Conservative government and reason for political dominance Flashcards
What meant the conservative government won the most seats in 1951?
The first past the post electoral system
- labour actually won more votes than Conservative party
What did many labour politicians believe?
- convinced labour would soon return to power
-conservatives would struggle with the intense economics difficulties Britain faced
What years did winston Churchill become prime minister for?
-Churchill led Britain to victory by 1945 (wartime leader)
Winston Churchill as prime minister (1951-55)
-old man (80 when retired in 1955)
-suffered serious stroke in 1953
-saw himself as international statesman not a domestic politician
- spent more time abroad, meeting wood leaders than in Downing Street
- key priority:ensure no new conflict break out because of dangers of nuclear war
Why did Churchill believe he was above party politics?
-started of as conservative but joined liberals in 1904
-served as liberal cabinet minister before Ww1 rejoined conservative in 1924
-prime minster in 1950s attempted to persuade liberals to join cabinet
- used non-conservative peers to oversee ministries
Churchill’s absenteeism meant day to day government often left with?
-acting prime minister- Anthony Eden
- key ministers such as Rab Butler who was chancellor of the exchequer
- harold Macmillan - minister for housing
Rab Butler = chancellor of the exchequer what does this mean?
the government minister responsible for economic and financial policy, the chancellor most powerful person in the government after the prime minister
who had limited roles in Churchill’s government?
conservatives who were more critical of the post-war consensus + suggestions of a radical break from the post-war consensus were rejected
tensions in Churchill’s government
butler, Macmillian, and Eden did not get on well rivalries lasted throughout 13 years of conservative rule/
–> relations between Churchill and Eden strained, eden= churchill’s apparent heir, so became impatient waiting churchill to step down.
Eden as prime minister (1955-1957)
-took power 1955 initial high hopes in the conservative party
-almost all previous experience had been in foreign policy
-within 6 months, some in the conservative party voicing disquiet with his leadership as his lack of experience + interest in domestic affairs became more apparent
-anxious decision-making, particularly conscious of his lack of knowledge of economic issues
when Eden called for a general election what did he increase the conservative majority to?
Eden increased the conservative majority from 17 seats to 60 seats
what did butler become when Eden was prime minister?
butler became chancellor and Macmillian became foreign secretary
like Churchill what did eden aim to prevent?
industrial conflict led to criticism he was too conciliatory with trade unions
example of weakness in Eden’s leadership
his attempt to move Macmillian from the foreign office to the treasury in October 1955
-Macmillian did not want to move managed to delay it until December
what event really soured eden’s reputation as leader?
-eden’s decision to take military action during the Suez crisis in 1956- ending in disaster
suez crisis
-diplomatic and military fiasco, turning poiint for Britain’s illusions of imperial power
-political crisis
why was eden’s reputation badly damaged?
-came under heavy attack from the Labour Party in parliament and sections of the national press(Manchester Guardian)
-accused of lying to the house of commons and his reputation badly damaged
what problems did Suez cause within the conservative party?
-colonial minister Anthony Nutting resigned from cabinet
-the rebellion of nearly 40 conservative ps
-Chief Whip, Edward Heath strongly opposed Eden’s actions
-pressure from the USA exposed Britain’s financial weakness
-Eden never recovered from Suez resigned in 1957,over ill health
the conservative party however not seriously damaged by suez, Macmillian succeeded Eden as prime minister even though
he had initially supported the intervention into suez
Macmillian vs Butler
-butler not as popular within the conservative party as he was with the country = reputation damaged by introducing tax cuts shortly before the 1955 election which then was reserved after election as economy overheated
-most of Eden’s cabinet preferred Macmillian so he ‘emerged’ as the new leader
-macmillian=safe choice, few enemies
key differences between Macmillian and Butler
-Macmillian disagreed with conservative government in the 1930s on both policy of appeasement and way to deal with great depression and high unemployment
-butler however closely linked to policy of appeasement
Macmillian as prime minister
-party unity was restored, and apparent economic prosperity continued to gain approval from the voters
-was Churchill’s military liaison officer during the Second World War
-housing minister in Churchill gov from 1951 + foreign secretary in Eden gov
-his politics shaped by two world wars and great depression
Macmillian was very much a
one-nation conservative believes that all classes have obligations to one another
why was Macmillian named ‘supermac’
-led conservatives to comfortable victory pushing conservative parliamentary majority up to 100 seats in October 1959
-post-war economic boom was continuing
-had media in the palm of his hand,using new political opportunities provided by television with flair