constitutional law Flashcards
11th Amendment Limitations
- Citizens of one state cannot sue another state in federal court and cannot sue their own state in federal court
- Abrogation—Congress may expressly repeal state immunity if acting to enforce rights under the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
11th Amendment Limitations
o Citizens of one state cannot sue another state in federal court and cannot sue their own state in federal court
o Abrogation—Congress may expressly repeal state immunity if acting to enforce rights under the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
Individual Standing
1) Injury in fact;
2) Causation; and
3) Redressability
Organization Standing
1) Individual members have standing
2) Claim is related to the purpose of the organization; and
3) The individual members are not necessary to adjudicate the claim
Commerce Clause
Congress has power to regulate:
1) Channels of interstate commerce
2) Instrumentalities of interstate commerce
3) Activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce
*Aggregation, easy to meet
Spending Power
- Congress can condition federal funds to states and require states to implement certain regulations.
- Permitted as long as the condition is related to the purpose of the funds
- Condition must not be coercive (condition is excessive)
Delegation of Legislative Powers
Congress may delegate its powers to an agency as long as it provides reasonably intelligible standards
Express Preemption
The federal law explicitly states that it is the only law allowed in that area.
Any state law addressing that issue is invalid.
Implied Preemption
1) Congress passes a federal law intending to “occupy the field”;
2) The state law conflicts directly with federal law; or
3) The state law conflicts indirectly with federal law
**A state can pass MORE stringent laws than the federal law, so long as they do not conflict.
Privileges and Immunities Clause
- Prohibits states from discriminating against nonresidents, unless it is NECESSARY to achieve an IMPORTANT government interest
**Only applies to citizens, not to corporations or noncitizens
10th Amendment and Commandeering
- All powers not expressly given to the federal government are reserved to the states.
- Federal government cannot “commandeer” state legislatures and force them to pass
**Valid exercise of Spending Clause is NOT commandeering
Dormant Commerce Clause, Generally
- The Commerce Clause enables Congress to regulate interstate commerce.
- Under the Dormant Commerce Clause, a state may not discriminate against out of state commerce or unduly burden interstate commerce.
** typical fact pattern will have a plaintiff who claims that a state’s law is invalid under the Commerce Clause. This will require you to discuss the
Dormant Commerce Clause and analyze whether the state has exceeded its powers by passing a law that negatively impacts interstate commerce
Dormant Commerce Clause, Discrimination
A State law cannot discriminate against out-of-state commerce
Either FACIAL or IMPACT discrimination
If a state statute discriminates against out-of-state commerce, the state must show:
a) It has an important state interest; and
b) There is no other non-discriminatory means available to achieve that interest
Market Participant Exception—if state is acting as a buyer or seller, it can favor local business
Dormant Commerce Clause, Unduly Burdens
If a statute is not discriminatory, the law may still be invalid if it causes an “undue burden” on interstate commerce.
A court will balance:
a) The purpose of the statute;
b) The burden on interstate commerce; and
c) Whether there are less restrictive alternatives
Takings Clause
look at outline lol
Due Process Clause, Procedure
- The government shall not deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
- Process includes
-a hearing
-a neutral decisionmaker
-and right to an appeal
Due Process Clause, Factors for Amount of Due Process
1) Interest affected—life, liberty (including fundamental rights), or property;
2) Value of additional safeguards; and
3) Burden or cost of additional process
Due Process, Standards of Review
Whether the government’s action impermissibly infringes on an individual’s rights
1) Strict Scrutiny: fundamental rights (life, liberty, property, voting, travel, privacy)
2) Rational Basis: non-fundamental rights
Equal Protection Clause, Generally
- Involves gov treating classes of people differently
- Different standards of review to determine validity of law (strict scrutiny, etc.)
Equal Protection, Strict Scrutiny
Applies to any law involving classifications based on race, ethnicity, and national origin or a law that implicates fundamental rights
Gov has burden, must show it is:
a) The least restrictive means
b) To achieve a compelling gov interest
Equal Protection, Intermediate Scrutiny
Applies to laws involving gender and non-marital children
Gov has burden, must show it is:
a) Substantially related
b) To an important gov interest
**For gender, must show “exceedingly persuasive justification”
Equal Protection, Rational Basis
Applies to all other rights and classifications (e.g., age and wealth)
Plaintiff has burden, must show the law is not:
a) Rationally related
b) To a legitimate government interest
Enabling Clause
Under the 14th Amendment, Section 5—Congress may pass legislation to enforce equal protection and due process rights (overriding state statutes)
FOS, Symbolic Speech
Regulation is valid if:
1) It furthers an IMPORTANT government interest;
2) The interest is unrelated to the suppression of ideas; and
3) The burden on speech is no greater than necessary