Conservatism Flashcards
How do one nation conservatives view paternalism?
- One nation conservatives support the belief of paternalism, as traditionally they were driven by the Nobles Oblige; the belief that the rich and well off had a duty to care for the poorer and less well off
- One nation conservatives support the belief of one nation conservatism as they belief that if the working class is kept happy, then they will be less likely to revolt (Edmund Burke, Thomas Hobbes) demonstrated by Disraeli building schools and sewers
- Many Conservatives are also pragmatic and so are ok with keeping post war paternalistic polices e.g. the NHS and post War Conservative Governments
How do the New right / Neo Conservatives/ Libertarians view paternalism?
- They all reject the idea of paternalism
- The new right reject paternalism as they believe that it creates a generation of dependents and they also aim to reduce government spending
- Robert Nozick says in his study ‘the take of a slave’ that the state providing for people in a paternalistic was is slave Labour as the state is forcibly taking away people’s money through taxes and spending it how they wish
- Fredrick Hayek argues in his book ‘Road to serfdom’ that Government programs are the first step on the road to complete government control over people’s lives, such as those in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union, and that it creates a generation of dependents
- Libertarian Ayn Rand believes that all government programs are immoral as they stop humans from reaching their natural goal of caring for themselves first. Libertarians completely reject any government programs as the freer the market the freer the people
How do one-nation conservatives view the economy?
- They support the free market and free enterprise
- They endorse limited intervention to ensure high employment
- They are in favour of a mixed economy and a welfare state to keep the working class happy and stop the draw of socialism e.g. Disraeli
- Would often keep the economy they inherent unchanged if it was working. View supported by Michael Oakeshott. Such as the post WW2 Conservative governments up to and including Heath
How does the new right view the economy?
- Support the free market and free enterprise
- Are in favour of a completely laissez-faire economy
- Do not support any state intervention in the economy and support privatising all key state industries e.g. under Thatcher BT, electricity, gas, water etc were privatised
- Do not support state welfare as they believe it creates dependents and is immoral. Rover Nozick saw welfare as akin to slave labour as it is imposed on the worker by the state
- Are in favour of lowering taxes to as little as possible, only enough to fund a night watchman state