Conjugations (En to Sp) Flashcards
I visit
(Present Indicative of Visitar)
yo visito
You visit
(Present Indicative of Visitar)
tú visitas
He/She/You (formal) visits
(Present Indicative of Visitar)
el/ella/ud visita
We visit
(Present Indicative of Visitar)
nosotros visitamos
You all visit
(Present Indicative of Visitar)
vosotros visitáis
They/You all visit
(Present Indicative of Visitar)
ellos/ellas/uds visitan
I visited
(Preterite Indicative of Visitar)
yo visité
You visited
(Preterite Indicative of Visitar)
tú visitaste
He/She/You (formal) visited
(Preterite Indicative of Visitar)
el/ella/ud visitó
We visited
(Preterite Indicative of Visitar)
nosotros visitamos
You all visited
(Preterite Indicative of Visitar)
vosotros visitasteis
They/You all visited
(Preterite Indicative of Visitar)
ellos/ellas/uds visitáron
I was visiting, I used to visit
(Imperfect Indicative of Visitar)
yo visitaba
You were visiting, you used to visit
(Imperfect Indicative of Visitar)
tú visitabas
He/She/You (formal) was visiting
(Imperfect Indicative of Visitar)
el/ella/ud visitaba
We were visiting, we used to visit
(Imperfect Indicative of Visitar)
nosotros visitábamos
You all were visiting
(Imperfect Indicative of Visitar)
vosotros visitabais
They/You all were visiting
(Imperfect Indicative of Visitar)
ellos/ellas/uds visitaban
I visit
(Present Subjunctive of Visitar)
yo visite
You visit
(Present Subjunctive of Visitar)
tú visites
He/She/You (formal) visits
(Present Subjunctive of Visitar)
el/ella/ud visite
We visit
(Present Subjunctive of Visitar)
nosotros visitemos
You all visit
(Present Subjunctive of Visitar)
vosotros visitéis
They/You all visit
(Present Subjunctive of Visitar)
ellos/ellas/uds visiten
I visited
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Visitar)
yo visitara, visitase
You visited
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Visitar)
tú visitaras, visitases
He/She/You (formal) visited
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Visitar)
el/ella/ud visitara, visitase
We visited
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Visitar)
nosotros visitáramos, visitásemos
You all visited
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Visitar)
vosotros visitarais, visitaseis
They/You all visited
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Visitar)
ellos/ellas/uds visitáran, visitásen
I live
(Present Indicative of Vivir)
yo vivo
You live
(Present Indicative of Vivir)
tú vives
He/She/You (formal) lives
(Present Indicative of Vivir)
el/ella/ud vive
We live
(Present Indicative of Vivir)
nosotros vivimos
You all live
(Present Indicative of Vivir)
vosotros vivís
They/You all live
(Present Indicative of Vivir)
ellos/ellas/uds viven
I lived
(Preterite Indicative of Vivir)
yo viví
You lived
(Preterite Indicative of Vivir)
tú viviste
He/She/You (formal) lived
(Preterite Indicative of Vivir)
el/ella/ud vivió
We lived
(Preterite Indicative of Vivir)
nosotros vivimos
You all lived
(Preterite Indicative of Vivir)
vosotros vivisteis
They/You all lived
(Preterite Indicative of Vivir)
ellos/ellas/uds vivieron
I was living, I used to live
(Imperfect Indicative of Vivir)
yo vivía
You were living, you used to live
(Imperfect Indicative of Vivir)
tú vivías
He/She/You (formal) was living
(Imperfect Indicative of Vivir)
el/ella/ud vivía
We were living, we used to live
(Imperfect Indicative of Vivir)
nosotros vivíamos
You all were living
(Imperfect Indicative of Vivir)
vosotros vivíais
They/You all were living
(Imperfect Indicative of Vivir)
ellos/ellas/uds vivían
I live
(Present Subjunctive of Vivir)
yo viva
You live
(Present Subjunctive of Vivir)
tú vivas
He/She/You (formal) lives
(Present Subjunctive of Vivir)
el/ella/ud viva
We live
(Present Subjunctive of Vivir)
nosotros vivamos
You all live
(Present Subjunctive of Vivir)
vosotros viváis
They/You all live
(Present Subjunctive of Vivir)
ellos/ellas/uds vivan
