Connections with Y1/2 Flashcards
What are the layers of the eye?
sclera, retina, cilliary layer- which is the most vascular
What are the main centers in visual processing?
Lateral geniculate nucleus
and primary visual cortex
describe the direct and consensual light reflex
optic tract synapses at Primary visual cortex and this synapses at pretectal nucleus and bilaterally synapses at edingers westphal nucleus- this in turn then bilaterally synpases with cilliary ganglion and then the oculomotor nerve acts on the eye- causing pupillary construction in response to light.
What are the causes of Alzheimers?
-Plaques- these are formed when beta secretase breaks down the APP- amyloid precursor protein- instead of the Y and Alpha secretase- forms insoluble products which cause clotting in the blood vessels
the second is hyperphosphorolation of tau proteins which is an important part of neurocommunication.
What are the symptoms of alzheimers?
-Daytime drowsiness
-cognitice impairment
-cortical atrophy, ventricular enlargement and sulcal widening
What is lewy body dementia?
Caused by the formation of alpha synuclein- causes hallucinations- - usually followed by parkinsons
What is vascular dementia?
focal vascular events causing dementia-
second most common type of dementia
Frontotemporal dementia
this is when there is damage to the frontal and temporal lobe- this often causes:
-loss of motivation - without depression
-Behavioural change- aggression
-Sexual disinhibition
-and social disinhibition
HIV associated dementia
this is because patients with HIV live longer and so they are more likely to get HIV virus entering the brain and crossing the BBB- causing symptomf dementia
What are the symptoms of an ACA stroke?
This is when there is:
-apraxia- difficulty in doing daily tasks- despite having the power to perform them
-can cause brocas aphasia
-can cause loss of lower limb and truncal motor ability
-can cause lower limb sensory deficit
What are the areas of the brain supplied by the ACA?
-medial frontal lobe
-corpus callosum
-Medial parietal lobe
What are the symptoms of PCA stroke?
-This is when there is:
-vision loss with macular sparing
What areas of the brain are supplied by PCA?
-occipital lobe and inferior temporal lobe
What are the symptoms of MCA stroke?
Lacunar- this can be pure sensory or pure motor- or can be sensor-motor
Main stem- loss of all function of MCA-:
-Wernekers aphasia- can be global aphasia
-neglect- if left sided
- loss of contralateral sensation in upper limbs
-loss of motor sensation in lower limbs
superior MCA branch- this means that there are frontal lobe symptoms– brocas aphasia
loss of motor sensation in upper limbs
Inferior MCA branch
contralateral inferior quadrantonopia-
neglect if left-sided
-sensory loss in upper limbs
Cerebellar stroke
DANISH symptoms
Ipsilateral cerebellar signs
contralateral sensory signs