Conj and cornea and refractive error Flashcards


Which of the following organisms is MOST commonly associated with the formation of “true” membranous conjunctivitis?

Streptococcus pyogenes

Staphylococcus aureus

Neisseria meningitidis

Haemophilus influenzae

Corynebacterium diphtheriae


Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Explanation - The formation of a true membrane in cases of acute membranous conjunctivitis is most commonly associated with a Corynebacterium diphtheria infection. Several other organisms can also cause membranous conjunctivitis (Strep hemolyticus, Strep pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae, S. aureus, H. aegypticus, E. coli, adenoviruses, and herpes simplex); however, membranes are more or less synonymous with diphtheric conjunctivitis.

The difference between a true membrane and pseudomembrane is that in a pseudomembrane, the coagulum is deposited on the surface of the epithelium, while true membranes infiltrate the superficial layers of the conjunctival epithelium. A pseudomembrane can typically be easily peeled off, leaving the epithelium intact; while attempted removal of a true membrane can lead to bleeding and tearing of the conjunctival epithelium.

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While performing keratometry on your patient, you notice that the reflected corneal mires appear elliptical ( oval )with the long axis located vertically. Which of the following keratometry values is this patient MOST likely to possess?

  1. 75@098 / 41.00@008
  2. 62@045 / 40.00@135

This is the expected result and the patient does not have astigmatism

49.00@180 / 43.75@090


49.00@180 / 43.75@090

thinK oval elliptical around vertical around 090 = flatter

The patient’s cornea is steeper horizontally and therefore minimizes the image in this meridian, creating an ellipse with its axis located vertically. Because the flatter meridian is vertical, this patient is most likely to exhibit against-the-rule astigmatism in which the flat meridian of the cornea is located at 90 degrees +/- 30 degrees.

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Upon slit lamp examination of your 37 year-old male patient, you notice fine pigment dusting on the corneal endothelium that appears to form a triangular shape (Krukenberg’s spindle). Which of the following structures of the eye is this pigment derived from?

Ciliary body


Iris stroma

Iris epithelium

Retinal pigment epithelium


The release of pigment that occurs in patients with pigment dispersion syndrome is thought to result from the chronic rubbing of the pigmented iris epithelium on the crystalline lens zonules. This causes radial iris transillumination defects, pigment release into the anterior chamber, and subsequent deposition onto the endothelial layer of the cornea (Krukenberg’s spindle), the anterior surface of the lens and iris, and in the trabecular meshwork.

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Which of the following vitamins, in addition to UV light, is utilized in the process of corneal collagen cross-linking?

Folic acid



Ascorbic acid




Correct answer Riboflavin B2

Corneal collagen cross-linking is a surgical procedure in which UVA light and riboflavin are utilized to stiffen the collagen matrix of the corneal stroma. The procedure varies between surgeons, but typically involves either full or partial debridement of the corneal epithelium to allow for maximal absorption of isotonic riboflavin into the stromal tissue. Drops of riboflavin are instilled until the yellow-color of the riboflavin is apparent in the anterior chamber (by use of a lit-lamp and blue light). The thickness of the cornea is then measured, as it must be greater than 400 microns to continue with the UV light exposure. Once this is confirmed, UVA radiation is then applied to the cornea (with riboflavin drops still being instilled) until the desired treatment time has elapsed. The cornea is then irrigated thoroughly, and a bandage contact lens is placed on the eye.

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All else being equal, cells found in which layer of the cornea consume the GREATEST amount of oxygen?




Bowman’s membrane


has most mitochondria needs energy to work on th epumps

The cells of the endothelium require the greatest amount of oxygen. This is due to the fact that endothelial cells maintain a steady state of corneal clarity and hydration. They actively pump out ions into the anterior chamber, which sets up an osmotic gradient that causes water to flow down its concentration gradient, thus preventing corneal swelling and opacification. However, because the endothelium is only one layer thick, in total this layer consumes 21% of the oxygen provided to the cornea. The stroma utilizes 39% of oxygen made available to the cornea, which is a low consumption rate considering that it makes up the bulk of the cornea. The epithelium is responsible for 40% of the oxygen consumed by the cornea. However, all else being equal, the endothelial cells consume the greatest amount of oxygen (140 X 10-5 ml of oxygen per sec), vs. stromal cells (2.85 X 10-5 ml of O2/sec) and epithelial cells (26.5 X 10-5 ml of O2/sec).

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In which of the following corneal disorders is the entire corneal thickness (central and peripheral) abnormally thin?

Post-LASIK ectasia



Pellucid marginal degeneration

Terrien’s marginal degeneration



Ectasia is generalized in keratoglobus, and abnormal corneal thinning occurs over the entire cornea.

Corneal thinning in keratoconus and post-LASIK ectasia typically occurs centrally, or just inferior to the central region of the cornea.

Peripheral corneal thinning occurs in cases of pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD) 4-8 o’clock and Terrien’s marginal degeneration (superior thinning just inside the limbus).

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A patient with against-the-rule astigmatism in the right eye will exhibit which of the following bowtie configurations on corneal topography imaging?
Horizontal bowtie

Vertical bowtie

Bowtie slanted right

Bowtie slanted left


Horizontal bowtie

ATR = flatter at 090 so green at 180 = Horizontal Bowtie = green

The orientation of the bowtie on corneal topography is aligned with the location of the steep keratometric meridian (90 degrees away from the axis). Therefore, in against-the-rule astigmatism (axis near 90 degrees), the bowtie will be oriented horizontally. With-the-rule astigmatism (axis near 180 degrees) will reveal a vertically aligned bowtie pattern on topography. Additionally, patients with oblique astigmatism will have the bowtie slanted either left or right. For example, if a patient reveals astigmatism with an axis of 45 degrees, topography will show a bowtie pattern that is slanted to the right by 45 degrees (aligned with the 135 degree meridian).

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Which of the following BEST describes the average central radius of curvature of the anterior and posterior cornea, respectively?

  1. 5mm, 7.8mm
  2. 7mm, 8.2mm
  3. 5mm, 6.8mm
  4. 2mm, 7.7mm
  5. 8mm, 7.5mm
    1. 8mm, 6.5mm

7.8mm, 6.5mm

The average central radius of curvature for the anterior surface of the cornea is 7.8mm, while the posterior radius of curvature averages 6.5mm. This means that the anterior corneal curvature is flatter than the posterior curvature. In addition to this difference between the two corneal surfaces, the anterior cornea tends to flatten more at the periphery as compared to the posterior surface.

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Which of the following layers of the cornea is MOST susceptible to thinning in patients with keratoconus?


