Constitutional Law Flashcards
What does the 11th Amendment prohibit?
(1) The citizens of one state or a foreign country from suing another state in federal court for $ damages or equitable relief; and
(2) Suits in federal court against state officials for violating state law.
What some exceptions to the application of the 11th Amendment?
(1) Consent (state may consent);
(2) Injunctive relief (suing state official);
(3) Individual damages (suing state official); and
(4) Congressional authorization.
(1) Injury in Fact;
(2) Causation;
(3) Redressability.
When may a claimant, standing in her own right, also assert the rights of a 3rd party?
(1) The 3rd party would experience difficulty or is unable to assert their own rights;
(2) There is a special relationship between the plaintiff and the 3rd party; or
(3) The plaintiff’s injury adversely affects the plaintiff’s relationship with the 3rd party.
When may an organization bring an action on behalf of it’s members?
(1) Its members would have standing to sue in their own right; and
(2) The interests at stake are germane to the organization’s purpose.
The plaintiff must have experience a real injury or imminent threat thereof.
A case is moot if further legal proceedings would have no effect.
(1) Capable of Repetition, Yet Evading Review
(2) Voluntary Cessation
(3) Class Actions
Political Question
(1) The Constitution has assigned decision making on the matter to a different branch of government; or
(2) The matter is inherently not one that the judiciary can decide.
Necessary and Proper Power (Congress)
Congress has the power to make all laws necessary and proper for executing any power granted to any branch of the federal government.
Must work in conjunction with another federal power.
Taxing Power (Congress)
Congress has the power to tax, and most taxes will be upheld if:
(1) They bear some reasonable relationship to revenue production; or
(2) Congress has the power to regulate the activity taxed.
Spending Power (Congress)
Congress may spend to “provide for the common defense and general welfare.”
Commerce Power (Congress)
Congress has the power to regulate all foreign and interstate commerce. Must regulate either:
(1) Channels of interstate commerce;
(2) Instrumentalities of interstate commerce and persons and things in interstate commerce; or
(3) Activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce.
When will the Court uphold a Congressional regulation on INTRAstate commerce?
(1) The regulation is of economic or commercial activity; and
(2) The court can conceive of a rational basis on which Congress could conclude that the activity in aggregate substantially affects interstate commerce.
HOWEVER, if non-economic and non-commercial, the Court generally will not aggregate the effects and it will be upheld ONLY IF Congress can show a direct substantial economic effect on interstate commerce (high standard, generally unable to do).
Delegation of Legislative Power
May be delegated, provided that:
(1) Intelligible standards are set to guide the delegation; and
(2) The power is not uniquely confined to Congress (like power to declare war)
Domestic Powers (President)
(1) Reprieve or pardon all federal offenses, except in cases of impeachment;
(2) Appoint all officers of the US with advice and consent of Senate;
(3) Remove any executive appointee without cause and without Senate approval, except in cases of federal judges; and
(4) Veto any bill presented to her by Congress.
Foreign Powers (President)
(1) Commander in Chief
(2) Treaties
(3) Executive Agreements
Executive Privilege and Immunity (President)
President has a privilege to keep certain communications secret.
Present has absolute immunity from civil damages based on any action he took within his official responsibilities as President; however, there is no immunity for acts that allegedly occurred before taking office.
Dormant Commerce Clause (DCC)
If Congress has not enacted legislation in a particular area of interstate commerce, then the states are free to regulate, so long as the state or local action does not:
(1) discriminate against out of state commerce;
(2) unduly burden interstate commerce; or
(3) regulate wholly out of state activity.
Legislation that violates any of the above requirements is unconstitutional, UNLESS:
(1) State is market participant;
(2) State performing traditional government function; or
(3) Congress explicitly permits it.
When may state action exist in cases of private parties?
When: (1) A private person carries on activities that are traditionally performed exclusively by the state; or (2) There are sufficient mutual contacts between the conduct of a private party and the government.
Procedural Due Process
A fair process (notice and hearing) is required for a government agency to individually take a person’s life, liberty, or property.
Three-part balancing test:
(1) Importance of the individual’s interest that is being affected; and
(2) The value of specific procedural safeguards to that interest; against
(3) The government interest in fiscal and administrative efficiency.
Strict Scrutiny
Government must prove that the regulation is the least restrictive means to achieve a compelling government interest.
Use for: Suspect Classes (race, ethnicity, national origin, alienage (if state law)).
Rational Basis
Challenger must prove that the regulation is not rationally related to any legitimate government interest.
Use for: Age, disability, wealth, alienage (if federal law)
Before viability, a state may adopt a regulation protecting the mother’s health and the life of the fetus if the regulation does not place an undue burden on the woman’s right to obtain an abortion.
Intermediate Scrutiny
Government must show that the classification is substantially related to an important government interest.
Use for: Women and non-marital children.
Takings Clause
(1) Private property may be taken (2) for public use (3) with just compensation.
Regulatory Taking (Takings Clause)
Factors in determining if a regulation constitutes a taking:
(1) The economic impact of the regulation on the property owner;
(2) The extent to which the regulation interferes with the owner’s reasonable investment-backed expectations regarding the use of the property; and
(3) Character of the regulation.
Per Se Taking (Takings Clause)
(1) Permanent physical occupation of the property; or
(2) Permanent total loss of the property’s economic value.
