Conjugation Flashcards
You all..
Hablar in present tense
Yo Habl-o
Tu Habl-as
El Habl-a
Nos Habl-amos
Vos Habl-áis
Ellos Hablan
Hablar in preterite
Yo Habl-é
Tu Habl-aste
El Habl-ó
Nos Habl-amos
Vos Habl-asteis
Ellos Habl-aron
Hablar in imperfect conjugation
Ex I was talking slowly
Yo Habl-aba
Tu Habl-abas
El Habl-aba
Nos Habl-ábamos
Vos Habl-abais
Ellos Habl-aban
Yo hablaba lentamente
Hablar in future tense
I will speak with her
Yo Hablar-é
Tu Hablar-ás
El Hablar-á
Nos Hablar-emos
Vos Hablar-éis
Ellos Hablar-án
Hablaré con ella
Comer in present tense
Yo Com-o
Tu Com-es
El Com-e
Nos Com-emos
Vos Com-éis
Ellos com-en
Comer in preterite
Yo Com-í
Tu Com-iste
El Com-ió
Nos Com-imos
Vos Com-isteis
Ellos Com-ieron
Comer in Imperfect
Ex I used to eat
Yo Com-ía
Tu Com-ías
El Com-ía
Nos Com-íamos
Vos Com-íais
Ellos Com-ían
Comer in future tense
Yo Comer-é
Tu Comer-ás
El Comer-á
Nos Comer-emos
Vos Comer-éis
Ellos Comer-án
Vivir in present tense
Yo Viv-o
Tu Viv-es
El Viv-e
Nos Viv-imos
Vos Viv-ís
Ellos Viv-en
Vivir in preterite
Yo Viv-í
Tu Viv-iste
El Viv-ió
Nos Viv-imos
Vos Viv-isteis
Ellos Viv-ieron
Vivir in past imperfect
Yo Viv-ía
Tu Viv-ías
El Viv-ía
Nos Viví-amos
Vos Viv-íais
Ellos Viv-ían
Vivir in future tense
Yo Vivir-é
Tu Vivir-ás
El Vivir-á
Nos Vivir-emos
Vos Vivir-éis
Ellos Vivir-án
Ser in Present tense
Yo Soy
Tu Eres
El Es
Nos Somos
Vos Sois
Ellos Son
Ser in Preterite
Yo Fui
Tu Fuiste
El Fue
Nos Fuimos
Vos Fuisteis
Ellos Fueron
Ser in imperfect
Ex. I was fat
Yo Era
Tu Eras
El Era
Nos Eramos
Vos Erais
Ellos Eran
Yo era gorrdo
Ser in future tense
Yo Seré
Tu Serás
El Será
Nos Seremos
Vos Seréis
Ellos Serán
Estar in present tense
Yo Estoy
Tu Estás
El Está
Nos Estamos
Vos Estáis
Ellos Están
Estar in preterite
Ex. You were in the river
Yo Estuve
Tu Estuviste
El Estuvo
Nos Estuvimos
Vos Estuvisteis
Ellos Estuvieron
Tú estuviste en el río
Estar in imperfect
Yo Estaba
Tu Estabas
El Estaba
Nos Estábamos
Vos Estabais
Ellos Estaban
Possessive adjectives singular
Possessive adjectives plural
Present tense irregulars
Dar, Decir, Hacer, Poner, Saber, Salir, Venir, Ver, Conocer, Ir,
Querer, Pedir, Poder, Jugar,
I like
You like
He / she likes
We like
You plural like
They like
Me gusta
Te gusta
Le gusta
Nos gustan
Os gustan
Les gustan
Reflexive verb conjugation pronouns
I was myself
You wash yourself
He / she washes himself / herself
We wash ourself
You plural wash yourselves
They wash themselves
Me lavo
te lavas
se lava
nos lavamos
os lavais
se lavan
Irregular reflexive verbs
Vestirse, Despertarse, Acostarse
Imperative Estudiar
Tu estudia
Imperative Comer
Tu Come
Imperative Abrir
Tu Abre
Imperative Hacer
Tu Haz
Imperative Ir
Tu Ve
Imperative Levantarse
Tu Levantate
It is mine
It is yours
It is his/hers
Es mio
Es tuyo
Es suyo
Alicia is taller than her brother
Alicia es mas alta que su hermano
Alicia is less intelligent than her brother
Alicia es menos inteligenta que su hermano
Use Hay when…
Asking or indicating the existence of something or position of something you dont know
When using Hay never use el/la or mi, tu…
Use Esta/estan when..