All layers of the cornea

Bowman’s membrane



Descemet’s membrane


Histological studies conducted on individuals diagnosed with keratoconus show that the layer of the cornea that experiences significant central or paracentral thinning is the corneal stromal layer. Other layers of the cornea also undergo changes, resulting in characteristic clinical observations such as Vogt’s striae (thin striations in the deep stroma in the area of ectasia). Additionally, brown pigment deposition of iron in the epithelial layer can be seen at the base of the ectasia during the course of the disease. The appearance of prominent corneal nerves, endothelial guttata, and posterior shagreen are also common observations viewed on slit-lamp examination. Furthermore, acute corneal hydrops is an associated condition that occurs when breaks in Descemet’s membrane occur.

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The average cornea possesses approximately how much refractive power?

+12 diopters

+43 diopters

+36 diopters

+56 diopters


+43 diopters

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Which of the following systemic conditions is MOST commonly associated with the development of interstitial keratitis?

Herpes simplex

Lyme disease




Human immunodeficiency virus



The presence of interstitial keratitis (IK) is essentially synonymous with congenital syphilis in most cases but may also occur in association with other infective causes such as Lyme disease, leprosy, and other viral diseases. Due to the common connection with congenital syphilis, all patients diagnosed with interstitial keratitis must undergo treponemal serology testing irrespective of the presence or absence of other associated clinical findings.

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Which one of the following statements is FALSE regarding pellucid marginal corneal degeneration (PMCD)?

Acute hydrops can occur leading to scarring and corneal vascularization

PMCD is characterized by a narrow band of inferior corneal thinning 1-2 mm in width

Correct answer The cornea protrudes in the area of thinning

Differential diagnosis PMCD includes Terrien’s degeneration and Mooren’s ulcer

High amounts of irregular or against-the-rule astigmatism typically appears with PMCD


The cornea protrudes in the area of thinning

Unlike keratoconus, the cornea in PMCD protrudes superior to the area of corneal thinning. The other statements presented are all true. Two of the hallmark diagnostic signs of pellucid are the kissing birds/gull-wing pattern exhibited on corneal topography and the extreme inferior positioning of a GP lens on the eye. Oftentimes the GP diagnostic lens will cross the inferior limbus onto the sclera

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What is the approximate average refractive power of the human cornea at birth?

38 diopters

56 diopters

32 diopters

48 diopters


48 diopters
At the time of birth, the approximate average refractive power of the human cornea is 48 diopters. As emmetropization occurs, the cornea will typically lose about 4 diopters of refractive power by the time a child reaches the age of 2.

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which of the following values BEST describes the average imbibition pressure (IP) of the corneal stroma?

-40 mmHg

+40 mmHg

+55 mmHg

+25 mmHg

  • 55 mmHg
  • 25 mmHg

-40 mmHg

the imbibition pressure of the corneal stroma is due to the anionic (negatively charged) repulsive forces of the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which causes the tissue to expand and suck fluid into the cornea. In vitro, the imbibition pressure (IP) and the stromal swelling pressure (SP) are equivalent. However, in vivo, the IP is lower than the SP because the hydrostatic pressure induced by the intraocular pressure must be accounted for. Therefore, the average imbibition pressure of the corneal stroma is approximately -40 mmHg.

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Corneal transparency is vital to ensure optimal vision. It is therefore important that the cornea remains strong and able to resist damage. Which type of force is the cornea LEAST resistant to?

Normal force perpendicular to the corneal place

Gravitational force

Lateral shearing force

Direct pressure perpendicular to the globe


Lateral shearing force

Due to the arrangement and architecture of the collagen fibrils that make up the cornea, it is capable of resisting forces of up to 30 atm when applied in the same direction as the visual axis. However, the cornea is not capable of resisting lateral shearing forces. The way that the cornea is structured, the lamellae can slide past one another. This explains why a probe is easily inserted between lamellae into the stroma.

Normal force is a support force that is exerted onto an object by another object that is stable. For example, a car resting on a road pushes down on the road but the road exerts an upward force back on the car to support its weight

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In which of the following refractive surgery procedures is the corneal epithelium completely removed prior to ablation?

Laser-assisted epithelial keratomileusis

Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis

Conductive keratoplasty

Photorefractive keratectomy

Radial keratotomy


Photorefractive keratectomy

Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK), laser-assisted epithelial keratomileusis (LASEK), and photorefractive keratotomy (PRK) are all refractive surgery procedures that use an excimer laser to ablate corneal tissue with subsequent correction of refractive error. These techniques differ in the way in which the deeper corneal tissue (stroma) is reached. LASIK involves the creation of a flap of corneal tissue. LASEK involves the removal of the corneal epithelium in a sheet that is then repositioned after ablation is complete. In PRK, the epithelium is completely removed and a bandage contact lens placed over the cornea after ablation to allow the epithelium to heal. The excimer laser used in these refractive procedures alters corneal stromal tissue, thus the need to expose this layer of the cornea.

Conductive keratoplasty is a procedure in which laser burns are placed in the corneal mid-periphery to induce stromal shrinkage and subsequent steepening of the cornea. Radial keratotomy involves the creation of radial incisions formed by a blade to flatten the corneal curvature.

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Your patient tells you that he has previously been diagnosed with keratoconus. Which of the following exam findings would you expect to see during your evaluation?

Corneal striae with a horizontal orientation

Correct answer Irregular astigmatism

Limbal girdle of Vogt

Corneal arcus


Keratoconus causes a thinning of the cornea and is generally located centrally/inferiorly. It is not an inflammatory condition, and most patients tend to be asymptomatic other than reporting decreased visual acuity. Keratoconus is progressive and usually begins during puberty but studies have demonstrated that it tends to stabilize in the third or fourth decade of life. Upon examination, one generally observes myopia, irregular astigmatism, and corneal distortion. Some patients manifest a Fleischer’s ring, which is a deposition of iron anterior to Bowman’s layer of the cornea. This ring appears at the base of the cone and is green/brown in color. Fleischer’s rings are best viewed through a Cobalt blue filter. Some patients may also demonstrate Vogt’s striae which appear as fine, gray, parallel, linear wisps with a vertical orientation at the apex of the cornea in the stroma. These are believed to be stress lines caused by stretching of the tissue. If the keratoconus is slightly more advanced, it is possible for the patient to display central corneal scarring caused by ruptures in Bowman’s layer. Prominent corneal nerves may also be exhibited by some patients. Roughly 5% of patients will experience a rupture of Descemet’s membrane, causing hydrops or corneal edema along with a drop in visual acuity. If the cornea is unable to recover from the rupture in Descemet’s, a penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) (corneal transplant) may be warranted.

