Constitution Test Review Flashcards
How old must you be to join the House of Representatives?
25 years
Who settles disputes between states?
Judicial branch
How old must you be to be the President?
35 years
How old must you be to join the Senate?
30 years old
Interprets laws
How old must you be to join the Supreme Court?
No official qualifications (Pres. Appoints/Senate approves)
How many years a citizen to join the House of Representatives?
7 years
How many years a citizen to join the Supreme Court?
No official qualifications (Pres. Appoints/Senate approves)
How many terms and what is the limit for House of Representatives?
2 year term, and no term limits
Enforces laws
How many years a citizen to run for President?
14 years
How many terms and what is the term limit when being President? What Amendment did this come from?
4 year term (2 term limit)- 22nd Amendment
Where do tax bills originate?
Legislative branch, House of Representatives
Makes laws
Who approves bills/veto’s bills?
Executive branch