What are the requirements to satisfy the cases and controversies requirement?
- standing
- ripeness
- mootness
- political question
What are the requirements to establish standing?
- injury
- causation
- redressability
- No 3rd party grievance–Except:
• if close relationship
• if 3rd party cannot assert rights on her own
• organizational standing - No generalized grievance–Except
• Taxpayer can challenge gov’t expenditures pursuant to federal statutes as violating the Establishment Clause
• tax credits don’t count/ cant’ challenge them.
What is needed for organizational standing?
- members would have standing to sue
- interests are germane to organization’s purpose
- neither claim nor relief requires participation of the members
To satisfy ripeness if seeking declaratory judgment (pre-enforcement review), determine:
- the hardship that will be suffered without preenforcement review, AND
- the fitness of the issues and the reocrd for judicial review (does the ct have before it all it needs to properly review? better to wait?)
Mootness requires
a present, live controversy & ongoing injury.
3 exceptions to general mootness rule:
- wrong capable of repetition but evading review
- voluntary cessation
- class action (1 member has continuing)
The political question doctrine refers to constitutional violations that the federal courts __________.
will not adjudicate
Political Questions are:
- issues committed by the C to another branch of gov’t; OR
2. those inherently incapable of resolution and enforcement by the judicial process
Examples of cases that are dismissed as non-justiciable political questions:
- “republican form of gov’t” clause
- challenges to the Pres’s conduct of foreign policy
- challenges to the impeachment and removal process
- challenges to partisan gerrymandering
The SCT has original (trial) jx over which cases?
Congress has given concurrent jx over which cases to lower federal courts?
- those affecting Ambassadors, other public ministers, and Cosnsuls
- those in which a state shall be a party
Concurrent jx for 1. SCT has original and exclusive jx over cases in which state shall be a party.
Virtually all cases come to the SCT by __________.
writ of certiorari
The SCT’s appellate jx is divided into certiori (discretionary) and appeal (mandatory). Which cases are mandatory?
decisions made by a three judge federal district court that grant or deny injunctive relief.
Congress may eliminate ________ avenues for SCT review as long as it does not eliminate ________ avenues.
specific; all
The SCT has _________ and _________ jurisdiction for suits between state governments.
original; exclusive
What is the final judgment rule?
Generally the SCT may hear cases only after there has been a final judgment of the highest state, court, of a US Court of appeals, or of a 3-judge federal district court.
For the SCT to review a state court decision, there must not be an ________ and __________ state law ground of decision. If a state court decision rests on 2 grounds, one state law and one federal law, if the SCT’s reversal of the federal law ground will not change the result in the case, ______________.
independent; adequate; the SCT cannot hear it.
SCT can’t overturn a decision based purely on state law. So even if you appeal your case all the way through the state system, can’t appeal to SCT unless there is a federal question.
How to Sue States…
- Suing State Directly: SSI will bar claim in state or federal court (or even administrative agency) unless state consents or unless claim arises under § 5 or Bankruptcy Clause.
- Suing State Officer for Prospective Relief: For now, EPY authorizes any action alleging ongoing violation of federal law . . .
- Suing State Officer for Damages: SSI will bar claim per above unless officer is sued in his individual/personal capacity (and then he may nevertheless have “official” immunity.
Because of (1), probably go to (2) or (3) for relief. For (3), must sue in private capacity if you want damages. If you sue officer in official capacity, it is asi you were suing the state and 11th amendment will be a problem.
Generally, there is no federal police power by which Congress can act. In what areas can congress act according to federal police power?
Indian Reservations
federal Lands & territories
The Necessary and Proper clause grants Congress the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution _______ power granted to ______ branch of gov’t.
any; any
The N& P clause is not itself a basis of _____; it merely gives Congress the power to execute ___________.
power; specifically granted powers
If a bar exam question asks what is the best source of power for aparticular act of Congress, the answer should not be the ___________ clause stading alone.
Necessary & Proper
Congress has power to lay and collect taxes, imposts, and excises, but the must be _______ throughout the United STates.
Absent a specific restriction, be very hestiant to rules against a tax measure on the exam. A tax measure will be upheld if it bears some ______________or if Congress has the __________ the taxed activity.
reasonably relationship to revenue production; power to regulate
Congress may spend to
“provide for the common defense and general welfare.”
Congress can use its ______ power to regulate areas, even where it otherwise ahs no power tor egulate the area by _____________.
spending; by requiring entities that accept government money to act in a certain manner.
Under the commerce power, Congress can regulate:
- the channels of interstate commerce (roads, waterways, etc)
- the instrumentalities of commerce and persons or things in interstate commerce (electricity, phones, trucks, planes, radio waves, stock, people)
- economic activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce. (can be based on cumulative activity)
• if non-economic activity and intrastate then, substantial effect can’t be based on cumulative activity and must make a factual showing of substantial economic effect. (VAWA, Lopez)
•If intrastate and economic activity, and court can conceive of rational basis on which Congress oculd conclude that activity in the aggregate substantially affects interstate commerce, then ok. (Raich)
Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to:
- declare war
- raise and support armies
- provide for and maintaina navy
- make rules for the gov’t and regulation of the armed forces
- organize, arm, discipline, and call up the militia
Regulatory power of Congress, especially in economic mmaters and mobilization of troops, in support of war effort is _______.