I lived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Vivir)
yo viviera, viviese
You lived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Vivir)
tú vivieras, vivieses
He/She/You (formal) lived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Vivir)
el/ella/ud viviera, viviese
We lived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Vivir)
nosotros viviéramos, viviésemos
You all lived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Vivir)
vosotros vivierais, vivieseis
They/You all lived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Vivir)
ellos/ellas/uds vivieran, viviesen
I am
(Present Indicative of Ser)
yo soy
You are
(Present Indicative of Ser)
tú eres
He/She/You (formal) are
(Present Indicative of Ser)
el/ella/ud es
We are
(Present Indicative of Ser)
nosotros somos
You all are
(Present Indicative of Ser)
vosotros sois
They/You all are
(Present Indicative of Ser)
ellos/ellas/uds son
I was/were
(Preterite Indicative of Ser)
yo fui
You were/was
(Preterite Indicative of Ser)
tú fuiste
He/She/You (formal) was/were
(Preterite Indicative of Ser)
el/ella/ud fue
We were/was
(Preterite Indicative of Ser)
nosotros fuimos
You all were/was
(Preterite Indicative of Ser)
vosotros fuisteis
They/You all were/was
(Preterite Indicative of Ser)
ellos/ellas/uds fueron
I was, I used to be
(Imperfect Indicative of Ser)
yo era
You were, you used to be
(Imperfect Indicative of Ser)
tú eras
He/She/You (formal) was, used to be
(Imperfect Indicative of Ser)
el/ella/ud era
We were, we used to be
(Imperfect Indicative of Ser)
nosotros éramos
You all were
(Imperfect Indicative of Ser)
vosotros erais
They/You all were
(Imperfect Indicative of Ser)
ellos/ellas/uds eran
I am
(Present Subjunctive of Ser)
yo sea
You are
(Present Subjunctive of Ser)
tú seas
He/She/You (formal) are
(Present Subjunctive of Ser)
el/ella/ud sea
We are
(Present Subjunctive of Ser)
nosotros seamos
You all are
(Present Subjunctive of Ser)
vosotros seáis
They/You all are
(Present Subjunctive of Ser)
ellos/ellas/uds sean
I was/were
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ser)
yo fuera, fuese
You were/was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ser)
tú fueras, fueses
He/She/You (formal) was/were
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ser)
el/ella/ud fuera, fuese
We were/was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ser)
nosotros fuéramos, fuésemos
You all were/was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ser)
vosotros fuerais, fueseis
They/You all were/was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ser)
ellos/ellas/uds fueran, fuesen
I am
(Present Indicative of Estar)
yo estoy
You are
(Present Indicative of Estar)
tú estás
He/She/You (formal) are
(Present Indicative of Estar)
el/ella/ud está
We are
(Present Indicative of Estar)
nosotros estamos
You all are
(Present Indicative of Estar)
vosotros estáis
They/You all are
(Present Indicative of Estar)
ellos/ellas/uds están
I was/were
(Preterite Indicative of Estar)
yo estuve
You were/was
(Preterite Indicative of Estar)
tú estuviste
He/She/You (formal) was/were
(Preterite Indicative of Estar)
el/ella/ud estuvo
We were/was
(Preterite Indicative of Estar)
nosotros estuvimos
You all were/was
(Preterite Indicative of Estar)
vosotros estuvisteis
They/You all were/was
(Preterite Indicative of Estar)
ellos/ellas/uds estuvieron
I was, I used to be
(Imperfect Indicative of Estar)
yo estaba
You were, you used to be
(Imperfect Indicative of Estar)
tú estabas
He/She/You (formal) was, used to be
(Imperfect Indicative of Estar)
el/ella/ud estaba
We were, we used to be
(Imperfect Indicative of Estar)
nosotros estábamos
You all were
(Imperfect Indicative of Estar)
vosotros estabais
They/You all were
(Imperfect Indicative of Estar)
ellos/ellas/uds estaban
I am
(Present Subjunctive of Estar)
yo esté
You are
(Present Subjunctive of Estar)
tú estés
