conjugal roles - not equal Flashcards
what are conjugal roles?
- Conjugal roles are the roles carried out by both people in either a married or cohabiting relationship
- There are segregated conjugal roles And joint conjugal roles
what are segregated and joint conjugal roles?
segregated - situation in which male and female have distinctively different area of responsibility toward family
joint -
how might conjugal roles be unequal?
- money
- decision making
- childcare
- housework
parson’s view on conjugal roles
there are segregated roles in the family because these are ‘natural’
men have ‘instrumental roles’ and women have ‘expressive roles’
argues that men and women simply have naturally different roles and that both are needed for the family to run in a smooth fashion
- Identified various systems of money management:
- ‘housekeeping allowance system’ where the husbands give their wives a fixed sum of money for housekeeping expenses.
disagree - ‘pooling system’ - both equal responsible + controlling money
Found that women make decisions about interior decoration, children’s clothes, food and household items. These decisions were frequent and not seen as important.
Men had main say when moving house, buying car etc. These decisions were infrequent and seen as important.
to counter - Leighton
found that when men become unemployed, their power to influence the family and make decisions is challenged.
to contrast edgell
- studied 30 dual career professional couples and found that middle class wives generally deferred to their husbands in major decisions such as where to live, size of mortgage, buying cars etc.
- she argues that mens careers take priority when deciding on mortgage - be closer to work etc.
conjugal roles - not equal
full-time domestic labour means that the wife is economically dependent on the male breadwinner
Domestic Housework names
- Lader- If both genders are in paid work then, on average, women do 21 hours a week on housework men do 12 hours.
- Leonard- Women underestimate how long they spend on housework
- Dryden- Studied 17 professional couples and found that most professional couples do not share housework equally. Women do the most.
- Warde: Women are 30 times more likely to do the washing
- Office for National statistics - women spend on average 2.5 hours a day on housework. Men spend 1 hour
British Household Panel Survey
- Men over reported their housework compared to women
- Men on average completed 1.2 hours of housework a week whereas women completed 49 hours
Found that fewer than 20% of husbands had a major role in childcare
A father might help with specific tasks, but it was almost always the mother who was responsible for the child’s security and well-being
Delphy and Leonard
men contribute the least to family life but gain the most.
ferri and smith
dual burden
dunscombe and marsden
Found that women were required not only to carry a dual burden but a triple shift - domestic labour, paid work and emotion work