When may a local government exact promises from a developer without violating the Takings Clause?
If there is:
(1) An essential nexus between legitimate state interests and the conditions imposed on the property owner; and
(2) A rough proportionality between the burden imposed by the conditions on the property owner and the impact of the proposed development.
Privileges and Immunities Clause
Prohibits one state from discriminating against the citizens of another state. However, discrimination against out of state citizens may be valid if the state can show a substantial reason for the difference in treatment. A substantial reason exists if:
(1) The out of state citizens either cause or are part of the problem that the state is attempting to solve; and
(2) There are no less restrictive means to solve the problem.
Contracts Clause
Limits the ability of states to enact laws that retroactively impair contracts rights.
State legislation that substantially impairs an existing PRIVATE contract is invalid unless the legislation passes intermediate scrutiny.
State legislation that substantially impairs an existing PUBLIC contract is tested as above, but likely will receive stricter scrutiny.
Ex Post Facto Laws
A law that retroactively alters criminal offenses or punishments in a substantially prejudicial manner. This occurs when a statute:
(1) Makes criminal an act that was innocent when done;
(2) Prescribes greater punishment for an act than was prescribed when it was done; or
(3) Reduces the evidence required to convict a person of a crime from what was required when the act was done.
Bill of Attainder
Legislative acts that inflict punishment on individuals without a judicial trial. Both state and federal governments are prohibited from passing bills of attainder.
When may the government regulate symbolic acts?
(1) The government has an important interest independent of the suppression of speech; and
(2) The incidental burden on speech is no greater than necessary to further that interest.
Overbreadth Doctrine
If a regulation of speech or speech-related conduct punishes a substantial amount of protected speech in relation to its plainly legitimate sweep, the regulation is facially invalid.
Void for Vagueness Doctrine
A statute of regulation is void for vagueness if it does not put the public on reasonable notice as to what is prohibited.
Prior Restraint
Regulation on speech that occurs before its expression. Presumed to be unconstitutional, unless:
(1) There is a particular harm to be avoided; or
(2) Procedural safeguards are provided to the speaker.
Content-Based Restrictions
Presumptively unconstitutional to place burdens on speech because of its content, except for categories of unprotected speech.
Content-Neutral Restrictions
Generally subject to intermediate scrutiny: (1) must advance important interest unrelated to the suppression of speech and (2) not burden substantially more speech than necessary.
Conduct-Based Restrictions
Government has the power to regulate the conduct associated with speech, depending on the type of forum involve.
Public Forums and Designated Public Forums (Conduct-Based Restrictions)
Public Forum: public property that has historically been open to speech-related activity (streets, sidewalks, and public parks).
Designated Public Forum: public property not historically open to speech-related activity, but has been open on a limited basis (school rooms open for after-school use).
Government may regulate speech in these spaces with reasonable time, place and manner regulations that:
(1) are content-neutral;
(2) are narrowly tailored to serve an important government interest; and
(3) leave open alternative channels of communication.
Limited Public Forums and Nonpublic Forums (Conduct-Based Restrictions)
Limited Public Forum: Government property not historically linked with speech, but is open for specific speech (school gym hosting debate on community issue).
Nonpublic Forum: Government property not historically linked with speech and has not been opened for specific speech activity (military bases, schools while class in session, government workplaces).
Government may regulate speech in these spaces if the regulations are:
(1) viewpoint neutral; and
(2) reasonably related to legitimate government purpose
Imminent Lawless Action
Speech can be restricted if it creates a clear and present danger or imminent lawless action. It must be shown that: (1) imminent illegal conduct is likely; and (2) the speaker intended to cause it.
Fighting Words
True threats are not protected. Personally abusive words that are likely to incite immediate physical retaliation in an average person. Words that are insulting or annoying are not enough.
Not protected speech. Speech is obscene if it describes or depicts sexual conduct that, taken as a whole, by the average person:
(1) Appeals to the prurient interest in sex, using a community standard;
(2) Is patently offensive; and
(3) Lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, using a national reasonable person standard.
Commercial Speech
Generally unprotected if commercial speech proposes unlawful activity or that is false, misleading, or fraudulent.
Any other regulation of commercial speech will be upheld only if it:
(1) Serves a substantial government interest;
(2) Directly advances that interest; and
(3) Is narrowly tailored to serve that interest.
Complete bans on truthful advertising of lawful products are very unlikely to be upheld due to a lack of narrow tailoring.
Freedom of Association
Protects the right to form or participate in any group, gathering, club, or organization without government interference. However, government may infringe upon this right if they can satisfy strict scrutiny.
A person may only be punished or deprived of public employment based on association if that individual:
(1) Is an active member of a subversive organization;
(2) Has knowledge of the organization’s illegal activity; and
(3) Has a specific intent to further those illegal objectives.
Free Exercise Clause
Prohibits the government from punishing someone on the basis of her religious beliefs or interfering with her exercise of religion.
The government can deny benefits or impose a restriction on someone based on her religious beliefs so long as there is a compelling interest. However, SCOTUS has never found an interest so compelling that it justifies such action.
Establishment Clause
Compels the government to pusue a course of neutrality toward religion. Government action challenged under the Establishment Clause will be found invalid, unless the action:
(1) Has a secular purpose;
(2) Has a primary effect that neither advances not inhibits religion; and
(3) Does NOT produce excessive government entanglement with religion.