He/She/You (formal) are
(Present Subjunctive of Estar)
el/ella/ud esté
We are
(Present Subjunctive of Estar)
nosotros estemos
You all are
(Present Subjunctive of Estar)
vosotros estéis
They/You all are
(Present Subjunctive of Estar)
ellos/ellas/uds estén
I was/were
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Estar)
yo estuviera, estuviese
You were/was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Estar)
tú estuvieras, estuvieses
He/She/You (formal) was/were
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Estar)
el/ella/ud estuviera, estuviese
We were/was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Estar)
nosotros estuviéramos, estuviésemos
You all were/was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Estar)
vosotros estuvierais, estuvieseis
They/You all were/was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Estar)
ellos/ellas/uds estuvieran, estuviesen
I go
(Present Indicative of Ir)
yo voy
You go
(Present Indicative of Ir)
tú vas
He/She/You (formal) goes
(Present Indicative of Ir)
el/ella/ud va
We go
(Present Indicative of Ir)
nosotros vamos
You all go
(Present Indicative of Ir)
vosotros vais
They/You all go
(Present Indicative of Ir)
ellos/ellas/uds van
I went
(Preterite Indicative of Ir)
yo fui
You went
(Preterite Indicative of Ir)
tú fuiste
He/She/You (formal) went
(Preterite Indicative of Ir)
el/ella/ud fue
We went
(Preterite Indicative of Ir)
nosotros fuimos
You all went
(Preterite Indicative of Ir)
vosotros fuisteis
They/You all went
(Preterite Indicative of Ir)
ellos/ellas/uds fueron
I was going, I used to go
(Imperfect Indicative of Ir)
yo iba
You were going, you used to go
(Imperfect Indicative of Ir)
tú ibas
He/She/You (formal) was going, used to go
(Imperfect Indicative of Ir)
el/ella/ud iba
We were going, we used to go
(Imperfect Indicative of Ir)
nosotros ibamos
You all were going
(Imperfect Indicative of Ir)
vosotros ibais
They/You all were going
(Imperfect Indicative of Ir)
ellos/ellas/uds iban
I go
(Present Subjunctive of Ir)
yo vaya
You go
(Present Subjunctive of Ir)
tú vayas
He/She/You (formal) goes
(Present Subjunctive of Ir)
el/ella/ud vaya
We go
(Present Subjunctive of Ir)
nosotros vayamos
You all go
(Present Subjunctive of Ir)
vosotros vayáis
They/You all go
(Present Subjunctive of Ir)
ellos/ellas/uds vayan
I went
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ir)
yo fuera, fuese
You went
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ir)
tú fueras, fueses
He/She/You (formal) went
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ir)
el/ella/ud fuera, fuese
We went
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ir)
nosotros fuéramos, fuésemos
You all went
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ir)
vosotros fuerais, fueseis
They/You all went
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ir)
ellos/ellas/uds fueran, fuesen
I see, I watch
(Present Indicative of Ver)
yo veo
You see, you watch
(Present Indicative of Ver)
tú ves
He/She/You (formal) sees, watches
(Present Indicative of Ver)
el/ella/ud ve
We see, we watch
(Present Indicative of Ver)
nosotros vemos
You all see, you all watch
(Present Indicative of Ver)
vosotros veis
They/You all see, they/you all watch
(Present Indicative of Ver)
ellos/ellas/uds ven
I saw, I watched
(Preterite Indicative of Ver)
yo vi
You saw, you watched
(Preterite Indicative of Ver)
tú viste
He/She/You (formal) saw, watched
(Preterite Indicative of Ver)
el/ella/ud vio
We saw, we watched
(Preterite Indicative of Ver)
nosotros vimos
You all saw, you all watched
(Preterite Indicative of Ver)
vosotros visteis
They/You all saw, they/you all watched
(Preterite Indicative of Ver)
ellos/ellas/uds vieron
I was seeing, watching, I used to see/watch
(Imperfect Indicative of Ver)
yo veía
You were seeing, watching, you used to see/watch
(Imperfect Indicative of Ver)
tú veías
He/She/You (formal) was seeing, watching
