What did St Augustine see conscience as?
The innate knowledge of right conduct.
What does St Augustine say about conscience?
“…Truth from which all laws are copied.”
How are people able to get a sense of right and wrong according to Augustine?
God reveals it to us personally.
What does Augustine describe conscience as?
God “whispering” to us.
What does Butler see conscience as?
An essential part of being human.
What do we use conscience for according to Butler?
To judge an action.
What does conscience do according to Butler?
Exerts itself spontaneously “without being consulted.”
Give a quotation from Butler about conscience.
“Our natural guide, the guide assigned to us by the author of nature.”
What is the main issue with Butler?
Blindly follows conscience, does not address when we get it wrong.
What view does Newman adopt?
A more institutionalist view.
What did Newman believe conscience was?
The voice of God, seeing it as the “vicar of Christ.”
What does following conscience mean for Newman?
Is following the laws of God.
What did conscience represent for Newman?
The sense of personal responsibility human beings have to God.
What can Fromm be used as?
A development of Freud.
What did Fromm see conscience as influenced by?
External authority.
What does Fromm mean by Authoritarian Conscience?
Rules are internalised and disobedience causes guilt which weakens our power.
What other type of conscience did Fromm develop?
Humanistic Conscience - a more mature conscience, that evaluates our behaviour.
What does Dawkins argue for?
An innate tendency coming out of millions of years of evolution.
What do animals display according to Dawkins?
Reciprocal altruism because nature is basically self interested.
What did Dawkins see non-reciprocal altruism as?
“misfiring of our selfish genes.”
What does Dawkins claim about humans overall?
That humans are basically good.
What causes guilt according to Fromm?
Disobedience and weakens our power.
What does the humanistic conscience develop?
A more mature conscience, experiences, cognitive development, and moral thinking.
How does Fromm criticise Freud?
Freud does not allow for development of conscience of moral thinking.
What did Newman see conscience as?
The voice of God following the promptings of the conscience following the laws of God.
Who talks about Illative sense?
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