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Your patient had LASIK over one year ago, and her prescription has regressed slightly by 1.25 D of myopia. She wishes to get an enhancement and asks you what is the MOST common complication associated with a LASIK enhancement?


Flap dislocation

Post sub-capsular opacification

Epithelial ingrowth


Epithelial ingrowth

The most common complication associated with an enhancement after previously undergoing LASIK is epithelial ingrowth. Although this condition can occur after the first LASIK procedure due to poor flap adhesion or from stray epithelial cells remaining under the flap, it is far more common with enhancements. Some surgeons are attempting to decrease the incidence of ingrowth occurrence with enhancements by re-cutting a new flap or via refractive keratotomy (RK). In general, ingrowth does not cause a problem if it is isolated to a small area and if there is little elevation or change with time. If the ingrowth is significant and vision is compromised, treatment requires that the flap be lifted and the offending cells removed.

Posterior capsular opacification only occurs after cataract surgery when residual lenticular epithelial cells proliferate, causing opacification of the posterior aspect of the space between the posterior lens implant and the posterior capsule. If vision is compromised, treatment requires that the cells be removed via a YAG laser.

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Inflammation of the corneal stroma without the involvement of the epithelium or endothelium is known as which of the following conditions?

Corneal hydrops

Infiltrative keratitis

Bullous keratopathy

Interstitial keratitis

Neurotrophic keratitis


Interstitial keratitis

Interstitial keratitis (IK) is an inflammation of the corneal stroma in the absence of primary involvement of the corneal epithelium or endothelium. It is most often associated with congenital syphilis but may occur with other conditions such as tuberculosis, leprosy, Lyme disease, and other viral infections.

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Which of the following best describes the pathophysiology of corneal guttata commonly observed in patients with Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy?

Irregular focal thickening of Bowman’s membrane

Focal areas of corneal endothelial cell loss

Abnormal deposition of hyaloid material in the posterior corneal stroma

Irregular excrescences of Descemet’s membrane

Persistent epithelial edema resulting in the formation of microcysts


Irregular excrescences of Descemet’s membrane

Corneal guttata are abnormal excrescences or bumps of Descemet’s membrane that are secreted by anomalous corneal endothelial cells. Slit-lamp examination in patients with this finding will show a classic “beaten metal” appearance, which is best viewed by specular reflection. Guttata typically present in the central cornea and seldom reach the periphery. Patients are not considered having Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy unless stromal and epithelial edema occurs in association with the finding of corneal guttata. When persistent epithelial edema produces the formation of microcysts and bullae, this is known as bullous keratopathy.

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A 36 year-old female patient presents with a concern of foreign body sensation, burning, tearing, and redness of both eyes. Slit lamp examination reveals radial injection of the superior bulbar conjunctiva that results in a fold of redundant tissue when light downward pressure is placed on the upper eyelids. Based on these clinical findings, what is the MOST likely diagnosis for this patient?

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis


Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis

Marginal keratitis

Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis



Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis

Patients presenting with superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis (SLK) typically complain of non-specific symptoms such as redness, foreign body sensation, burning, tearing, photophobia, pain, frequent blinking, and mild mucoid discharge. Clinical signs that are commonly observed in SLK are superior bulbar conjunctival thickening and radial injection, especially near the limbus. When light downward pressure is placed on the upper eyelids, a fold of conjunctival tissue will commonly cross the upper limbus. Staining is usually observed on the superior cornea, limbal region, and bulbar conjunctiva. Another important clinical feature is the presence of fine papillae on the superior tarsal conjunctiva that results in a velvety appearance. Papillae are also occasionally observed at the limbus, as well as superior filamentary keratitis, in more severe cases of SLK.

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You are attempting to determine the etiology of your patient’s symptoms of ocular dryness. Which of the following tests could you perform to confirm the diagnosis of evaporative dry eye?

Tear break-up time

Schirmer test

Tear osmolarity

There is no clinical test to confirm this specific diagnosis


At this time, there is no clinical test that can definitively determine the presence of evaporative dry eye in a patient with ocular dryness signs and symptoms. Evaporative dry eye is considered a presumptive diagnosis based on clinical findings of meibomian gland disease.

Tear film break-up time measures tear film stability and will be decreased in both aqueous deficiency and evaporative dry eye. Schirmer testing, fluorescein clearance, and tear osmolarity tests measure tear production and are used in determining a diagnosis of aqueous deficiency dry eye.

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Your patient has keratoconus and is pregnant. She would like to know if this condition is hereditary. What is the MOST appropriate response to this question?

Yes, keratoconus is hereditary 100% of the time

No, keratoconus has a high correlation with hypertension

No, there is no hereditary component associated with keratoconus

Yes, there is a hereditary component to keratoconus but it presents with incomplete penetrance


Yes, there is a hereditary component to keratoconus but it presents with incomplete penetrance

Although there still remains a lot of debate regarding the genetic link to keratoconus, according to the collaborative longitudinal evaluation in keratoconus study (CLEK) it is believed that the condition is autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance. Therefore, there is a slightly higher chance of her child manifesting keratoconus; however, the odds are still quite small. Most patients with diagnosed cases of keratoconus do not profess a family history of the condition. Keratoconus does appear to be linked to eye rubbing, although whether this is a cause or simply a symptom is unclear at this point. There also appears to be a very high correlation between keratoconus and atopy. People who suffer from eczema, allergies, and hay fever tend to display a higher incidence of keratoconus compared to the rest of the general population. Again, this subset of people has a high correlation of eye rubbing associated with ocular irritation, which may contribute to the formation of keratoconus.

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Which of the following refractive errors is associated with a deeper anterior chamber depth?







Patients with myopia tend to possess increased anterior chamber depths and axial lengths when compared to patients who are emmetropic or hyperopic.

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You are measuring the curvature of your keratoconic patient’s cornea using a manual keratometer. You are experiencing difficulty measuring the steep keratometry value as the drum reading does not go high enough. You extend the range by adding a +1.25 trial lens and are able to obtain a reading of 50.50D. Which of the following MOST closely represents the true keratometry value in his steep meridian?