(Imperfect Indicative of Ver)
el/ella/ud veía
We were seeing, watching, we used to see/watch
(Imperfect Indicative of Ver)
nosotros veíamos
You all were seeing, watching
(Imperfect Indicative of Ver)
vosotros veíais
They/You all were seeing, watching
(Imperfect Indicative of Ver)
ellos/ellas/uds veían
I see, I watch
(Present Subjunctive of Ver)
yo vea
You see, you watch
(Present Subjunctive of Ver)
tú veas
He/She/You (formal) sees, watches
(Present Subjunctive of Ver)
el/ella/ud vea
We see, we watch
(Present Subjunctive of Ver)
nosotros veamos
You all see, you all watch
(Present Subjunctive of Ver)
vosotros veáis
They/You all see, they/you all watch
(Present Subjunctive of Ver)
ellos/ellas/uds vean
I saw, I watched
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ver)
yo viera, viese
You saw, you watched
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ver)
tú vieras, vieses
He/She/You (formal) saw, watched
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ver)
el/ella/ud viera, viese
We saw, we watched
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ver)
nosotros viéramos, viésemos
You all saw, you all watched
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ver)
vosotros vierais, vieseis
They/You all saw, they/you all watched
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Ver)
ellos/ellas/uds vieran, viesen
I do, I make
(Present Indicative of Hacer)
yo hago
You do, you make
(Present Indicative of Hacer)
tú haces
He/She/You (formal) does, makes
(Present Indicative of Hacer)
el/ella/ud hace
We do, we make
(Present Indicative of Hacer)
nosotros hacemos
You all do, you all make
(Present Indicative of Hacer)
vosotros hacéis
They/You all do, they/you all make
(Present Indicative of Hacer)
ellos/ellas/uds hacen
I did, I made
(Preterite Indicative of Hacer)
yo hice
You did, you made
(Preterite Indicative of Hacer)
tú hiciste
He/She/You (formal) did, made
(Preterite Indicative of Hacer)
el/ella/ud hizo
We did, we made
(Preterite Indicative of Hacer)
nosotros hicimos
You all did, you all made
(Preterite Indicative of Hacer)
vosotros hicisteis
They/You all did, they/you all made
(Preterite Indicative of Hacer)
ellos/ellas/uds hicieron
I was doing, making, I used to do/make
(Imperfect Indicative of Hacer)
yo hacía
You were doing, making, you used to do/make
(Imperfect Indicative of Hacer)
tú hacías
He/She/You (formal) was doing, making
(Imperfect Indicative of Hacer)
el/ella/ud hacía
We were doing, making, we used to do/make
(Imperfect Indicative of Hacer)
nosotros hacíamos
You all were doing, making
(Imperfect Indicative of Hacer)
vosotros hacíais
They/You all were doing, making
(Imperfect Indicative of Hacer)
ellos/ellas/uds hacían
I do, I make
(Present Subjunctive of Hacer)
yo haga
You do, you make
(Present Subjunctive of Hacer)
tú hagas
He/She/You (formal) does, makes
(Present Subjunctive of Hacer)
el/ella/ud haga
We do, we make
(Present Subjunctive of Hacer)
nosotros hagamos
You all do, you all make
(Present Subjunctive of Hacer)
vosotros hagáis
They/You all do, they/you all make
(Present Subjunctive of Hacer)
ellos/ellas/uds hagan
I did, I made
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hacer)
yo hiciera, hiciese
You did, you made
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hacer)
tú hicieras, hicieses
He/She/You (formal) did, made
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hacer)
el/ella/ud hiciera, hiciese
We did, we made
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hacer)
nosotros hiciéramos, hiciésemos
You all did, you all made
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hacer)
vosotros hicierais, hicieseis
They/You all did, they/you all make
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hacer)
ellos/ellas/uds hicieran, hiciesen
I arrive
(Present Indicative of Llegar)
yo llego
You arrive
(Present Indicative of Llegar)
tú llegas
