Conjugations of Avoir, Être, Aller, Parler, Choisir, Attendre Flashcards
I have/I do have/I am having
you have/you do have/you are having
tu as
he has/he does have/he is having
il a
we have/we do have/we are having
nous avons
you all have/you all do have/you all are having
vous avez
they have/they do have/they are having
ils ont
I have had/I had/I did have
j’ai eu
you have had/you had/you did have
tu as eu
he has had/he had/he did have
il a eu
we have had/we had/we did have
nous avons eu
you all have had/you all had/you all did have
vous avez eu
they have had/they had/they did have
ils ont eu
I was having/I had/I used to have
you were having/you had/you used to have
tu avais
he was having/he had/he used to have
il avait
we were having/we had/we used to have
nous avions
you all were having/you all had/you all used to have
vous aviez
they were having/they had/they used to have
ils avaient
I had had
j’avais eu
you had had
tu avais eu
he had had
il avait eu
we had had
nous avions eu
you all had had
vous aviez eu
they had had
ils avaient eu
I will have
you will have
tu auras
he will have
il aura
we will have
nous aurons
you all will have
vous aurez
they will have
ils auront
I would have
you would have
tu aurais
he would have
il aurait
we would have
nous aurions
you all would have
vous auriez
they would have
ils auraient
I would have had
j’aurais eu
you would have had
tu aurais eu
he would have had
il aurait eu
we would have had
nous aurions eu
you all would have had
vous auriez eu
they would have had
ils auraient eu
I will have had
j’aurai eu
you will have had
tu auras eu
he will have had
il aura eu
we will have had
nous aurons eu
you all will have had
vous aurez eu
they will have had
ils auront eu
I am/I am being
je suis
you are/you are being
tu es
he is/he is being
il est
we are/we are being
nous sommes
you all are/you are all being
vous êtes
they are/they are being
ils sont
I have been/I was
j’ai été
you have been/you were
tu as été
he has been/he was
il a été
we have been/we were
nous avons été
you all have been/you all were
vous avez été
they have been/they were
ils ont été
I was being/I was/I used to be
you were being/you were/you used to be
tu étais
he was being/he was/he used to be
il était
we were being/we were/we used to be
nous étions
you all were being/you all were/you all used to be
vous étiez
they were being/they were/they used to be
ils étaient
I had been
j’avais été
you had been
tu avais été
he had been
il avait été
we had been
nous avions été
you all had been
vous aviez été
they had been
ils avaient été
I will be
je serai
you will be
tu seras
he will be
il sera
we will be
nous serons
you all will be
vous serez
they will be
ils seront
I will have been
j’aurai été
you will have been
tu auras été
he will have been
il aura été
we will have been
nous aurons été
you all will have been
vous aurez été
they will have been
ils auront été
I would be
je serais
you would be
tu serais
he would be
il serait
we would be
nous serions
you all would be
vous seriez
they would be
ils seraient
I would have been
j’aurais été
you would have been
tu aurais été
he would have been
il aurait été
we would have been
nous aurions été
you all would have been
vous auriez été
they would have been
ils auraient été
Have *! (sing.)
Aie *!
Let’s have *!
Ayons *!
Have *! (pl.)
Ayez *!
Be *! (sing.)
Sois *!
Let’s be *!
Soyons *!
Be *! (pl.)
Soyez *!
I speak/I do speak/I am speaking
je parle
you speak/you do speak/you are speaking
tu parles
he speaks/he does speak/he is speaking
il parle
we speak/we do speak/we are speaking
nous parlons
you all speak/you all do speak/you all are speaking
vous parlez
they speak/they do speak/they are speaking
ils parlent
I was speaking/I spoke/I used to speak
je parlais
you were speaking/you spoke/you used to speak
tu parlais
he was speaking/he spoke/he used to speak
il parlait
we were speaking/we spoke/we used to speak
nous parlions
you all were speaking/you all spoke/you all used to speak
vous parliez
they were speaking/they spoke/they used to speak
ils parlaient
I have spoken/I spoke/I did speak
j’ai parlé
you have spoken/you spoke/you did speak
tu as parlé
he has spoken/he spoke/he did speak
il a parlé
we have spoken/we spoke/we did speak
nous avons parlé
you all have spoken/you all spoke/you all did speak
vous avez parlé
they have spoken/they spoke/they did speak
ils ont parlé
I will speak
je parlerai
you will speak
tu parleras
he will speak
il parlera
we will speak
nous parlerons
you all will speak
vous parlerez
they will speak
ils parleront
I had spoken
j’avais parlé
you had spoken
tu avais parlé
he had spoken
il avait parlé
we had spoken
nous avions parlé
you all had spoken
vous aviez parlé
they had spoken
ils avaient parlé
I would speak
je parlerais
you would speak
tu parlerais
he would speak
il parlerait
we would speak
nous parlerions
you all would speak
vous parleriez
they would speak
ils parleraient
I will have spoken
j’aurai parlé
you will have spoken
tu auras parlé
he will have spoken
il aura parlé
we will have spoken
nous aurons parlé
you all will have spoken
vous aurez parlé
they will have spoken
ils auront parlé
I would have spoken
j’aurais parlé
you would have spoken
tu aurais parlé
he would have spoken
il aurait parlé
we would have spoken
nous aurions parlé
you all would have spoken
vous auriez parlé
they would have spoken
ils auraient parlé
Speak! (sing.)