Asking or indicating about something you know
(Imperfect -ar)
I am working
You are working
He / she is working
We are working
You plural are working
They are working
Estoy trabajando
Estas trabajando
Esta trabajando
Estamos trabajando
Estais trabajando
Estan trabajando
I am writing
You are writing
He / She is writing
We are writing
You plural are writing
They are writing
Estoy escribiendo
Estas escribiendo
Esta escribiendo
Estamos escribiendo
Estais escribiendo
Estan escribiendo
(Present progressive comer)
I am eating
You are eating
He / she is eating
We are eating
You plural are eating
They are eating
Estoy comiendo
Estas comiendo
Esta comendo
Estamos comiendo
Estais comiendo
Estan comiendo
(Imperfect reflexive)
I am washing myself
You are washing yourself
Me estoy duchando
Te estas duchando
Im going to play
You are going to play
He / She is going to play
Voy a jugar
Vas a jugar
Va a jugar
(Past perfect -ar)
I have studied
You have studied
He / She has studied
We have studied
You plural have studied
They have studied
Ex. I have studied for my exams
He estudiado
has estudiado
ha estudiado
hemos estudiado
habeis estudiado
han estudiado
he estudiado para mis exámenes
Form Past perfect:
Form past perfect:
When do we use the indicative mood?
The indicative mood is the most common and is used to relate facts and objective statements.
Cada domingo voy a Reynosa con mi mama - Every sunday I go to Reynosa with my mom
When do we use the subjunctive mood?
The subjunctive mood is used more commonly in Spanish than in English. It is used to express reactions and feelings (subjective thoughts).
Espero que el español el vuelva tal vez otro idioma oficial de estados unidos. - I hope that spanish becomes another official language of the US
When do we use past perfect? and when do we use past imperfect?
The past preterite is used when you want to talk about specific events that happened at a certain time in the past. For example, “I sold my house,” (Vendí mi casa) or “the little boy ate a worm” (El niño se comió un gusano).
The past imperfect tense is used for speaking about past habitual events, like “I used to eat cereal every day,” (Yo comía cereales todos los días) or to give background information or set a scene in the past, such as “The door was opening and closing” (La puerta se abría y se cerraba)
Note: In the past imperfect tense, it is customary to add the subject before the verb when talking in first and third person.
What is the conditional future?
Conditional future/past future
This is essentially the equivalent of the English “would” do something. This could be both in the case of a condition, such as “I would go if you wanted me to” (Yo iría si tú quisieras), or when referring to the future from a point in the past, like “She asked me if I would come back” (Ella me preguntó si yo volvería).
Only in Spanish, instead of having a separate word to express this (as we do in English), this is shown by adding an inflection to the end of the verb, very similar to the future tense.
Hablar in conditional future
Yo HablAR-ía
Tu HablAR-ías
El/Ella HablAR-ía
Nosotros HablAR-íamos
Vosotros HablAR-íais
Ellos/Ellas HablAR-ían
Comer in conditional future
Yo ComER-ía
Tu ComER-ías
El/Ella ComER-ía
Nosotros ComER-íamos
Vosotros ComER-íais
Ellos/as ComER-ían
Abrir in conditional future
Yo AbrIR-ía
Tu AbrIR-ías
El/Ella AbrIR-ía
Nosotros AbrIR-íamos
Vosotros AbrIR-íais
Ellos/as AbrIR-ían
Which tense is this? How is it conjugated?
-Terminarías con él? (Would you break up with him?)
-Una luna de miel en Italia sería tan lindo! (A honeymoon in Italy would be so beautiful!)
-¿Qué harías tú en esta situación? (What would you do in this situation?)