  1. 75D
  2. 75D
  3. 50D
  4. 50D
  5. 00D
  6. 50D


if pt is too steep –> drum can not read it –> use +1.25 trial
if pt is too flat –> drum can not read it –> use -1.00 D trial
1- +1.25 –> add 8-9D to drum reading
2. +2.25 –> add 16 D TO

When measuring the keratometry values utilizing a manual keratometer there are certain circumstances in which the reading may be out of the range of the drum values. In these cases, one will need to add a trial lens to the keratometer in order to extend the ranges (lenses are added to the patient’s side of the keratometer). Cases in which the curvature is steeper than the drum reading, plus trial lenses are required, and when the reading is flatter than the drum reading, minus trial lenses are necessary.
In patients with steeper curvatures, typically a +1.25 trial lens is tried first. If a measurement can be found with this lens one will need to add about 8-9D to the drum reading in order to obtain the true value. A +1.25 lens will extend the range from about 52D to 60 or 61D. In the case of the above patient, adding about 8.5D will result in a true value of 59.00D.
If keratometry values are even steeper (in the 60-68D range), a +2.25 trial lens can be utilized to extend the drum range even more. In these cases, about 16D is added to the drum reading to reach the true keratometry value.
If the curvature is flatter than can be measured with the manual keratometer, a minus lens can be added to extend the range in the opposite direction. Typically a -1.00 trial lens will encompass a keratometry reading from about 32-38D. If a -1.00 lens is added, one will need to subtract 6D from the drum reading.

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Which 2 of the following statements regarding laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and contact lens wear are TRUE? (Select 2)

Rigid contact lenses should be removed for 1 week per decade of wear prior to the procedure

Correct answer Soft contact lenses should be removed 2 weeks prior to the procedure

Soft multifocal contact lenses must be discontinued 4 weeks prior to the procedure

Correct answer Extended wear contact lenses should be removed for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the procedure

Daily disposable contact lenses may be worn until 2 days prior to the procedure

Toric contact lenses should be removed for a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the procedure


Contact lenses of all types can have an effect on a patient’s tear film, corneal topography, and refractive error. Therefore, it is important to have a patient discontinue wear of their contact lenses for a certain timeframe prior to surgery. The FDA requires patients to be out of soft contact lenses for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to any customized procedure. Because rigid gas-permeable lenses can have a more dramatic effect on corneal topography and thus on refractive error, they require a longer time for the cornea to normalize. The FDA requirement is a minimum of 1 month with the recommendation of 1 month for every decade of wear or until the corneal topography is stable.

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Salzmann’s nodular degeneration results from what type of deposition and occurs between which layers of the cornea?

Amyloid deposition between Descemet’s and the endothelium

Mucopolysaccharide deposition between Bowman’s membrane and the stroma

Amyloid deposition between the stroma and Descemet’s membrane

Hyaline deposition between the epithelium and Bowman’s membrane


Hyaline deposition between the epithelium and Bowman’s membrane

Salzmann’s nodular degeneration appears as blue/white hyaline plaque deposits between the epithelium and Bowman’s membrane, generally around the pupillary area of the cornea. This condition stems from other pathologies, primarily old phlyctenula. Treatment is generally not required unless vision is affected.

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Your 37 year-old male patient with a previous history of basement membrane disease reports that he began experiencing severe pain, watering, and photophobia upon wakening. Slit-lamp examination reveals a large epithelial defect in the interpalpebral zone that stains with sodium fluorescein. What is the MOST likely diagnosis of this patient?

Corneal abrasion

Corneal erosion

Corneal ulcer

Corneal laceration


Corneal erosion

Recurrent corneal erosions occur secondary to an abnormally weak attachment between the basal cells of the corneal endothelium and their basement membrane. Symptoms most commonly occur upon wakening, in which minor injuring resulting from opening the eyes after sleep causes shearing forces that are sufficient enough to tear the corneal epithelium. Patients typically present with severe ocular pain, watering, and photophobia that occurs during the night or shortly after wakening. There is usually a history of prior trauma or surgery (that could have occurred several years prior), or in association with an epithelial membrane dystrophy or anterior stromal dystrophy. Slit-lamp examination of these patients will usually reveal a frank epithelial defect, particularly in the interpalpebral zone or lower half of the cornea. There may also be a larger area surrounding the epithelial defect that represents the extent of the loose epithelium and may be highlighted with pooling of sodium fluorescein.

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The corneal stroma is composed mainly of what component?







The corneal stroma is comprised mostly of collagen and water. The stroma itself makes up roughly 90% of the thickness of the cornea. This layer is made up of around 250 lamellae organized in a precise orthagonal arrangement to ensure corneal transparency. The space between the collagen bundles that make up the lamellae is maintained by proteoglycans which are composed of protein and carbohydrate. The proteoglycans have a negative charge and thus repel each other. The collagen is upheld and maintained by keratocytes.

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Which of the following values BEST describes the average imbibition pressure (IP) of the corneal stroma?

+25 mmHg

  • 55 mmHg
  • 25 mmHg

+40 mmHg

-40 mmHg

+55 mmHg


-40 mmHg

The imbibition pressure of the corneal stroma is due to the anionic (negatively charged) repulsive forces of the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which causes the tissue to expand and suck fluid into the cornea. In vitro, the imbibition pressure (IP) and the stromal swelling pressure (SP) are equivalent. However, in vivo, the IP is lower than the SP because the hydrostatic pressure induced by the intraocular pressure must be accounted for. Therefore, the average imbibition pressure of the corneal stroma is approximately -40 mmHg.

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Which of the following conditions is NOT a contraindication to LASIK surgery?

Thin corneas

Active ocular disease

A keloid former

Retinal detachment

Controlled type II diabetes



Controlled type II diabetes

LASIK is a procedure that results in thinning of the cornea; therefore, a person who has thin corneas to begin with or any corneal conditions resulting in irregular astigmatism or ectasia is not a good candidate. The presence of an active ocular disease such as conjunctivitis, microbial keratitis, or corneal erosions would also contraindicate a patient, as these diseases can lead to very serious post-LASIK infections and unpredictable surgical outcomes. A keloid former is a patient who is prone to producing a lot of scar tissue in the event of trauma or tissue manipulation. If a lot of scar tissue is present after surgery, this can increase the perception of light scatter and haloes, thereby decreasing acuity levels. Also, extreme scarring may also alter the shape of the cornea and offset the desired final outcome causing over- or under-correction or undesired astigmatism.

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Arlt’s lines and Herbert’s pits are associated with which of the following ocular conditions?

Vernal limbic keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC)

Recurrent corneal erosion




Trachoma is more common in lesser-developed countries and can cause blindness if not treated appropriately. Trachoma presents in several stages, initially starting with mucopurulent discharge, lymphadenopathy, red eye, small superior tarsal follicles, and mild superior pannus. This infection eventually progresses to horrible scarring of the eyelid and cornea, causing extremely poor visual acuity. Arlt’s lines denote the characteristic linear scarring that occurs on the palpebral conjunctival surface. This scarring of the eyelids can cause entropion and trichiasis which abrade the cornea leading to scarring and/or ulceration. Herbert’s pits are conjunctival depressions or excavations caused by scarring of limbal follicles that occurs along the limbocorneal junction. Treatment includes oral doxycycline, tetracycline, azithromycin, or erythromycin along with topical tetracycline or erythromycin ointment.

