Consequences of the growth of the cattle industry up to 1876 Flashcards
What was the main work of cowboys before the expansion of the cattle industry?
Moving the cattle to new feeding grounds or protecting them from rustling
What two new features of the life of the cowboy emerged following the growth of the cattle industry?
The round-up
The long drive
How much would a cowboy earn per month?
$25-40 (not a lot)
What impact did larger ranches have on the cowboys in winter?
They had to ride further and manage more animals
What job did most cowboys do during the winter?
They were line riders - lived in huts out on the range and guarded the cattle in the cold weather
What happened to the cattle during the winter?
They roamed on the open range and mixed with cattle from other ranches
What job would cowboys do in the spring?
The round-up: separating the cattle from each ranch
How could cattle be separated out when they had mixed with cattle from other ranches?
When new animals were born, they were branded with the ranch’s brand
What had to happen to cattle before they were inspected?
They had to be roped to keep them still
How many cowboys would be in a team to drive a herd of cattle to a market or rail terminal?
12 cowboys
Who led the team of cowboys on the drive? What was his job?
The trail boss
He had to get the herd to its destination in good condition - and he paid the team
How much did the trail boss earn?
$125 per month
What jobs did the cook do on the drive?
Drove the chuck wagon, prepared the meals, acted as doctor
What role did flank riders play on the drive?
Kept the herd together, stopped cattle wandering off
What job did wranglers do on the drive?
Looked after the spare horses
How often would cowboys change their horses?
2-3 times a day
What role did the drag riders play on the drive?
They rode at the back of the herd and were covered in the dust which the herd threw up
What problems could cattle cause on the drive?
They were large and unpredictable - they would sometimes take fright and stampede
Why did African Americans, Mexicans and women enjoy being cowboys?
They could enjoy equality with white men
What would cowboys do at the end of a long drive?
Get paid and spend their money in hotels, saloons, casinos and brothels
Who were ranchers in conflict with over public land?
Why were homesteaders unhappy with the growth of the cattle industry?
Stray cattle would wander onto their lands and eat/damage their crops
What did homesteaders do to protect their farms from cattle?
Built barbed wire fences
Why did ranchers object to barbed-wire fences?
They claimed these fences restricted grazing and would injure animals
What did ranchers claim about sheep on public land?
They ate the roots of the grass and turned grassland into dust
What did ranchers claim about the impact of sheep on their cattle?
They spread diseases like sheep scab
What did ranchers do to protect their claims to public land?
Used their political and financial influence - e.g. sued homesteaders for “rustling”
Why did homesteaders give up their claims rather than taking on the ranchers?
They could not afford to pay lawyers
How did ranchers get around the Homestead Act to buy up lots of land?
They got their employees to apply for land and buy it on their behalf
What particular plots were ranchers most interested in buying and why?
Plots with water supplies or river crossings
To stop homesteaders using these resources
In what ways did ranchers and cowboys use violence against homesteaders?
They damaged homesteaders’ property, crops and animals
What name was given to individuals who became wealthy and powerful from ranching?
Cattle barons