Constipation and Diarrhea Flashcards
factors that influence bowel elimination
- age
- diet
- fluid intake
- physical activity
- psychological factors
- personal habits
- positioning during elimination
- pain
- pregnancy
- surgery and anesthesia
- medication
- diagnostic tests
older adult care focuses
- trouble chewing
- esophageal emptying slows
- impaired absorption
- weakened sphincters
- decreased
– HCl, absorption of vitamins, peristalsis, sensation to defecate, lipase which aids in digestion
common bowel elimination problems
- constipation
- impaction
- diarrhea
- bowel incontinence
- flatulence
- hemorrhoids
having fewer than 3 bowel movements a week
- a symptom not diseases
- need to think about it in relation to pts normal
symptoms of constipation
- infrequent BMs
- discomfort
- hard dry stool that are difficult to pass
causes of constipation
- irregular bowel habits
- improper diet –> fiber
- reduced fluid intake
- lack of exercise
- stress
- certain meds
- advanced age
- ignoring the urge to defecate
- GI disorders
older adults and constipation
- lack of muscle tone (bowels and abdomen)
- slowed peristalsis
- lack of exercise
- inadequate fluid intake
- too many diary products
- lack of fiber
- meds
complications of constipation
- hemorrhoids
- anal fissure
- fecal impaction
- rectal prolapse
constipation prevention
- include plenty of high fiber foods
- drink plenty of water
- stay active
- manage stress
- don’t ignore urge to go
- create a schedule
types of laxatives
- bulk forming (pulls bulk like fiber into stool)
- emollient or wetting (pulls water into GI)
- osmotic (stimulate urge)
- stimulant cathartics (stimulate urge)
what do laxatives and cathartics do
initiate or facilitate stool passage
- stimulate need to defecate
- not only a stool softener
implementation of cathartics and laxatives
- PO or rectal (suppository or enema)
- short term action
- may be used to cleanse the bowels for dx test, procedure, surgery
- potentially harmful so do not overuse
- verify order
- gather equipment
- position
- pt teaching
- admin of enema
things to know when admin an enema
- cramping/pain: slow rate by lowering height of bed
- abdomen rigid: stop procedure
what to document of enema
- medication
- how much was instilled
- measure color, amount, consistency
- how pt tolerated
enema precaution/complications
- fluid, electrolyte imbalance
- tissue trauma
- vagal nerve stimulation
- abdominal pain/cramping
- pain
- perforation
hardened feces that remain in the rectum when there is an inability to expel usually from unrelieved constipation
- if unresolved, can result in intestinal obstruction
ind most at risk for impaction
- debilitation
- confused
- unconscious
impaction symptoms
- inability to pass stool for several days despite repeated urge to defecate
- continuous oozing of liquid stool
- loss of appetite
- n/v
- abdominal distention
- cramping
- rectal pain
digital removal of stool
- assess
- digital removal of stool using finger to break up fecal mass and remove in sections
painful and there are risks involved
loose watery bowel movements that can happen frequently and w urgency
causes of diarrhea
- foodborne pathogens
- food intolerances or allergies
- surgery
- diagnostic testing
- enteral feeding
common complications of diarrhea
skin irritation
nutritional concerns
antidiarrheal agents
- decrease intestinal muscle tone to slow passage of feces
- body absorbs more water
need to determine cause before admin
examples of antidiarrheal agents
- loperamide
- diphenoxylate w atropine
- some have opiates but use caution bc bowel forming
nursing care for diarrhea
- identify the problem
- provide soft and digestible food (prevents further irritation of lining)
- maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
- prevent the spread –> hand hygiene
nursing interventions for fecal incontinence and diarrhea
- meticulous skin care
- prevent and monitor for dehydration
- fecal management systems (only used for severe cases and often would check w health care provider first)
nursing intervention: maintenance of skin integrity
- meticulous skin care
- frequent checks
- apply skin barrier
- consult wound
C. diff
a health care associated infection caused by a spore producing bacteria
- can live on surface for up to 72 hrs
- leads to severe diarrhea
* always wash hands *
most at risk for c. diff
- antibiotics
- elderly
- immunocompromised
- long term care facilities
- GI procedure
- previously had c. diff
complication of c diff
- dehydration
- kidney failure
- toxic megacolon
- bowel perforation
- death
prevention of c diff
- wash hands w soap and water
- avoid unnecessary use of abx
- clean surfaces w bleach
- place in Contact D (or spore isolation)