Conditional future tense
Yo HablAR-ía ComER-ía AbrIR-ía
Tu HablAR-ías ComER-ías AbrIR-ías
El/Ella HablAR-ía ComER-ía AbrIR-ía
Nosotros HablAR-íamos ComER-íamos AbrIR-íamos
Vosotros HablAR-íais ComER-íais AbrIR-íais
Ellos/Ellas HablAR-ían ComER-ían AbrIR-ían
How do we use the present subjunctive
Spanish present subjunctive expresses the idea of uncertainty or unknown-ness in all present or future situations.
Once again, be careful with the first and third person formations as they are identical. Make it clear who you are talking about.
Note that the subjunctive verb almost always follows the connector ‘que’.
- When you don’t think something is true.
E.g: I don’t think he’s drinking tonight. | No creo que él tome hoy. - When you hope something will happen.
E.g: I hope he talks to me. | Espero que me hable. - When you talk about the moment something happens in the future.
E.g: When I travel to Uruguay, I’m going to visit all the monuments in the country. | Cuando viaje a Uruguay, voy a conocer todos los monumentos del país.
Hablar in present subjunctive
Yo Habl-e
Tu Habl-es
El/Ella Habl-e
Nosotros Habl-emos
Vosotros Habl-éis
Ellos / Ellas Hablen
Comer in present subjunctive
Yo Com-a
Tu Com-as
El/Ella Com-a
Nosotros Com-amos
Vosotros Com-áis
Ellos/as Com-an
Abrir in present subjunctive
Yo Abr-a
Tu Abr-as
El/Ella Abr-a
Nosotros Abr-amos
Vosotros Abr-áis
Ellos/as Abr-an
Give an example of haber being used as an impersonal verb
When haber is used as an impersonal verb, it means there is or there are and expresses existence.
Hay mucha basura.
(There is a lot of trash.)
Hubo una explosión en la fábrica.
(There was an explosion in the factory.)
Habrá una fiesta mañana.
(There will be a party tomorrow.)
Translate: There were many accidents
Never use haber in plural forms to express existence.
✅ Hubo muchos accidentes. (correct)
❌ Hubieron muchos accidentes. (incorrect)
Haber as an impersonal verb in all tenses
Present Tense
Imperfect Tense
Preterite Tense
Future Tense
Conditional Tense
Present Tense Subjunctive
Presente – Present Tense
Hay – there is/are
Pretérito Imperfecto – Imperfect Tense
había – there was/were
Pretérito Perfecto – Preterite Tense
hubo – there was/were
Futuro – Future Tense
habrá – there will be
Condicional – Conditional Tense
habría – there would be
Presente Subjunctive – Present Tense Subjunctive
haya – there is/are
How is haber used as an axillary verb?
Auxiliary verbs don’t convey meaning. As their name suggests, they help us to talk about the past, present and future. Haber appears in all Spanish compound tenses, and it is always preceded by past participles (verbs that end in “ado” or “ido”).
He visitado muchos países.
(I have visited many countries.)
Han hecho un excelente trabajo.
(They have done an excellent job.)
¿Has terminado la tarea?
(Have you finished the task?)
Important! The old form habemos should not be used anymore. It has been substituted by hemos.
✅ Nos hemos equivocado. (correct)
❌ Nos habemos equivocado. (incorrect)
Estar in future tense
yo estaré – I will be
tú estarás – you will be
él/ella/usted estará – he/she/you (formal) will be
nosotros/as estaremos – we will be
vosotros/as estaréis – you (plural) will be
ustedes estarán – you (plural) will be
ellos/as estarán – they will be
Estar in condicional tense
yo estaría – I would be
tú estarías – you would be
él/ella/usted estaría – he/she/you (formal) would be
nosotros/as estaríamos – we would be
vosotros/as estaríais – you (plural) would be
ustedes estarían – you (plural) would be
ellos/as estarían – they would be
Present progressive in Spanish
It is used to express that an action is happening right now (at the moment of speaking).
Estoy escribiendo este artículo. (I am writing this post.)
It is used to express that an action occurs repeatedly.
Él siempre está haciendo tonterías. (He is always doing silly things.)