*Note, generally extended to post-war as well to remedy wartime disruptions and to cope iwth cold war exigencies.
Congress does not have the power tod eny habeas corpus review to all aliens detained as enemy combatants absent ___________.
a meaningful substitute for habeas corpus review.
Military courts have jurisdiction over all offenses, not just _________, committed by persons who are _____________, both when charged and at teh time of the offense.
service connected offenses; members of the armed services
The SCT has denied Congress to power to authorize the court-martial trial of American civilians as long as actual warfare has not forced courts to shut down, even though:
- martial law has been declared
- civilians accused were members of armed forces when committing alleged offense
- dependents of military personnel overseas
- civilian EEs of the military forces at overseas bases and installations
What is Congress’s investigatory power? What are its limitations?
- power to investigate to secure information as a basis for potential legislation or other official action (imipeachments). Well-established implied power. It need not be directed toward a particular legislation.
- •5th amendment right available to witnesses
•information elicited must be pertinent to subject of the inquiry
• procedural due process
Individual Rights include:
Include level of scrutiny
- Procedural Due Process= balancing test
- Economic Rights= RB
• Takings Clause (taking, pub.use, compens?)
• Contracts Clause - Privacy–fundamental right protected by SDP
• right to marry= SS
• right to procreate= SS
• right to custody of one’s children = SS
• right to keep the family together= SS
• right to control the ubringing of one’s kids=SS
• right to purchase and use contraceptives=SS
• right to abortion= UB
• right to private consensual homosexual sex=?
• right to refuse medical treatment=? - Second Amendent Right to Bear Arms= ?
- Right to Travel
• prevent moving = SS
• durational req’ments = SS
• Foreign travel = RB - Right to vote
What is the approach for an EPC claim?
- What is the classification/ How is the gov’t drawing a distinction between people?
- What level of scrutiny applies?
- Does this law meet the level of scrutiny?
The EPC of the 14th amendment applies only to ______ and ______ governments. It never applies to the ____ government.
State and local; federal
- EP is applied to the federal gov’t through the DPC of the 5th amendment.
Racial classifications by the governement receive what level of scrutiny under EP?
Scrict scrutiny
Classifications based on national origin receive what level of scrutiny?
How can the existence of a racial classification be proven?
- Classificaiton exists on the face of the law
2. If facially neutral, requires demonstrating both discriminatory impact and discriminatory intent.
What level of scrutiny is applied to racial classifications that benefit minorities?
Scrict scrutiny
Can educational institutions use quotas or add points to applicants’ admissions scores based on race.
Public schools may not use race as a factor in assigning students to schools unless ___________.
strict scrutiny is met
What level of scrutiny is used for gender classifications?
Intermediate scrutiny
How is the existence of a gender classification proven?
- classification exists on face of the law
- If law is facially neutral, proving a gender classification requires demonstrating both discriminatory intent and discriminatory impact.
E.g., many cities have ordinances that say police officers must be 5’10” and 150 lbs. Only 2% of women meet those req’ments. Only RB review unless plaintiffs can show that intent was discriminatory.
What level of scrutiny shoudl be applied to gender classifications that benefit women?
Same. IS
- gender classifications benefitting women that are based on role stereotypes will not be allowed.
- gender classifications that are designed to remedy past discrimination and differences in opportunity will be allowed.
What is the level of scrutiny used for alienage classifications?
Generally, scrict scrutiny is used, BUT:
• If concerns self-government & the democratic process, then only RB.
(voting, jury, police officer, teacher, probation officer–not notary public)
• If Congressional discrimination, then RB. (Congress has plenary power to regulate immigration).
•If discrimination against undocumented alien children, then use something between RB & SS.
(Plyer v. Doe–SCT struck down law saying undocumented kids woudln’t get free public education. Ct didn’t articulate level of scrutiny)
What level of scrutiny is used for discriminating against non-marital children?
Intermediate scrutiny.
*IS is still the test, but laws always fail when deny a benefit to all non-marital children, but grant it to all marital children.
What are common classifications that receive only RB review?
age disability wealth economic regulations sexual orientation discrimination
Ecomonic regulations can be challenged under DPC or under EPC (depending on the factual situation). Under either, the level of scrutiny is:
Content-based restrictions on speech generally must meet what level of scrutiny?
2 types of content based laws:
- subject matter restrictions: application of the law depends on the topic of the message.
- viewpoint restrictions: application of the law depends on the ideology of the message
What are the two types of content based laws?
- subject matter restrictions: application of the law depends on the subject matter/ topic of the message.
- Viewpoint restrictions: application of the law depends on the ideology of the message.
Content-neutral laws burdening speech generally only need meet what level of scrutiny?
E.g. City prohibits all parades in a particular city park. Content neutral, so will need to satisfy IS.
What is a prior restraint?
judicial order or administrative system that stops speech before it occurs.
Court orders suppressing speech must meet what level of scrutiny?
What is the qualification for this rule?
Prior Restraint Issue
- strict scrutiny
- qualification is that a court order must be complied with until it is vacated or overturned. Failure to comply will bar later challenges.
The government can require a license for speech only if there is ___________ and ___________. Licensing schemes must contain ___________ such as prompt determination of requests for licenses and ___________.
an important reason for licensing; clear criteria leaving almost no discretion to the licensing authority; procedural safeguards; judicial review