Connective Tissue and ECM Flashcards
Connective tissue consists of cells embedded in an
extracellular matrix
Connective tissue is composed of
fibers, amorphous ground substance, and tissue fluid
Connective tissue is classified based on
type of cells, type and arrangement of fibers, character of ground substance
Functions of Connective Tissue (4)
1)Structural support 2) exchange medium between blood and tissues 3)defense and protection 4)fat storage
Most connective originates from what germ layer?
CT cell, secretes proteoglycans , glycoproteins, different collagen types (especially Type I) and elastin
Fibroblast arise from what type of cells
mesenchymal cells
Shape of fibroblasts
Spindle shaped
When fibroblasts are quiescent (smaller and more slender)
When actively making ECM components, fibroblasts have well developed…
rER and Golgi
Adipocytes arise from what type of cell
Mesenchymal cells
Adipocytes are surrounded by
basal lamina
What forms can adipocytes be found in
unilocular (white) and multilocular (brown)
Unilocular cells with a single large fat droplet have
receptors for insulin, growth hormone, norepinephrine, and glucocorticoids
Two uses for adipocytes include
fat storage (white) or heat generation (brown)
Macrophages originate from ______ _______ as ______
bone marrow ; monocytes
3 different phenotypes of macrophages in the body and where they are located
Kuppfer cells in liver; osteoclasts in bone; microglia in CNS
Function of macrophage
phagocytic but also regulator of immune system
Mast cells contain Fc receptors for
Important mediator of allergic hypersensitivity reactions (asthma, hay fever, eczema)
Mast cells
Mast cells arise from what cells
Mast cells arise from myeloid stem cell during hematopoiesis
Mast cells release mediators that are
vasoactive or increase inflammatory response
Some mediators released by mast cells
leukotriene C, heparin, histamine, eosinophil chemotactic factor (ECF), aryl sulfatase, neutral protease and neutrophil chemotactic factor
Mast cells contain _____________ staining granules
Mast cells mediate why type of hypersensitivity reactions
Type I hypersensitivity reactions
Antibody producing cells that arise from activated B lymphocytes (ovoid with eccentrically placed nucleus with spoke-wheel arranged heterochromatin)
Plasma cells
Lymphocytes arise from what type of cells in bone marrow
Lymphoid stem cells
Where do T cells differentiate
B cells function in ________ immune response
T cell function in ____________ immunity
First cell that appears in inflammatory response
contain specific granules and azurophilic granules; trilobed nucleus; Phagocytic
Most abundant WBC in bloodstream
Bind to antigen-Ab complex on parasite surface and release cytotoxins
Eosinophils contain enzymes that
cleave histamine and leukotriene C to moderate allergic reaction
Eosinophil nucleus is
Eosinophil granules contain
crystalloid inclusions
mesenchymal-like stem cells. Found around capillaries
Role of pericytes in wound healing
In wound healing, pericytes may differentiate into fibroblasts or smooth muscle cells
Mucous CT
Jelly like matrix containing some collagen and fibroblasts
Main component of umbilical cord
Mucous CT (Wharton’s jelly)
Amorphous matrix with some reticular fibers and mesenchymal cells. (CT present in embryos)
Mesenchymal CT
Specialized CT
bone, cartilage, blood
Loose CT
Well vasularized with abundant ground substance and small nerve fibers (Fibroblasts, macrophages, lymphocytes, mast cells, mesenchymal cells all may be present)
Dense irregular CT
Fiber bundles have no particular orientation. (most abundant type of DENSE CT; found in dermis, organ capsules)
Dense regular CT
Fiber bundles arranged in uniform manner. (Contain fibrocytes)
Dense regular CT is only found in
tendons and ligaments
ECM consists of
ground substance, fibers and tissue fluid
Ground substance consists of
core protein with covalently linked glycosaminoglycans
unbranched polymers of repeating disaccharides which may be sulfated or nonsulfated
To form large aggregates(aggrecan) proteoglycans may attach to _______ _____ via core protein
hyaluronic acid
macromolecules that bind ECM components to each other and to cell integrins
Chondroitin sulfate
Glycosaminoglycan of repeating disaccharide units with D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine sulfated at 4 or 6 position
Chondroitin sulfate is abundant in
hyaline and elastic cartilage
Hyaluronic acid
Free in ECM. Component of cartilage, synovial fluid, citrous humor. Nonsulfated. Helps maintain hydration of cartilage.
460K MW glycoprotein with 2 subunits bound together by -S-S- bridges. Cellular form widely found in CT cells and cell surfaces.Binds collagen, heparin, and mediates cell adhesion to ECM.
Component of basement membranes. 2 polypeptide chains that form cross shaped aggregate. Binds to INTEGRINS, heparan sulfate, type IV collagen and entactins.
Adhesin GP found in embryonic tissues. function in cell migration
Tenascin is secreted by
glial cells of developing nervous system
Collagen fibers
Composed of type 1 collagen; consists of closely packed 75nm diameter tropocollagen fibrils
Reticular fibers
Primarily type III collagen; argyrophilic staining(silver); loosely packed 45nm diameter tropocollagen fibrils
Elastic fibers consist of
elastin and fibrillin microfibrils in amorphous elastin
Type I collagen
(90% of collagen in body) Bone, skin, tendons, dentin, scar tissue. Fibroblast, osteoblast, odontoblast
Type II collagen
Hyaline cartilage and some in elastic cartilage. Also vitreous body of eye and nucleus pulpous of IV discs. Chondroblast
Type III collagen
Fetal skin, reticular fibers.Granulation tissue. Fibroblasts, SMC, Schwann cell, hepatocyte
Type IV collagen
Basement membranes. fibrils have no striations
Type VII collagen
Beneath epithelial basement membranes. Fibrils anchor basement membrane to connective tissue
Amorphous structural protein; molecules highly cross linked via lysine residues
2 unusual amino acids in elastin
desmosine and isodesmosine
Fibrillin (Type I and II)
Component of peripheral microfibrils around elastic fibers
Glycoprotein that helps link fibrillin together
MAGP (microfibril-associated glycoprotein)
ECM remodeling
process involves breakdown of existing, and synthesis and deposition of new ECM proteins
Main class of proteolytic enzymes involved in ECM remodeling
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPS)
Vitamin C deficiency; decreased proline hydroxylation of collagen
Plasma form of ______ dissolved in blood and involved in clotting and wound healing