He/She/You (formal) arrives
(Present Indicative of Llegar)
el/ella/ud llega
We arrive
(Present Indicative of Llegar)
nosotros llegamos
You all arrive
(Present Indicative of Llegar)
vosotros llegáis
They/You all arrive
(Present Indicative of Llegar)
ellos/ellas/uds llegan
I arrived
(Preterite Indicative of Llegar)
yo llegué
You arrived
(Preterite Indicative of Llegar)
tú llegaste
He/She/You (formal) arrived
(Preterite Indicative of Llegar)
el/ella/ud llegó
We arrived
(Preterite Indicative of Llegar)
nosotros llegamos
You all arrived
(Preterite Indicative of Llegar)
vosotros llegasteis
They/You all arrived
(Preterite Indicative of Llegar)
ellos/ellas/uds llegaron
I was arriving, I used to arrive
(Imperfect Indicative of Llegar)
yo llegaba
You were arriving, you used to arrive
(Imperfect Indicative of Llegar)
tú llegabas
He/She/You (formal) was arriving
(Imperfect Indicative of Llegar)
el/ella/ud llegaba
We were arriving, we used to arrive
(Imperfect Indicative of Llegar)
nosotros llegábamos
You all were arriving
(Imperfect Indicative of Llegar)
vosotros llegabais
They/You all were arriving
(Imperfect Indicative of Llegar)
ellos/ellas/uds llegaban
I arrive
(Present Subjunctive of Llegar)
yo llegue
You arrive
(Present Subjunctive of Llegar)
tú llegues
He/She/You (formal) arrives
(Present Subjunctive of Llegar)
el/ella/ud llegue
We arrive
(Present Subjunctive of Llegar)
nosotros lleguemos
You all arrive
(Present Subjunctive of Llegar)
vosotros lleguéis
They/You all arrive
(Present Subjunctive of Llegar)
ellos/ellas/uds lleguen
I arrived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Llegar)
yo llegara, llegase
You arrived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Llegar)
tú llegaras, llegases
He/She/You (formal) arrived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Llegar)
el/ella/ud llegara, llegase
We arrived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Llegar)
nosotros llegáramos, llegásemos
You all arrived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Llegar)
vosotros llegarais, llegaseis
They/You all arrived
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Llegar)
ellos/ellas/uds llegaran, llegasen
I come
(Present Indicative of Venir)
yo vengo
You come
(Present Indicative of Venir)
tú vienes
He/She/You (formal) comes
(Present Indicative of Venir)
el/ella/ud viene
We come
(Present Indicative of Venir)
nosotros venimos
You all come
(Present Indicative of Venir)
vosotros venís
They/You all come
(Present Indicative of Venir)
ellos/ellas/uds vienen
I came
(Preterite Indicative of Venir)
yo vine
You came
(Preterite Indicative of Venir)
tú viniste
He/She/You (formal) came
(Preterite Indicative of Venir)
el/ella/ud vino
We came
(Preterite Indicative of Venir)
nosotros vinimos
You all came
(Preterite Indicative of Venir)
vosotros vinisteis
They/You all came
(Preterite Indicative of Venir)
ellos/ellas/uds vinieron
I was coming, I used to come
(Imperfect Indicative of Venir)
yo venía
You were coming, you used to come
(Imperfect Indicative of Venir)
tú venías
He/She/You (formal) was coming
(Imperfect Indicative of Venir)
el/ella/ud venía
We were coming, we used to come
(Imperfect Indicative of Venir)
nosotros veníamos
You all were coming
(Imperfect Indicative of Venir)
vosotros veníais
They/You all were coming
(Imperfect Indicative of Venir)
ellos/ellas/uds venían
I come
(Present Subjunctive of Venir)
yo venga
You come
(Present Subjunctive of Venir)
tú vengas
He/She/You (formal) comes
(Present Subjunctive of Venir)
el/ella/ud venga
We come
(Present Subjunctive of Venir)
nosotros vengamos
You all come
(Present Subjunctive of Venir)
vosotros vengáis
They/You all come
(Present Subjunctive of Venir)
ellos/ellas/uds vengan
I came
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Venir)
yo viniera, viniese
You came
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Venir)
tú vinieras, vinieses