A recurrent corneal erosion generally occurs in response to a corneal abrasion incurred by something organic (like a finger-nail or a tree branch). The initial abrasion heals but a short time afterwards the patient will experience another episode without any new incidence of trauma. The second occurrence tends to transpire first thing in the morning; the eyelids stick to the unstable flap of tissue and rip it off like a band-aid when the eyes open. The best way to treat a recurrent corneal erosion is through the use of a topical antibiotic (unpreserved is best) to ensure sterility (as the cornea is exposed) as well as a bandage contact lens to speed up the healing process. Some argue that a bandage contact lens can pose more problems than it solves as the lens must be worn continually for a minimum of 10-12 weeks (the lens should be changed intermittently). Hyperosmotic drops or artificial tears should be prescribed for roughly 10-12 weeks to ensure healing and to allow for proper formation of hemidesmosomes to alleviate future episodes. Other treatments include stromal micropuncture or debridement.

VKC is a condition of the young and presents with an increased frequency in males. This type of allergy typically develops before age 14 and lasts for 4-10 years before the child outgrows it; it occurs predominantly in the spring and summer. The condition progressively improves, with the first episode being the most severe. Usually VKC is seen in patients who are prone to atopy and therefore they suffer from eczema, asthma or hay fever. Patients typically suffer from itchy eyes and photophobia. The condition basically presents as a very severe type of allergic conjunctivitis. Signs include cobblestone papillae of the upper lid, lid swelling, and ropy discharge that is worse in the morning. Corneal defects (usually superiorly) known as keratitis of Togby may also be present. Occasionally, patients will develop a shield ulcer and Tranta’s dots, which are calcified eosinophils seen circumlimbally (they appear as chalky concretions) and may lead to the feeling of an associated foreign body sensation. Treatment includes mast cell stabilizers that should be started several weeks prior to re-occurring episodes, pulse steroid therapy, cool compresses, and sunglasses to help alleviate ensuing photophobia.

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) is a very common and contagious infection of viral etiology. EKC is caused by the adenovirus; there are many different strains, but the two most common to cause ocular infections are serotypes 8 and 19. EKC is said to follow the “rule of 8s” because type 8 is the type most frequently isolated; on the 8th day, the patient will present will diffuse superficial punctate keratitis (SPK), followed 8 days later (16 days from inoculation) by the formation of sub-epithelial infiltrates (SEIs). Once SEIs are present, the patient is no longer considered contagious. Signs of EKC include follicular conjunctivitis, positive lymph adenopathy, and mild lid edema. Small sub-conjunctival hemorrhages, pseudo-membranes, and iritis may also be present. Treatment for this condition is generally palliative and consists of ocular lubrication, topical vasoconstrictors, cool or warm compresses, topical NSAIDs, and sunglasses. Some clinicians use a Betadine® (5%) ophthalmic solution off-label treatment in office, which seems to be rather effective. The use of steroids is still controversial because EKC and the Herpes simplex virus (HSV) can initially present similarly, and steroid use on HSV can lead to horrendous corneal damage. Topical steroids are very effective if the patient suffers from SEIs that are visually debilitating, but be sure to taper the steroid use.

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Which of the following is TRUE regarding patients with recurrent corneal erosions who wish to undergo refractive surgery?

Correct answer They should have photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)

They should have femtosecond flap vs. microkeratome flap

They should have laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK)

It is an absolute contraindication and they should seek another solution


Recurrent corneal erosions occur in an area where the epithelium is not secured to the anterior stroma, usually from either an abrasion or epithelial basement membrane dystrophy. The mechanical action of creating a corneal flap either with a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser can cause the epithelium to erode in the “weakly adherent” area. Therefore, it is not advisable to use either of those methods to treat the eye. Phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) has been shown to be an effective treatment of recurrent erosions, therefore simultaneously adding refractive correction (Photorefractive keratectomy) is also an effective treatment with the added benefit of correcting the patient’s refractive error.


The stem cells of the corneal epithelium originate from which location on the eye?

Goblet cells

The palisades of Vogt

Axenfeld loops



The palisades of Vogt

The epithelial stem cells are located within the palisades of Vogt. These white, linear structures traverse radially around the cornea and are more prominent inferiorly than superiorly. They are clearly evident right on the edge of the limbus and extend to blend invisibly with the cornea. The palisades serve as housing for blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue and lymphatics. Most importantly, the palisades have been proven to contain stem cells that can be stimulated for renewal of aging/damaged epithelial cells. Axenfeld loops are generally seen in the sclera as sometimes raised areas of pigment. These loops are formed by nerves that initially course one way and then turn back on themselves. Goblet cells secrete the mucous layer of the tear film and are found primarily in the conjunctiva


A 10-year old child presents in your office with a unilateral follicular conjunctivitis along with ipsilateral adenopathy. You correctly diagnose oculoglandular syndrome. Because it is the most common etiology, which of the following causes are you MOST likely to suspect?





Cat-scratch disease


Cat-scratch diseaseOculoglandular syndrome can be caused by a myriad of organisms and presents as a unilateral follicular conjunctivitis along with lymphadenopathy on the same side as the affected eye. Other signs and symptomology vary depending on the causative organism. Causes include but are not limited to: cat-scratch disease, tularemia, syphilis, tuberculosis, sprotrichosis, mononucleosis, coccidioidomycosis, sarcoidosis, Hansen’s disease, mumps, actinomycosis, Listeria and Herpes simplex.

Based solely upon the age of the child, one would first assume cat-scratch disease, which is the most common cause of oculoglandular syndrome. This assumption would be verified by asking if the child had recently been scratched by a cat and by performing the Hanger-Rose skin test for confirmation.

Coccidioidomycosis can cause oculoglandular syndrome, but it is contracted via exposure to a fungus that is found in soil and vegetables through an opening in the skin and is frequently encountered in gardeners, farm workers, or botanists. Children do not generally contract oculoglandular syndrome in this fashion.

Diabetes, measles, and toxoplasmosis do not display a correlation with the development of oculoglandular syndrome.


In cases of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), subepithelial infiltrates (SEIs) typically appear within how many days after the onset of the disease?