Let’s speak!
Speak! (pl.)
I choose/I do choose/I am choosing
je choisis
you choose/you do choose/you are choosing
tu choisis
he chooses/he does choose/he is choosing
il choisit
we choose/we do choose/we are choosing
nous choisissons
you all choose/you all do choose/you all are choosing
vous choisissez
they choose/they do choose/they are choosing
ils choisissent
I was choosing/I chose/I used to choose
je choisissais
you were choosing/you chose/you used to choose
tu choisissais
he was choosing/he chose/he used to choose
il choisissait
we were choosing/we chose/we used to choose
nous choisissions
you all were choosing/you all chose/you all used to choose
vous choisissiez
they were choosing/they chose/they used to choose
ils choisissaient
I have chosen/I chose/I did choose
j’ai choisi
you have chosen/you chose/you did choose
tu as choisi
he has chosen/he chose/he did choose
il a choisi
we have chosen/we chose/we did choose
nous avons choisi
you all have chosen/you all chose/you all did choose
vous avez choisi
they have chosen/they chose/they did choose
ils ont choisi
I will choose
je choisirai
you will choose
tu choisiras
he will choose
il choisira
we will choose
nous choisirons
you all will choose
vous choisirez
they will choose
ils choisiront
I had chosen
j’avais choisi
you had chosen
tu avais choisi
he had chosen
il avait choisi
we had chosen
nous avions choisi
you all had chosen
vous aviez choisi
they had chosen
ils avaient choisi
I would choose
je choisirais
you would choose
tu choisirais
he would choose
il choisirait
we would choose
nous choisirions
you all would choose
vous choisiriez
they would choose
ils choisiraient
I will have chosen
j’aurai choisi
you will have chosen
tu auras choisi
he will have chosen
il aura choisi
we will have chosen
nous aurons choisi
you all will have chosen
vous aurez choisi
they will have chosen
ils auront choisi
I would have chosen
j’aurais choisi
you would have chosen
tu aurais choisi
he would have chosen
il aurait choisi
we would have chosen
nous aurions choisi
you all would have chosen
vous auriez choisi
they would have chosen
ils auraient choisi
Choose! (sing.)
Let’s choose!
Choose! (pl.)
I wait/I do wait/I am waiting
you wait/you do wait/you are waiting
tu attends
he waits/he does wait/he is waiting
il attend
we wait/we do wait/we are waiting
nous attendons
you all wait/you all do wait/you all are waiting
vous attendez
they wait/they do wait/they are waiting
ils attendent
I was waiting/I waited/I used to wait
you were waiting/you waited/you used to wait
tu attendais
he was waiting/he waited/he used to wait
il attendait
we were waiting/we waited/we used to wait
nous attendions
you all were waiting/you all waited/you all used to wait
vous attendiez
they were waiting/they waited/they used to wait
ils attendaient
I have waited/I waited/I did wait
j’ai attendu
you have waited/you waited/you did wait
tu as attendu
he has waited/he waited/he did wait
il a attendu
we have waited/we waited/we did wait
nous avons attendu
you all have waited/you all waited/you all did wait
vous avez attendu
they have waited/they waited/they did wait
ils ont attendu
I will wait
you will wait
tu attendras
he will wait
il attendra
we will wait
nous attendrons
you all will wait
vous attendrez
they will wait
ils attendront
I had waited
j’avais attendu
you had waited
tu avais attendu
he had waited
il avait attendu
we had waited
nous avions attendu
you all had waited
vous avez attendu
they had waited
ils avaient attendu
I would wait
you would wait
tu attendrais
he would wait
il attendrait
we would wait
nous attendrions
you all would wait
vous attendriez
they would wait
ils attendraient
I will have waited
j’aurai attendu
you will have waited
tu auras attendu
he will have waited
il aura attendu
we will have waited
nous aurons attendu
you all will have waited
vous aurez attendu
they will have waited
ils auront attendu
I would have waited
j’aurais attendu
you would have waited
tu aurais attendu
he would have waited
il aurait attendu
we would have waited
nous aurions attendu
you all would have waited
vous auriez attendu
they would have waited
ils auraient attendu
Wait! (sing.)