He/She/You (formal) came
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Venir)
el/ella/ud viniera, viniese
We came
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Venir)
nosotros viniéramos, viniésemos
You all came
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Venir)
vosotros vinierais, vinieseis
They/You all came
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Venir)
ellos/ellas/uds vinieran, viniesen
I have, I am
(Present Indicative of Tener)
yo tengo
You have, you are
(Present Indicative of Tener)
tú tienes
He/She/You (formal) has, is
(Present Indicative of Tener)
el/ella/ud tiene
We have, we are
(Present Indicative of Tener)
nosotros tenemos
You all have, you all are
(Present Indicative of Tener)
vosotros tenéis
They/You all have, they/you all are
(Present Indicative of Tener)
ellos/ellas/uds tienen
I had, I was
(Preterite Indicative of Tener)
yo tuve
You had, you were
(Preterite Indicative of Tener)
tú tuviste
He/She/You (formal) had, was
(Preterite Indicative of Tener)
el/ella/ud tuvo
We had, we were
(Preterite Indicative of Tener)
nosotros tuvimos
You all had, you all were
(Preterite Indicative of Tener)
vosotros tuvisteis
They/You all had, they/you all were
(Preterite Indicative of Tener)
ellos/ellas/uds tuvieron
I had, I was
(Imperfect Indicative of Tener)
yo tenía
You had, you were
(Imperfect Indicative of Tener)
tú tenías
He/She/You (formal) had, was
(Imperfect Indicative of Tener)
el/ella/ud tenía
We had, we were
(Imperfect Indicative of Tener)
nosotros teníamos
You all had, you all were
(Imperfect Indicative of Tener)
vosotros teníais
They/You all had, they/you all were
(Imperfect Indicative of Tener)
ellos/ellas/uds tenían
I have, I am
(Present Subjunctive of Tener)
yo tenga
You have, you are
(Present Subjunctive of Tener)
tú tengas
He/She/You (formal) has, is
(Present Subjunctive of Tener)
el/ella/ud tenga
We have, we are
(Present Subjunctive of Tener)
nosotros tengamos
You all have, you all are
(Present Subjunctive of Tener)
vosotros tengáis
They/You all have, they/you all are
(Present Subjunctive of Tener)
ellos/ellas/uds tengan
I had, I was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Tener)
yo tuviera, tuviese
You had, you were
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Tener)
tú tuvieras, tuvieses
He/She/You (formal) had, was
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Tener)
el/ella/ud tuviera, tuviese
We had, we were
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Tener)
nosotros tuviéramos, tuviésemos
You all had, you all were
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Tener)
vosotros tuvierais, tuviéseis
They/You all had, they/you all were
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Tener)
ellos/ellas/uds tuvieran, tuviesen
I read
(Present Indicative of Leer)
yo leo
You read
(Present Indicative of Leer)
tú lees
He/She/You (formal) reads
(Present Indicative of Leer)
el/ella/ud lee
We read
(Present Indicative of Leer)
nosotros leemos
You all read
(Present Indicative of Leer)
vosotros leéis
They/You all read
(Present Indicative of Leer)
ellos/ellas/uds leen
I read
(Preterite Indicative of Leer)
yo leí
You read
(Preterite Indicative of Leer)
tú leíste
He/She/You (formal) read
(Preterite Indicative of Leer)
el/ella/ud leyó
We read
(Preterite Indicative of Leer)
nosotros leímos
You all read
(Preterite Indicative of Leer)
vosotros leísteis
They/You all read
(Preterite Indicative of Leer)
ellos/ellas/uds leyeron
I was reading, I used to read
(Imperfect Indicative of Leer)
yo leía
You were reading, you used to read
(Imperfect Indicative of Leer)
tú leías
He/She/You (formal) was reading
(Imperfect Indicative of Leer)
el/ella/ud leía
We were reading, we used to read
(Imperfect Indicative of Leer)
nosotros leíamos
You all were reading
(Imperfect Indicative of Leer)
vosotros leíais
They/You all were reading
(Imperfect Indicative of Leer)