1-2 days

10-12 days

SEIs are not associated with EKC

8 days

14 days


14 days

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis typically runs a common clinical course that begins with characteristic signs and symptoms following an 8-10 day incubation period. Initially, patients will usually complain of eyelid edema, pain, photophobia, and lacrimation. Early conjunctival clinical signs include a mixed papillary and follicular response, hyperemia, chemosis, and subconjunctival hemorrhages that typically last for 7-21 days. In more severe cases, the development of a conjunctival membrane or pseudomembrane is possible.

Corneal involvement in patients with EKC is variable, but most patients develop diffuse, fine, superficial keratitis within the first week of the onset of the disease. After about 6-13 days, focal punctate epithelial lesions that appear elevated and stain with sodium fluorescein often occur, and by day 14, subepithelial opacities develop under these focal lesions in about 20% of patients. These subepithelial infiltrates may affect vision and can persist for months to years but typically will eventually resolve without scarring or neovascularization.


Which of the following is the MOST appropriate action to take if you see red blood cells in the interface during a 1-day laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) post-operative visit?

Watch the patient, as the red blood cells will usually reabsorb on their own

Have the patient rinsed immediately

Use a topical vasoconstrictor to stop the progression

Increase the dosing frequency of the topical steroid


Watch the patient, as the red blood cells will usually reabsorb on their own

Red blood cells are occasionally seen after a LASIK procedure when neovascular vessels are severed during the creation of the corneal flap. Red blood cells are seen more often when a microkeratome is used versus a femtosecond laser. They have not been shown to cause an increase in inflammation or progress, nor have any effect on the patient’s visual outcome.


Which 2 of the following statements regarding laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and contact lens wear are TRUE? (Select 2)

Extended wear contact lenses should be removed for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the procedure

Rigid contact lenses should be removed for 1 week per decade of wear prior to the procedure

Daily disposable contact lenses may be worn until 2 days prior to the procedure

Soft contact lenses should be removed 2 weeks prior to the procedure

Toric contact lenses should be removed for a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the procedure

Soft multifocal contact lenses must be discontinued 4 weeks prior to the procedure


Extended wear contact lenses should be removed for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the procedure

Soft contact lenses should be removed 2 weeks prior to the procedure

Contact lenses of all types can have an effect on a patient’s tear film, corneal topography, and refractive error. Therefore, it is important to have a patient discontinue wear of their contact lenses for a certain timeframe prior to surgery. The FDA requires patients to be out of soft contact lenses for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to any customized procedure. Because rigid gas-permeable lenses can have a more dramatic effect on corneal topography and thus on refractive error, they require a longer time for the cornea to normalize. The FDA requirement is a minimum of 1 month with the recommendation of 1 month for every decade of wear or until the corneal topography is stable.


Corneal arcus can be indicative of elevated systemic cholesterol. In which layer of the cornea does the cholesterol deposit?


Descemet’s membrane



Bowman’s membrane



Corneal arcus appears as a white/yellow circular band of cholesterol that deposits in the stromal periphery, leaving a clear zone adjacent to the limbus. It is important to refer patients with corneal arcus who are unaware of their cholesterol levels for evaluation of their serum cholesterol.


Which cells of the corneal epithelium comprise a single layer of dome-shaped germinal cells?

Stromal cells

Superficial cells

Wing cells

Basal cells


Basal cells

The corneal epithelium can be further subdivided into three zones. The most posterior zone is comprised of a single layer of basal cells which adhere to the epithelial basement membrane. These cells give rise to all of the other zones. Moving exteriorly, the basal cells move more anteriorly and flatten out to become wing cells. This zone is two to three layers thick. The most anterior zone is one to two layers thick and is made up of superficial cells. These cells are flat, plate-like cells . Superficial cells are constantly sloughed off.


Which aspect of the corneal endothelial cells is in contact with the aqueous humor?

The side of the cell

The posterior surface

The anterior surface

The basal surface


The posterior surface

The anterior surface of the corneal endothelial cells is in contact with Descemet’s membrane. The posterior surface (the apical aspect) of the cells is bathed in aqueous humor.


Which type of hypersensitivity reaction (Gell and Coombs classification) is responsible for allergic conjunctivitis?

Type III Hypersensitivity

Type II Hypersensitivity

Type IV Hypersensitivity

Type I Hypersensitivity


Type I Hypersensitivity

According to the Gell and Coombs classification of hypersensitivity reactions, Type I reactions are IgE-mediated reactions that result in an immediate response occurring within minutes of exposure. This type of reaction is seen in allergic disease. Type II reactions are antibody-dependent cytotoxic reactions that are mediated by IgM/IgG and complement. Type III reactions are due to immune complex formation. Immune complex diseases include systemic lupus erythematosus, arthus reactions and serum sickness. Type IV hypersensitivity is delayed-type hypersensitivity and is the result of T-lymphocyte response. Typically, symptoms will occur 2 days after exposure. Prime examples include the PPD test for TB, contact dermatitis, and chronic organ transplant rejection.


As a result of certain ocular diseases and surgical procedures, the sensitivity of the cornea to noxious stimuli may decrease. This occurrence is known as which of the following?







Corneal sensation has been shown to variably decrease with the presence of certain ocular diseases such as herpes simplex, keratoconus, diabetes, and other corneal dystrophies. Additionally, following surgical procedures (mostly involving the anterior segment of the eye) such as photorefractive keratectomy or laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis, desensitization of the cornea is common due to the disruption of corneal nerves during the procedure. This decrease in corneal sensitivity (regardless of the etiology) is known as hypoesthesia. Following surgical injury, it is thought that it may take 3-12 months or longer for corneal innervation and sensitization to maximally recover, as nerve regeneration typically occurs at a rate of about 1mm per month.

Hyperalgesia is an increase in sensitivity to pain. Hypoxia is a condition of tissues of the body in which the region is deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen. Lastly, hypercapnia is the condition of abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide levels in the blood.


Which of the following is considered the primary antioxidant that is naturally present in the cornea and anterior segment of the eye?


Ascorbic acid





Ascorbic acid
Ultraviolet radiation, violet light, and blue light exposure can potentially cause damage to certain structures of the eye through the generation of reactive oxygen species. These products can cause cellular and extracellular damage through reactions with DNA, proteins, and lipids. In healthy eyes, the cornea and anterior segment have naturally occurring methods to protect themselves from the potential deleterious effects of the reactive oxygen species. Most notably, the anterior segment produces and maintains sufficient levels of both low-molecular weight and high-molecular weight antioxidants. Ascorbic acid is considered to be the primary antioxidant present in the cornea and anterior segment, as it is produced in significantly high concentrations in the aqueous humor. In fact, the high amounts of ascorbic acid in the corneal epithelium are responsible for the complete absorption of UV-C and the significant attenuation of UV-A and UV-B light as it passes through the eye.


