Consent Evaluation Flashcards
A01 common law tries to balance law and right to autonomy
Not statute lots of cases
Autonomy person freedom decides what’s best for society
Exceptions for when defence will be available for more serious injuries
Exceptions for when defence will be available for more serious injuries cases
A03 Tries to balance law and right to autonomy For
Common law can be altered easily keeping in line with social changes
Principle important law should not interfere with personal freedom.
A03 Tries to balance law and right to autonomy But
Common law loads of rules which is complex
Lack certainty and predictability
Judges should not rule on policy
Keeping in line with social changes case
Judges should not rule on policy case
A01 protects the vulnerable
Cannot use defence to murder
Terminally must take own life if wish to die
Child chastisement stops cruelty
A03 protects the vulnerable for
If AS allowed lead to surge in deaths
More recent cases offer flexibility unable to prosecute for assisted suicide.
Jury trials rarely convict for assisted suicide/euthanasia
A03 protects the vulnerable But
Illogical distinctions some sexual activity exempt but some allowed.
Remains a contentious topic
Courts have refused a change
Cannot use defence to murder case
Must take life if wish to die case
Some sexual activity exempt case
Some sexual activity alllowed case
A01 Validity and capacity for consent
Person consenting must have legal capacity either by Gillick competence or aged 18 and over.
Consent invalid in statutory rape
Consent must be genuine and true
A03 validity and capacity for consent For
Principle respects rights of young people
Safeguards as can’t consent to situations that would be harmful