Contact/Remotes Flashcards
Maximum touchdown sink rate is ___ ft per minute on level terrain and ___ ft per minute on slopes for helicopters weighing LESS than 16,825
540ft Level Terrain
360ft Slopes
Maximum touchdown sink rate is ___ ft per minute on level terrain and ___ ft per minute on slopes for helicopters weighing MORE than 16,825
300ft Level Terrain
180ft Sloped Terrain
All slope limits shall be reduced by __ degrees for every 5 knots of wind.
2 degrees
Nose upslope, right wheel upslope, and left wheel upslope landing limit is __ degrees.
(10 for ski equipped aircraft)
Nose downslope landing limit is ___ degrees.
Nose up, right, and left is 15 degrees
Nose down is 6 degrees
High Recon is performed at ___ft Above Site Elevation (ASE) at a min speed of ___ KIAS
150 ft ASE
Low Recon is performed at ___ft Above Highest Obstacle (AHO) at a min speed of ___ KIAS
50 ft AHO
A Marginal Power Takeoff uses a target torque value of __ ft hover power and a simulated __ ft obstacle
10 foot hover power / 50 foot simulated obstacle
terminate above SEAS or 80 kts
A Maximum Performance Takeoff uses a target torque value of OGE + __% power and a simulated __ ft obstacle
OGE + 5% / 100 foot simulated obstacle
terminate above SEAS or 80 kts
A Rolling Takeoff uses a target torque value of __% below __ ft hover power
10% below 10ft hover power
terminate above SEAS or 80 kts
A normal approach will be initiated from ___ AGL and __ KIAS using a __ degree apparent angle
300 ft AGL
30 Degree apparent angle
A shallow approach will be initiated from ___ AGL and __ KIAS using a __ degree apparent angle
300 ft AGL
10 Degree apparent angle
A steep approach will be initiated from ___ AGL and __ Knots ground speed using a __ degree apparent angle
300 ft AGL
50 Knots ground speed
45 Degree apparent angle
A roll on landing uses an entry airspeed no less than ____, or 70 KIAS. Max touchdown speed is __ Knots ground speed.
No less than safe SEAS
60 Knots ground speed
What is the max ground taxi speed?
15 knots ground speed
Do not taxi within ___ ft of a refueling operation
50 feet
When anticipated power margin is __ % or less, a second crewmember will reconfirm power computations
The aircraft may be flown with __ strobe light inoperative.
What kind of power is required for a ridgeline or pinnacle landing?
OGE hover power
What kind of power is required for a CLEAR escape route?
Training and Operational
Training: Power available must be equal to or greater than power required for intended hover +5%
Operational: Power available must be equal to or greater than power required
What kind of power is required for a RESTRICTED escape route?
Training and Operational
Training: Power available must be equal to or greater than OGE hover power +5%
Operational: Power available must be equal to or greater than OGE hover power
What kind of power is required for water operations?
Training and Operational
Training: Power available must be equal to or greater than OGE hover power +5%
Operational: Power available must be equal to or greater than OGE hover power
What kind of power is required for Restricted Visibility Operations?
Training and Operational
Training: Power available must be equal to or greater than OGE hover power +5%
Operational: Power available will not be less than 10 foot hover power +5%
**If the LZ has a restricted escape route, OGE power must be available
Name the 4 prohibited procedures/maneuvers in training
Actual engine shutdown in flight
Deliberately entering vortex ring state or power settling
Dual DEC malfunctions
Intentional removal of primary A/C power in flight
In regards to traffic patters, downwind legs will be flown at ___ft AGL and ___ KIAS
During the turn to base, descend to ___ft AGL and slow the aircraft to __ KIAS
flown at 500ft AGL / 100 KIAS
turn to base descend to 300ft AGL and 80 KIAS
Do not initiate a stab malfunction when the aircraft attitude is greater than __ degrees nose low
10 degrees
When initiating BOOST/SAS OFF, initiate on the ground or in straight and level flight at a minimum of __ft AGL and __ KIAS
300ft AGL
When going to DEC lockout, initiate on the ground or in flight at a minimum of ___ AGL and __ KIAS
300ft AGL
Practice Autorotations: Throttles will remain in ___
Practice Autorotations: Aircraft heading will be no greater than __ degrees from the wind direction when winds exceed 15 knots and no greater than __ degrees from the wind direction when winds are 15 knots or below.
No greater than 45 degrees from the wind direction when winds exceed 15 knots
No greater than 90 degrees from the wind direction when winds are 15 knots or below
The minimum entry altitude for a 91 degree - 180 degree autorotation is ___ft AGL
800ft AGL
The minimum entry altitude for a straight ahead to 90 degree autorotation is ___ft AGL
500ft AGL
The minimum entry altitude for a low altitude autorotation is ___ft AGL
100ft AGL
Minimum autorotation entry airspeed is __ KIAS and Rotor RPM within limits
Maximum offset angle from intended termination point is __ degrees
For an autorotation the aircraft must be wings level, have a minimum of __ KIAS, rotor RPM within limits, and be aligned for landing/recovery heading at no lower than ___ft AGL.
If any of these conditions are not met, initiate a power recovery immediately
min 80 KIAS
no lower than 150ft AGL
Rate of descent with a hoist load is limited to ___ft per minute
1000 feet per minute
The ambient temperature range for operation of the Breeze eastern and Lucas Western external rescue hoist is ___ - ___ degrees C
-40 - +60 degrees C
Power required to hover can vary significantly (greater than __% torque) in light winds, due to their unpredictable nature
5% TQ
A __ - __ knot crosswind or tailwind may increase torque required by up to __% over zero wind values
3 - 5 knot crosswind may increase torque required by up to 5% over zero wind values