Which of the following layers of the cornea increases in size (about 3x) throughout a person’s lifetime?

Bowman’s membrane



Descemet’s membrane



Descemet’s membrane

Descemet’s membrane is a homogenous layer of the cornea that resides between the stroma and corneal endothelium. It acts as a basement membrane for the corneal endothelium and is continuously secreted by the corneal endothelial cells throughout a person’s lifetime. The anterior portion of Descemet’s membrane is formed in utero and is about 3um in thickness. The posterior 2/3 portion of the membrane is formed after birth and allows for the membrane to thicken to 20-30um with age.


Which of the following represents the innermost layer of the cornea?


Descemet’s membrane

Bowman’s layer

Substantia propria



From superficial to deep, the layers of the cornea are: epithelium, Bowman’s layer, substantia propria (stroma), Descemet’s membrane, endothelium. The epithelial layer consists of squamous cells that occupy the superficial position transitioning to wing cells and then basal cells. Bowman’s layer is a sheet of dense collagen that serves as a transition to the substantia propria (stroma) which is composed of collagen, keratocytes (fibroblastic cells), and ground substance. Descemet’s membrane is considered the basement membrane for the endothelium. The corneal endothelium is adjacent to the anterior chamber and is a single flattened layer of cells that form tight junctional complexes and serves as a mechanism to control corneal thickness. Endothelial cells do not replicate.


Which of the following vitamins, in addition to UV light, is utilized in the process of corneal collagen cross-linking?




Folic acid


Ascorbic acid



Corneal collagen cross-linking is a surgical procedure in which UVA light and riboflavin are utilized to stiffen the collagen matrix of the corneal stroma. The procedure varies between surgeons, but typically involves either full or partial debridement of the corneal epithelium to allow for maximal absorption of isotonic riboflavin into the stromal tissue. Drops of riboflavin are instilled until the yellow-color of the riboflavin is apparent in the anterior chamber (by use of a lit-lamp and blue light). The thickness of the cornea is then measured, as it must be greater than 400 microns to continue with the UV light exposure. Once this is confirmed, UVA radiation is then applied to the cornea (with riboflavin drops still being instilled) until the desired treatment time has elapsed. The cornea is then irrigated thoroughly, and a bandage contact lens is placed on the eye.


Basal cells of the corneal epithelium are attached to the underlying Bowman’s layer by means of which of the following anchoring complexes?

Zonula occludens

Gap junctions

Tight junctions

Adherens junctions




Desmosomes, hemidesmosomes, and adherens junctions are anchoring type junctions that allow cells within organs or tissues to attach and become anchored to one another and to components of the extracellular matrix. Hemidesmosomes attach corneal epithelial cells to their basal membrane. Desmosomes attach basal epithelial cells to one another.

Zonula occludens are tight junctions that act to create a barrier to the movement of water and solutes between epithelial layers in tissues of the body. This is the type of junction that is present between the superficial squamous cells of the corneal epithelium.

Gap junctions are communicating junctions that allow for direct communication between adjacent cellular cytoplasm by means of diffusion and without contact of the extracellular components.


In the absence of injury, how frequently are the superficial epithelial cells of the cornea completely regenerated?

Every month

Every 12 days

Every 2 days

Every 7 days


Every 7 days

The cornea is truly an amazing structure. The corneal epithelial cells transition from basal to columnar to wing cells and are ultimately sloughed off over a 7 day period. A small, superficial corneal abrasion (that is, one that does not penetrate Bowman’s layer) can heal completely within 24-48 hours without leaving a scar!


What is the mean horizontal and vertical diameter of the human cornea, respectively (when viewed ANTERIORLY)?

  1. 6mm, 11.7mm
  2. 7mm, 10.6mm
  3. 2mm, 11.5mm
  4. 5mm, 10.2mm

11.7mm, 10.6mm

The human cornea has an elliptical configuration in which the mean horizontal diameter is 11.7mm and the mean vertical diameter is 10.6mm, when viewed anteriorly. Contrastingly, when viewed posteriorly, the cornea is actually circular, with mean horizontal and vertical diameters of 11.7mm. This discrepancy is due to the anterior extension of the opaque sclera superiorly and inferiorly.


A 42-year old male is found to have a gray-white ring around the cornea. What blood test do you recommend the patient obtain?

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

C Reactive Protein (CRP)

Total Cholesterol

Fasting Blood Glucose (FBS)


Total Cholesterol

The white or grey ring is a deposition of lipid material and has been referred to in the past as arcus senilis. It is common in African-Americans, and its prevalence increases with age. In a young male with higher gender-based risk, the association with elevated cholesterol makes the test mandatory so that statin treatment can be instituted as early as possible. Arcus cornealis and arcus juvenilia (that is, discoloration around the cornea in younger people) are independently associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, probably reflective of the deposition of lipid material in the blood vessels as it has been demonstrated in the cornea.


Triangular patches of keratinized epithelium that are located in the interpalpebral zone of the conjunctiva and are associated with vitamin A deficiency are known as which of the following?

Roth’s spots

Herbert’s spots


Tranta’s dots

Bitot spots


Bitot spots

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to the loss of goblet cells, resulting in dryness of the conjunctiva and eventual keratinization in severe cases. Bitot spots are triangular patches that represent keratinized conjunctival epithelium. They have a foamy appearance and typically occur in the interpalpebral zone.

Tranta’s dots are discrete white spots that are found at the apices of limbal papillae associated with vernal keratoconjunctivitis.

Roth’s spots are retinal hemorrhages that have whitish centers. They are commonly observed in association with certain systemic conditions such as bacterial endocarditis, leukemia, diabetes, and pernicious anemia.

Herbert’s pits are depressed, round, thin areas that are the result of resolved limbal follicles in trachoma disease.

Concretions are common observations that appear as small, chalky, whitish-yellow deposits typically found in the inferior tarsal and fornical conjunctiva. They frequently occur in association with meibomian gland disease.


Which of the following statements BEST describes the changes in corneal diameter and curvature from birth to approximately age five?

The cornea steepens and overall diameter decreases

The cornea flattens and overall diameter decreases

The cornea flattens and overall diameter increases

The cornea steepens and overall diameter increases


The cornea flattens and overall diameter increases

Corneal curvature from birth to age 6 months of age averages approximately 47.6D. As a child ages, the corneal curvature flattens to about 45.4D at 2 years of age, and continues to flatten to about 42.7 at 5 years old. Studies have shown that the corneal curvature from age 5 on is relatively stable, unless a person experiences a corneal injury, undergoes corneal surgery, or wears contact lenses. Most literature states that the average corneal curvature in adults is about 43D or 7.85mm.


