
- Downwind Config (120kts, gear)
- Wings level, 4-6%. Lower nose, MAINT 120
- 30 AOB turn in last direction of clearing turn
- Raise pitch. Allow airspeed to decay until appr to stall indication
- Recover: Maintain turn profile. Lower pitch attitude. Prop arc on horizon (8 low) until 120 regained.
Low Key to Runway Stall
- Downwind Config (120kts, gear)
- Wings level, 4-6%. Lower TO FLAPS. Lower nose, MAINT 120
- 30 AOB turn in last direction of clearing turn
- Raise pitch. Allow airspeed to decay until appr to stall indication
- Recover: Maintain turn profile. Lower pitch attitude. Prop arc on horizon (8 low) until 120 regained.
Landing Attitude Stall
- Config- Simulated final approach at 5-10kts above final approach airspeed…flaps
- IDLE and simulate landing transition
- Hold attitude constant. DO NOT ALLOW STALL.
- Recover on appr to stall: RELAX MAX LEVEL BALL
Overshooting (Nose Low) Stall
- Downwind Config (120kts, gear)
- Normal pattern transition by Power and Add Flaps
- Normal final turn 30AOB.
- IDLE, Increase Bank and Back pressure. DO NOT RAISE NOSE.
- Recover on appr to stall: RELAX MAX LEVEL BALL
Undershooting (Nose High) Stall
Undershooting (Nose High)
- Downwind Config (120kts, gear)
- Normal pattern transition by Power and Add Flaps
- Normal final turn 30AOB.
- IDLE, RAISE NOSE, shallow bank.
- Recover on appr to stall: RELAX MAX LEVEL BALL