Conservatism Flashcards
Metternich System
- Oppressing press and reform
- Trying to stop lands from getting independence
- Fear of underground spies and conspiracies.
Revitalisation of monarchies
- Hobsurg power in Italy
- Image of royals in Austria
- the kaiser showing himself around
- The Czar as “the father of the people”
British open aristocracy
entrepreneurial aristocracy
dominant political class
1906-first government not composed of a majority of aristocrats
empire as a way to make money
Reassertion of religious power
France: power of the church in the field of education
Spain: re-establishment of the inquisition
Syllabus of Error (Pius the IX)-1864
Announcement of the doctrine of immaculate conception-religious fervour.
core doctrines of conservatism
varies from country to country
preference for tradition over innovation and change
antipathy towards abstract reasoning and grand schemes of reform
pessimistic conception of human beings
belief in the importance of power and authority
preference for liberty and hierarchy over equality
worry about democracy and popular sovereignty
defence of private property
defence of traditional principles of morality
Transformations in conservatism
authoritarian conservatism: alliance with church and state
liberal conservatism: more receptive to the industrial bourgeoisie and free market
social question: realisation to bring the masses in-aristocratic paternalism
1891- enyclical rerun novarum-chirstia social democracy.
1880-racism and conservatism (political anti-semitism)
merging of the national and social: populist and authoritarianism
conservatism thinkers
Burke: revolution was bad because it attacked all the institutions that gave stability to the country-a society’s contract is a partnership that extends beyond generations
de Maistre: god gives a government to a nation. people do not have a role to play in politics
All sovereignty has its source from God
tradition as a principle of authority. defence of private property. predilection for moderation and prudence of reforms
pre-fascism: convergence between extreme-right currents, traditionalist monarchists, legitimists and modern racists
Prussian ruling classes’ conservatism (and willingness not to give in to demands for democracy and reforms cased the war. Bismark’s strategy of negative integration (discrimination of minorities).