Consolidations Flashcards
When is the fair value (cost) method used for recording interest in a separate company?
20% Ownership or Less
Accounted for as a purchase
If amount paid is less than fair value; results in a gain in current period
When is the equity method used when purchasing another company’s stock? How is it recorded?
Ownership 21% to 50%
Gives significant influence
Purchase Price - Par Value = Goodwill
Dividends received from the investee reduce the investment account and are not income
When are companies required to file consolidated financials? How is it recorded?
Ownership of other company is greater than 50%
Investment account is eliminated
Only parent company prepares consolidated statements; not subsidiary.
Acquired assets/liabilities are recorded at Fair Value on acquisition date.
Eliminating entries for inter-company sales of inventory & PPE; also inter-company investments
When is consolidation not required?
Ownership less than 50%
Majority owner does not control - i.e. bankruptcy or foreign bureaucracy
What occurs under a step acquisition?
Acquirer held previous shares accounted for under Fair Value Method or Equity Method; and are now re-valued to Fair Value
Results in a Gain or Loss in current period
What is the difference between an acquisition and a merger?
Acquired companies continue to exist as a legal entity – their books are just consolidated with the parent company in the parent’s financial statements
Merged companies cease to exist and only the parent remains
How are acquisition costs recorded in a merger?
Expensed in period incurred – i.e. NOT capitalized:
Accounting; Legal; Valuation; Consulting; Professional
Netted against stock proceeds:
Stock registration and issuance costs
Items to be adjusted during consolidation (JE)
CAR = eliminate sub's equity I = eliminate parent investment acct N = create NCI if not 100% owned BIG = adjust "old" sub's BS to FV
Elements of CAR IN BIG
CS (sub)
APIC (sub)
RE (sub)
Invest in sub
BS of sub adj to FV
Identifiable intangible assets of sub are recorded at FV
Goodwill (or gain)
Acquisition date calculation
CS - sub APIC - sub RE - sub (Invest in sub) (NCI) ---------- Difference (BS FV adj) ------------ Difference (Identifiable intangible assets) ------------ Dr = goodwill Cr = gain
Where is NCI reported?