ellos/ellas/uds leían
I read
(Present Subjunctive of Leer)
yo lea
You read
(Present Subjunctive of Leer)
tú leas
He/She/You (formal) reads
(Present Subjunctive of Leer)
el/ella/ud lea
We read
(Present Subjunctive of Leer)
nosotros leamos
You all read
(Present Subjunctive of Leer)
vosotros leáis
They/You all read
(Present Subjunctive of Leer)
ellos/ellas/uds lean
I read
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Leer)
yo leyera, leyese
You read
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Leer)
tú leyeras, leyeses
He/She/You (formal) read
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Leer)
el/ella/ud leyera, leyese
We read
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Leer)
nosotros leyéramos, leyésemos
You all read
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Leer)
vosotros leyerais, leyeseis
They/You all read
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Leer)
ellos/ellas/uds leyeran, leyesen
I say, I tell
(Present Indicative of Decir)
yo digo
You say, you tell
(Present Indicative of Decir)
tú dices
He/She/You (formal) says, tells
(Present Indicative of Decir)
el/ella/ud dice
We say, we tell
(Present Indicative of Decir)
nosotros decimos
You all say, you all tell
(Present Indicative of Decir)
vosotros decís
They/You all say, they/you all tell
(Present Indicative of Decir)
ellos/ellas/uds dicen
I said, I told
(Preterite Indicative of Decir)
yo dije
You said, you told
(Preterite Indicative of Decir)
tú dijiste
He/She/You (formal) said, told
(Preterite Indicative of Decir)
el/ella/ud dijo
We said, we told
(Preterite Indicative of Decir)
nosotros dijimos
You all said, you all told
(Preterite Indicative of Decir)
vosotros dijisteis
They/You all said, they/you all told
(Preterite Indicative of Decir)
ellos/ellas/uds dijeron
I was saying, telling, I used to
(Imperfect Indicative of Decir)
yo decía
You were saying, telling, you used to
(Imperfect Indicative of Decir)
tú decías
He/She/You (formal) was saying, telling
(Imperfect Indicative of Decir)
el/ella/ud decía
We were saying, telling, we used to
(Imperfect Indicative of Decir)
nosotros decíamos
You all were saying, telling
(Imperfect Indicative of Decir)
vosotros decíais
They/You all were saying, telling
(Imperfect Indicative of Decir)
ellos/ellas/uds decían
I say, I tell
(Present Subjunctive of Decir)
yo diga
You say, you tell
(Present Subjunctive of Decir)
tú digas
He/She/You (formal) says, tells
(Present Subjunctive of Decir)
el/ella/ud diga
We say, we tell
(Present Subjunctive of Decir)
nosotros digamos
You all say, you all tell
(Present Subjunctive of Decir)
vosotros digáis
They/You all say, they/you all tell
(Present Subjunctive of Decir)
ellos/ellas/uds digan
I said, I told
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Decir)
yo dijera, dijese
You said, you told
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Decir)
tú dijeras, dijeses
He/She/You (formal) said, told
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Decir)
el/ella/ud dijera, dijese
We said, we told
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Decir)
nosotros dijeáramos, dijeásemos
You all said, you all told
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Decir)
vosotros dijerais, dijeseis
They/You all said, they/you all told
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Decir)
ellos/ellas/uds dijeran, dijesen
I bring
(Present Indicative of Traer)
yo traigo
You bring
(Present Indicative of Traer)
tú traes
He/She/You (formal) brings
(Present Indicative of Traer)
el/ella/ud trae
We bring
(Present Indicative of Traer)
nosotros traemos
You all bring
(Present Indicative of Traer)
vosotros traéis
They/You all bring
(Present Indicative of Traer)
ellos/ellas/uds traen
I brought
(Preterite Indicative of Traer)
yo traje
You brought
(Preterite Indicative of Traer)
tú trajiste
He/She/You (formal) brought
(Preterite Indicative of Traer)
