Contact Phase: Interviewing and Assessment Flashcards
Assessment of strengths:
1. Give “?” to client understanding of the “?”
Assessment of strengths:
2. “ Discover “?”
what client wants
Assessment of strengths:
3. Assess “?” and “/”strengths on “?” levels
personal and environment,
Basic components of multidimensional assessment: 1. Identification of "?" 2. Interaction with "?" 3. "?" needs versus wants 4. "?"stresses 5. Severity of problem
problem, others, developmental life transition, severity
Basic components of multidimensional assessment:
- ”?” client ascribes to problem
- “?3” of problem
- Other issues affecting client “?”
- ”?” ability
- “?3”class factors
- External “?” needed
meaning, sources, frequency, and duration functioning, coping, Cultural, societal & social, resources
Sources of information:
- Background sheets or other “?”forms
- ”?” with clients
- Direct observation of “?”
- Direct observation of “?”
- ”?”information from relatives, friends, physicians, teachers, employers, and other professionals
- Tests or assessment instruments
- Personal experiences of the practitioner
intake, Interviews, nonverbal behavior, interaction with others (family/group), Collateral
Source of information: Clients reenact an event
during a session.
Source of information:
“?” produces a rich and quantifiable
body of data and empowers the client by turning him
or her into a collaborator in the assessment process.
Client’s self-monitoring
A major advantage of self-monitoring is that the
process itself requires the monitor to focus attention
on “?”.
Questions to answer in problem assessment:
1. What are the clients’ concerns & problems as they “?” them?
2. Are any current or impending “?” relevant to the situation?
3. Do any serious “?” or “?” issues need attention?
4. What are specific “?” of the problem? How is it mani-
festing itself?
- perceive,
- legal mandates,
- health or safety issues,
- indications,
Questions to answer in problem assessment:
5. What “?” and ‘?” are involved in the problem(s)?
6. How do the “?” and/or “?” interact to produce and
maintain the problem(s)?
7. What “?” needs and/or wants are involved?
8. What developmental stage or “?” is entailed in the problem(s)?

- persons & systems
- participants, systems
- unmet
- life transition
Questions to answer in problem assessment:
- How “?” is the problem, & how does it “?” the participants?
- What “?” do clients ascribe to the problem(s)?
- ”?” and “?” do the problematic behaviors occur?
- What is the “?” of the problematic behaviors?
- severe, affect
- meaning
- Where & when
- frequency
Questions to answer in problem assessment:
14. What is the “?” and 15. “?” of the problem(s)?
16. Have other issues (e.g., alcohol or substance abuse, physical or sexual abuse) affected the functioning of the client or family
17. What are the clients’ “?” to the problem(s)?
- duration,
- consequences
- emotional reactions
Questions to answer in problem assessment:
18. How have the clients attempted to cope with the problem, and what are the “?” to resolve the problem?
19. What are the clients’“3?” ?
20. How do ethnocultural, societal, and social
“?” factors bear on the problem(s)?
21. What “?” exist or need to be created for the clients?
22. What are “?” needed by clients?
- required skills
- skills, strengths, and resources
- class
- support systems
- external resources
Intrapersonal assessment: 4 functioning area to assess.
- Biophysical/developmental functioning
- Substance use
- Cognitive & perceptual functioning
- Emotional functioning