Let’s wait!
Wait! (pl.)
I go/I do go/I am going
je vais
you go/you do go/you are going
tu vas
he goes/he does go/he is going
il va
we go/we do go/we are going
nous allons
you all go/you all do go/you all are going
vous allez
they go/they do go/they are going
ils vont
Go! (sing.)
Let’s go!
Go! (pl.)
I was going/I went/I used to go
you were going/you went/you used to go
tu allais
he was going/he went/he used to go
il allait
we were going/we went/we used to go
nous allions
you all were going/you went/you used to go
vous alliez
they were going/they went/they used to go
ils allaient
I have gone/I went/I did go
je suis allé
you have gone/you went/you did go
tu es allé
he has gone/he went/he did go
il est allé
we have gone/we went/we did go
nous sommes allés
you all have gone/you all went/you all did go
vous êtes allés
they have gone/they went/they did go
ils sont allés
I will go
you will go
tu iras
he will go
il ira
we will go
nous irons
you all will go
vous irez
they will go
ils iront
I had gone
j’étais allé
you had gone
tu étais allé
he had gone
il était allé
we had gone
nous étions allés
you all had gone
vous étiez allés
they had gone
ils étaient allés
I would go
you would go
tu irais
he would go
il irait
we would go
nous irions
you all would go
vous iriez
they would go
ils iraient
I will have gone
je serai allé
you will have gone
tu seras allé
he will have gone
il sera allé
we will have gone
nous serons allés
you all will have gone
vous serez allés
they will have gone
ils seront allés
I would have gone
je serais allé
you would have gone
tu serais allé
he would have gone
il serait allé
we would have gone
nous serions allés
you all would have gone
vous seriez allés
they would have gone
ils seraient allés
that I may have
que j’aie
that you may have
que tu aies
that he may have
qu’il ait
that we may have
que nous ayons
that you all may have
que vous ayez
that they may have
qu’ils aient
that I may have had
que j’aie eu
that you may have had
que tu aies eu
that he may have had
qu’il ait eu
that we may have had
que nous ayons eu
that you all may have had
que vous ayez eu
that they may have had
qu’ils aient eu
that I may be
que je sois
that you may be
que tu sois
that he may be
qu’il soit
that we may be
que nous soyons
that you all may be
que vous soyez
that they may be
qu’ils soient
que j’aie été
that I may have been
que tu aies été
that you may have been
that he may have been
qu’il ait été
that we may have been
que nous ayons été
that you all may have been
que vous ayez été
that they may have been
qu’ils aient été
that I may speak
que je parle
that you may speak
que tu parles
that he may speak
qu’il parle
that we may speak
que nous parlions
that you all may speak
que vous parliez
that they may speak
qu’ils parlent
that I may have spoken
j’aie parlé
that you may have spoken
que tu aies parlé
that he may have spoken
qu’il ait parlé
that we may have spoken
que nous ayons parlé
that you all may have spoken
que vous ayez parlé
that they may have spoken
qu’ils aient parlé
that I may choose
que je choisisse
that you may choose
que tu choisisses
that he may choose
qu’il choisisse
that we may choose
que nous choisissions
that you all may choose
que vous choisissiez
that they may choose
qu’ils choisissent
that I may have chosen
que j’aie choisi
that you may have chosen
que tu aies choisi
that he may have chosen
qu’il ait choisi
that we may have chosen
que nous ayons choisi
that you all may have chosen
que vous ayez choisi
that they may have chosen
qu’ils aient choisi
that I may wait
que j’attende
that you may wait
que tu attendes
that he may wait
qu’il attende
that we may wait
que nous attendions
that you all may wait
que vous attendiez
that they may wait
qu’ils attendent
that I may have waited
que j’aie attendu
that you may have waited
que tu aies attendu
that he may have waited
qu’il ait attendu
that we may have waited
que nous ayons attendu
that you all may have waited
que vous ayez attendu
that they may have waited
qu’ils aient attendu
that I may go
que j’aille
that you may go
que tu ailles
that he may go
qu’il aille
that we may go
que nous allions
that you all may go
que vous alliez
that they may go
qu’ils aillent
that I may have gone
que je sois allé
that you may have gone
que tu sois allé
that he may have gone
qu’il soit allé
that we may have gone
que nous soyons allés
that you all may have gone
que vous soyez allés
that they may have gone
qu’ils soient allés