Consultation Flashcards
Achievement Data
Reflects academic learning and progress
Achievement Related Data
Contribute to a student’s ability to achieve and directly impact achievement
Competency Related Data
Reflect student learning outcomes of the school counseling program
DBDM Model (7 Steps)
- Describe the problem
- Generate Vision Data
- Commit to benchmarks
- ID Where and how to intervene.
- Select interventions
- Evaluate Interventions
- Monitor Problem Data
Three Types of Data
Perception Data, Process Data, Results Data
7 Steps for Conducting Action Research
Distal Outcomes
Therapeutic Forces
Acceptance EX: I can see you’re being sensitive to ___ feelings.
Ventilation EX: You seem very angry about this idea.
Spectator learning EX: How can you apply our discussion of ____ problem to your siblings?
Feedback EX: Could you please tell ____ how you feel when s/he teases you?
Universalization EX: Who else has wondered about that?
Reality Testing EX: Let’s role play this problem and try out new ways of dealing with it.
Altruism EX: ____,I really appreciate your helping ____ with the math problems.
Interaction EX:____, share with _____ how you felt when she said she enjoyed playing with you at recess.
Encouragement EX: I think your study habits will help with your project.
Cohesiveness EX: We’re really working together.
Outcome Data
4 Goals of Misbehavior
Attention, Power, Revenge, inadequacy
Proximal Outcomes
3 Types of Consultation
Developmental, Remedial, Crisis
Problematic Beliefs
"I must control" "I must be perfect" "I am entitled" "Others are more important than me" "I am superior"
Lifestyle (Adlerian Consultation)
Thoughts, feelings, and beliefs
Adlerian Consultation
-Behavior is goal directed and based on views of belonging and influenced by consequences and reactions of people
Social interest (ability to cooperate with others) is an indicator of mental health
Punishment V. Logical Consequences
Counseling V. Consultation
If the focus is on the 3rd person (student) it’s consultation, but if it’s on the person seeking help, it’s counseling.
7 Steps of Consultation
Establish the tone: Respect, Honest, Direct Communication; Confidential
Set a specific description of the problem: Can you give a specific example of when s/he was a problem for you?
Get a 2nd specific example of the problem
Clarify the goal of misbehavior and the teachers troubling beliefs
Review the guidelines for reach the goal: If it’s for attention, catch them being good. If for power, create choices. Revenge-give chances for fairness; refuse to be hurt. If for inadequacy, provide encouragement.
Help the consultee identify ways they have previously overcome the behavior in other situations and help them review what else they can do that they haven’t done yet
Solicit tentative suggestions: Realistic, concrete, one week achievable steps; Don’t give direct suggestions but ask instead: “What would happen if you did…?” “Would you be willing to consider…?”
Attain closure: Get commitment to specific solutions (in measureable behaviors) & set up a follow up meeting