el/ella/ud trajo
We brought
(Preterite Indicative of Traer)
nosotros trajimos
You all brought
(Preterite Indicative of Traer)
vosotros trajisteis
They/You all brought
(Preterite Indicative of Traer)
ellos/ellas/uds trajeron
I was bringing, I used to bring
(Imperfect Indicative of Traer)
yo traía
You were bringing, you used to
(Imperfect Indicative of Traer)
tú traías
He/She/You (formal) was bringing
(Imperfect Indicative of Traer)
el/ella/ud traía
We were bringing, we used to
(Imperfect Indicative of Traer)
nosotros traíamos
You all were bringing
(Imperfect Indicative of Traer)
vosotros traíais
They/You all were bringing
(Imperfect Indicative of Traer)
ellos/ellas/uds traían
I bring
(Present Subjunctive of Traer)
yo traiga
You bring
(Present Subjunctive of Traer)
tú traigas
He/She/You (formal) brings
(Present Subjunctive of Traer)
el/ella/ud traiga
We bring
(Present Subjunctive of Traer)
nosotros traigamos
You all bring
(Present Subjunctive of Traer)
vosotros traigáis
They/You all bring
(Present Subjunctive of Traer)
ellos/ellas/uds traigan
I brought
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Traer)
yo trajera, trajese
You brought
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Traer)
tú trajeras, trajeses
He/She/You (formal) brought
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Traer)
el/ella/ud trajera, trajese
We brought
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Traer)
nosotros trajéramos, trajésemos
You all brought
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Traer)
vosotros trajerais, trajeseis
They/You all brought
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Traer)
ellos/ellas/uds trajeran, trajesen
I speak
(Present Indicative of Hablar)
yo hablo
You speak
(Present Indicative of Hablar)
tú hablas
He/She/You (formal) speaks
(Present Indicative of Hablar)
el/ella/ud habla
We speak
(Present Indicative of Hablar)
nosotros hablamos
You all speak
(Present Indicative of Hablar)
vosotros habláis
They/You all speak
(Present Indicative of Hablar)
ellos/ellas/uds hablan
I spoke
(Preterite Indicative of Hablar)
yo hablé
You spoke
(Preterite Indicative of Hablar)
tú hablaste
He/She/You (formal) spoke
(Preterite Indicative of Hablar)
el/ella/ud habló
We spoke
(Preterite Indicative of Hablar)
nosotros hablamos
You all spoke
(Preterite Indicative of Hablar)
vosotros hablasteis
They/You all spoke
(Preterite Indicative of Hablar)
ellos/ellas/uds hablaron
I was speaking, I used to speak
(Imperfect Indicative of Hablar)
yo hablaba
You were speaking, you used to
(Imperfect Indicative of Hablar)
tú hablabas
He/She/You (formal) was speaking
(Imperfect Indicative of Hablar)
el/ella/ud hablaba
We were speaking, we used to
(Imperfect Indicative of Hablar)
nosotros hablábamos
You all were speaking
(Imperfect Indicative of Hablar)
vosotros hablabais
They/You all were speaking
(Imperfect Indicative of Hablar)
ellos/ellas/uds hablaban
I speak
(Present Subjunctive of Hablar)
yo hable
You speak
(Present Subjunctive of Hablar)
tú hables
He/She/You (formal) speaks
(Present Subjunctive of Hablar)
el/ella/ud hable
We speak
(Present Subjunctive of Hablar)
nosotros hablemos
You all speak
(Present Subjunctive of Hablar)
vosotros habléis
They/You all speak
(Present Subjunctive of Hablar)
ellos/ellas/uds hablen
I spoke
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hablar)
yo hablara, hablese
You spoke
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hablar)
tú hablaras, hablases
He/She/You (formal) spoke
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hablar)
el/ella/ud hablara, hablese
We spoke
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hablar)
nosotros habláramos, hablásemos
You all spoke
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hablar)
vosotros hablarais, hableseis
They/You all spoke
(Imperfect Subjunctive of Hablar)
ellos/ellas/uds hablaran, hablasen