diagnosis of c. diff
- hospital protocols
- stool sample (PCR)
treatment of c diff
- plenty of fluids
- good nutrition
- abx
- surgery
- fecal impaction
- probiotics
bowel incontinence
inability to control passage of feces and gas from anus
causes of bowel incontinence
- muscle of nerve damage
- any physical condition that impairs the anal sphincter function
- constipation or diarrhea
- large volumes of stools
- surgery
- rectal prolapse
risk factors for bowel incontinence
- age
- female
- nerve damage
- dementia
- physical disability
complications for bowel incontinence
- body image disturbances
- skin irritation
ensure that they know we are doing everything we can to stop this from happening to them
treatment of bowel incontinence
- anti diarrheal
- bulk laxatives
prevention of bowel incontinence
- reduce constipation
- control diarrhea
- avoid straining
- either mouth or rectum
symptoms of flatulence
- abdominal distension
- cramping
- bloating
- pain
causes of flatulence
- constipation
- food intolerance
- GI distress
- stress
nursing care for flatulence
- avoid foods that cause gas
- eat small more frequent meals
- eat and drink slowly
tips to reduce bloating (image)
- eat insoluble fibers
- avoid straws
- avoid lying down after eating
- limit carb intake
- limit carbonated drinks
- drink water
- exercise daily
- eat slowly and mindfully
dilated or engorged veins lining the rectum
- purple discoloration that can harden
cause of hemorrhoids
inc venous pressure from straining
- pregnancy
- disease like heart or liver failure
types of hemorrhoids
- internal: found in anal cavity, may be inflamed or distended
- external: clear visible protrusion of skin out of anus
treatment of hemorrhoids
- proper diet, fluids
- inc activity
- ice
- warm sitz bath
colon cancer risk factors and warning signs
- african american
- high intake of red/processed meat, low fiber
- obesity
- 50+
- lack of exercise
- alc
- tobacco
- fam hx
- hx of inflammatory bowel diseases
screenings for colon cancer
- flex sig, scan q 5 years
- colonoscopy q 10 years
- stool sample, less often used
* recheck w ppt**
assessment of pt bowel hx
- usual elimination pattern
- description of stool
- how does ind defecate
- dietary and fluid intake
- hx of GI disorders or surgeries
- med hx
- emotional state
- activity/mobility
fecal characteristics
- amount
- color
- odor
- consistency
- frequency
- shape
- constituents
physical assessments for GI issues
- mouth
- abdomen
- rectum
lab tests for GI problems general info
- no blood for GI (if blood detected in stool, we would want H&H)
- know how to collect and send to lab immediately
types of lab GI lab tests
- fecal occult blood test
- culture and sensitivity
- fats
- ova and parasites
fecal occult blood test
- check for hidden blood
- ordered to detect cancer or evaluate possible cause of unexplained anemia
- stoop sample should be from 2 different areas
- often ordered for 3 different occurences
- be aware of false positives
nursing problems associated w bowel elimination
- constipation
- chronic functional constipation
- risk for constipation
- diarrhea
- risk for electrolyte imbalance
- deficient fluid volume or risk for
- dysfunctional gastrointestinal mobility or risk for
- bowel incontinence
- nausea
- risk for impaired skin integrity
- disturbed body image
- deficient knowledge
goal for bowel incontinence
pt will have normal bowel elimination pattern
- how long will it take pt to achieve goal
outcome for bowel incontinence
what will pt demonstrate?
- consistent bowel elimination
- consistent consistency
- does not have incontinence
implementation of health promotion
- promote normal defecation
- regular exercise
- well balanced diet
inserting NG tube
- decompression of stomach to keep things out
- enteral feeding or medication
- administration
- lavage
assessment of NG tube
- abdominal
- respiratory
- nose
- skin
- suction
nursing care of NG tube
- verify HCP orders
- assessment
- verify placement
- know hoe to hook suction
- admin feeding and meds (and if meds is acceptable)
- recording i and o
bowel training info
- pts with chronic constipation of incontinence
- set up daily routine
- requires time patience consistency
bowel training program
- assessment and documentation
- choosing pt centered time
- offer fluids to stimulate defecation around normal times
- assist commode
- provide privacy
- normal exercise regimen
diet considerations
- recommended well balanced diet with whole grains, legumes, fresh fruit, veggies
- fiber intake varies/ind (inc fiber then inc fluids)
older adult considerations
- encourage screening
- adequate fiber and fluid intake
- regular exercise program
- older adults are less able to compensate from fluid loss from diarrhea