consumer behavior s.9 Flashcards
Skinner (operant conditioning)
Bandura (social learning)
Mischel (cognitivism)
Stages of development in the cognitive approach :
- Behaviourism: behaviours that are rewarded (reinforced) become more likely to occur., it is a powerful tool for influencing what people do (behaviour)-> Skinner
- Social Learning: people also learn watching rewards & punishment administered to other people, this fact can change our behaviour -> Bandura
- Cognitivism-> people don’t just respond to what is rewarded, they respond to what they expect will be rewarded. This is the mental cognitive phenomena -> Mischel
Behaviourism stages:
Stimuli -> 5 senses > Mind (black box) -> response (behaviour)
mouse experiment:
operant conditioning, reinforcement programmes
Behaviourism application to research :
loyalty programmes
Social learning theory:
bandura , social nature of learning
Efficiency expectation in social learning:
phenomenological implications : one's interpretation of reality matters more that the reality itself, efficiency expectation (self-efficiency) is a belief about the self, about what the person is capable of doing (self-concept) the real targets are than not behaviours, but beliefs
brand associations:
attitudes and beliefs, behaviours and 5 senses affect the brand associations
Observational learning theory:
learning a behaviour vicariously, by seeing someone else do it. Some animals do lean by observation. Humans learn by observation, copy behaviours.
observational learning limitations:
Many brands look for celebrities, influencers & bloggers.
Learning pyramid:
Teach others/Immediate use (90%), Practice by doing (75%), Discussion Group (50%), demonstration (30%), audio-visual (20%), reading ‘10%), lecture (5%). this is an average retention rate.
it is the theory of cognitive-affective personality system (mischel, 1999).
developed in late 1960s..
People do not just behave, observe, or even expect …, they also think
Cognitivism aspects:
idea of “if..than” contingencies.
If includes thinking, beliefs expectations, self-concept.
“Than” is the consequences.
every persons pattern of contingencies is unique, and comprises his behavioural signature.