Conscientious Objections and TOP Flashcards
When is TOP legal until?
TOP legally until 24 weeks of gestation
What happens when a woman decides to have a TOP?
a woman can request this and needs to be agreed by two doctors which they need to determine that it would cause less damage to physical or mental health
When does a woman need to be hospitalised during a TOP?
if under 16 years of age
Older than 40 years of age
Medical conditions or health-related illness
Fetal abnormality
What are the two types of procedures?
Medical TOP: involved using two different types of tablets with an interval of 48 hours
Surgical TOP: involves general anaesthetic and go to an operating theatre or having a procedure under local anaesthetic called manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)
What are the two drugs used for TOP?
Mifepristone: ends the pregnancy by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down and pregnancy can’t continue.
Misoprostol: allows the uterus to contract which causes pain and bleeding → similar to a miscarriage
What happens if the TOP is done before 10 weeks?
200mg of Mifeipristone, first tablet (Dose dependant on Gestation, check with Trust Guidelines)
Second tablet, between 400mcg-800mcg Misoprostol (dependant on Mifepristone dosage, check Trust Guidance). Usually given 48hrs apart after the first tablet administered.
What happens if the TOP is 10-23+5 weeks gestation
Same method as 10 weeks, however, the process of passing the product of conception is different.
After 24 weeks the only difference is that the women will give birth.
What are the side effects?
- feel dizzy
- feel nauseous or have to vomit
- have a headache
- have diarrhoea
- have temporary flushes or sweats
What is the definition of conscientious objection?
Conscientious objection in health care is the refusal to perform a legal role or responsibility because of moral or other personal beliefs.