I have been
you have been
he/she/you have been
we have been
you (plural) have been
they have been
yo he estado
tú has estado
él/ella/usted ha estado
nosotros/as hemos estado
vosotros/as habéis estado
ellos/as han estado
I had been
you had been
he/she/you (formal) had been
we had been
you (plural) had been
they had been
yo había estado – I had been
tú habías estado – you had been
él/ella/usted había estado – he/she/you (formal) had been
nosotros/as habíamos estado – we had been
vosotros/as habíais estado – you (plural) had been
ellos/as habían estado – they had been
Ir in future tense
Ir in past imperfect
What is the present progressive of the following?
decir (say)
repetir (repeat)
reír (laugh)
seguir (follow)
sentir (feel)
dormir (sleep)
ir (go)
construir (build)
destruir (destroy)
leer (read)
oír (listen)
influir (affect)
decir (say) – diciendo
repetir (repeat) – repitiendo
reír (laugh) – riendo
seguir (follow) – siguiendo
sentir (feel) – sintiendo
dormir (sleep) – durmiendo
Ir (go) – yendo
construir (build) – construyendo
destruir (destroy) – destruyendo
leer (read) – leyendo
oír (listen) – oyendo
influir (affect) – influyendo
I will have
You will have
He/She will have
We will have
You plural will have
They will have
I will have given the car to Jorge.
Yo habré dado el carro a Jorge.
Hacer Present tense
Hacer in past tense
Hacer in future conditional
Hacer in future tense
Hacer in past imperfect
I have done
You have done
He has done
We have done
You plural have done
They have done
He hecho
Has hecho
Ha hecho
Hemos hecho
Habeis hecho
Han hecho
I am doing
estoy haciendo
I shave my self
You shave yourself
Roger shaves himself
We shave ourselves
You plural shave yourselves
My friends shave themselves
Yo me afeito.
Tú te afeitas.
Róger se afeita.
Nosotros nos afeitamos.
Vosotros os afeitáis.
Mis amigos se afeitan.
I had done
You have done
He has done
We have done
You plural have done
They have done
Hacía hecho
Hacías hecho
Hacía hecho
Hacíamos hecho
Hacíais hecho
Hacían hecho
How to pluralise words ending in -a, -e, -i, -o, -u
Add an -s at the end
Words ending in what have an additional S at the end when they are pluralised ?
Words ending in -a, -e, -i, -o, -u
How to pluralise words ending in a constant
Addition of -es at the end if constant isn’t z
if Z, add -ces
Words ending in what have an additional ES at the end when they are pluralised ?
Words ending with a constant other than z
Words ending in what have an additional CES at the end when they are pluralised ?
Words ending with z
When do we use Un/Una/Unos/Unas?
Before a noun
What does Un/Una mean?
A / an
When do we use El / La / Los / Las
Before a noun
What does El / La / Los / Las mean
When do we uses ser?
-Profession (soy profesro)
-Relation (somos amigos/hermanos)
-Describe physical things (tu madre es alta)
-describe qualities (es muy inteligente)
-Nationalities (soy polaco)
When to use esto/esta/estos/estas/, ese/esa/esos/esas, eso/esto
To point to something close use este (whose pen is this?)
To present something use esta (this is my sister)
When to use esto/esta/estos/estas/
To point to something close use este (whose pen is this?)
To present something use esta (this is my sister)
I have a
Hay un/una
How do we formulate superlative?
“The tallest man in the world”
el/la/los/las + (noun) + mas +adjective + de
el hombre mas alto del mundo
How do you say: Given that / Since
Ya que / puesto que
When do we use the preposition (a)
-To indicate an action directed at a person, animal or object.
-To indicate a direction.
-After verbs of movement (e.g. venir, ir, volver) when the word that follows the verb is a name or pronoun.
When do we use the preposition (para)
Use para to describe the purpose behind doing something. Consider its English translation to be “in order to”
When do we use the preposition (en)
To indicate location and time
When do we use the preposition (de)
de shows who or what something belongs to.
de can indicate what something is made of or what it is used for.
de is used in comparisons when a number is mentioned. Había más/menos de 100 personas.
What is the grammar for feeling verbs (I hope)
The feeling verb + Infinitive (if the subject is saying it) ex. Espero tener una buena dia
The feeling verb + que + subjunctive form | ex. Espero que tengas una buena dia