Constipation And Laxatives/antidiarrheal Agents Flashcards
Diarrhea acute vs chronic
- lasts less than 4 days
- predominantly caused by infectious agents
- symptoms persist for 3 weeks in children/adults to 4 weeks in infants
- caused by infectious organisms/food intolerance/drugs/IBD
Why does bile-salt-binding resins work for diarrhea?
It is believed that malabsorption of bile salts may cause diarrhea
- draws water into colonic lumen
is believed to be tied to Crohn’s disease, gallbladder surgery and surgical resection of colon
What are the two opiod agonists that have highest potential for abuse?
Diphenoxylate and difenoxin
- both can cross blood brain barrier at high doses
- both should be used with atropine combo therapy to reduce abuse potential*
- this does cause dry mouth though
Constipation most common causes
Failure to respond to defecating urges chronically
Inadequate fiber in diet
Inadequate fluid intake
Weakness of abdominal muscles
Inactivity and bed rest
Narcotics/anticholinergic agents/CCBs/diuretics/calcium/iron supplements/aluminum antacids
Laxatives that result in soft or semi fluid stool within 6-12 hrs
Oral bisacodyl
Magnesium sulfate
Laxatives that cause watery evacuation in 1-6 hrs
Magnesium citrate
Magnesium hydroxide
Magnesium sulfate
Rectal bisacodyl