A newborn presenting with symptoms of ophthalmia neonatorum 3 days after birth is MOST likely infected with which of the following organisms?

Herpes simplex virus

Staphylococcus aureus

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Streptococcus pneumonia

Chlamydia trachomatis

Haemophilus influenza


Ophthalmia neonatorum is a conjunctivitis that typically develops within the first 3 weeks after birth as a result of transmission of infection from mother to child during delivery. This condition is particularly serious due to the lack of immunity in infants as well as the immaturity of the ocular surface (poor tear film and undeveloped lymphoid tissue).

Ophthalmia neonatorum secondary to N. gonorrhoeae typically develops within 2-5 days postpartum as hyperacute conjunctivitis. Most cases present bilaterally with periorbital edema, conjunctival chemosis, and excessive amounts of purulent discharge. It is extremely important to quickly and aggressively treat this infection due to the ability of N. gonorrhoeae to penetrate an intact corneal epithelium.

When C. trachomatis is the organism responsible for ophthalmia neonatorum, mild to moderate symptoms of unilateral or bilateral conjunctivitis commonly occur between 5 to 14 days after birth. C. trachomatis is the most common cause of ophthalmia neonatorum. These patients present with lid edema, conjunctival chemosis, punctate corneal opacities, and occasionally micropannus formation.


Hypoxic conditions cause the cornea to become cloudy and lose its transparency. Which layer of the cornea is the first to become edematous?

Bowman’s membrane






The corneal epithelium is the first to swell due to the fact that this layer is bathed by the tear film which supplies the epithelium with oxygen. During periods of hypoxia, mitochondrial function slows and the cornea switches to glycolysis for ATP production which is termed the Pasteur Effect. Anaerobic metabolism will cause a build-up of lactic acid and hydrogen ions which changes the pH of the cornea causing osmotic swelling.


Which 2 of the following agents stain dead cells, devitalized cells, and mucin? (Select 2)

Lissamine green

Methylene blue

Rose bengal

Sodium fluorescein


Lissamine green
Rose bengal

Rose Bengal is an iodine derivative of fluorescein that preferentially stains the nuclei of devitalized cells, dead cells, and mucin. It is typically applied via a moistened filter paper strip or in drop form to the conjunctiva and is very helpful in evaluating keratoconjunctivitis sicca, herpes simplex lesions, corneal abrasions, ulcerations, foreign bodies, and conjunctival tissue changes. Rose Bengal has also been shown to have some antiviral properties.

Lissamine green stains degenerated cells, dead cells, and mucous in a very similar manner to that of Rose Bengal; however, lissamine green is preferentially used due to marked ocular irritation and discomfort that tends to occur more frequently with the use of Rose Bengal.

Methylene blue has properties similar to Rose Bengal but also has the ability to stain corneal nerves.

Sodium fluorescein is the most widely utilized dye for use in eye care due to its low toxicity and excellent fluorescent properties. It is most commonly used in the assessment of corneal and conjunctival lesions, foreign bodies, in the fitting and management of contact lenses, and in the measurement of intraocular pressure.


Patients diagnosed with vernal keratoconjunctivitis have an increased incidence of which of the following corneal diseases?

Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis

Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis

Terrien’s marginal degeneration



Patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis are more likely than the general population to develop keratoconus. This is due to the association of atopic disease in both conditions. Additionally, patients with VKC and keratoconus tend to have a more severe form of keratoconus that is commonly complicated by corneal hydrops and a greater tendency for corneal neovascularization.


Your patient calls you at home because they have lost their pre-LASIK patient instructions and they have forgotten all the restrictions. Which of the following actions is permitted?

Driving home after the surgery

Eating or drinking the day of the surgery

Wearing contact lenses the day before the surgery

Swimming the day after surgery


Eating or drinking the day of the surgery

There are no restrictions placed upon the ingestion of food or drink the day of the surgery; however, the consumption of alcohol the day of surgery is not recommended. The patient should absolutely not wear their contact lenses since a clear, clean and defect-free cornea is essential the day of the surgery. Contact lenses can alter the shape of the cornea (and the prescription) which will alter the final visual outcome. Legally, the patient will not be allowed to drive home after the surgery. In case of an accident, the surgeon may be held liable. Patients are not allowed to swim or go into a hot tub for at least one week post-LASIK (two weeks is preferable). Patients are also advised not to get water or shampoo in their eyes while showering for a week post-surgery.


Which of the following corneal conditions occurs as a result of excessive amyloid deposition?

Fleck dystrophy

Lattice dystrophy

Macular dystrophy

Granular dystrophy


Lattice dystrophy

Lattice dystrophy is an autosomal dominant dystrophy (except for type III, which is autosomal recessive) with four sub-types categorized according to age of onset, systemic involvement, causative mutation, and appearance. Essentially, this condition is due to a deposition of amyloid that causes a decrease in visual acuity. The opacifications in this dystrophy appear as thick or thin lines and dots (depending on the sub-type).

Granular dystrophy results from a deposition of eosinophilic hyaline in the anterior stroma. Again, this condition is autosomal dominant and onsets in the first decade of life. As time passes, the deposits tend to coalesce and cause a decrease in visual acuity. Granular dystrophy presents with a clear limbal zone. The stroma between the opacities remains clear in the early stages of the condition.

Macular dystrophy occurs secondary to a deposition of glycosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides) in the stroma during the first decade of life. This condition is autosomal recessive and causes poor vision by the time the patient reaches roughly 20-30 years of age due to corneal thinning and enlargement of opacities that involves all of the corneal layers. This dystrophy extends to the limbus. The preferred surgical intervention is a corneal transplant. Macular dystrophy is the most visually devastating of the three stromal dystrophies mentioned here.

A good mnemonic for committing this to memory is: Marilyn Monroe Got Hers in Los Angeles (Macular-Mucopolysaccharide, Granular-Hyaline, Lattice-Amyloid).

Fleck dystrophy is an autosomal dominant condition that has an onset in the first decade of life and occurs due to fleck or comma-like deposition of glycosaminoglycan in the stroma. This dystrophy rarely requires any intervention.


Inflammation of the corneal stroma without the involvement of the epithelium or endothelium is known as which of the following conditions?

Infiltrative keratitis

Interstitial keratitis

Corneal hydrops

Bullous keratopathy

Neurotrophic keratitis


Interstitial keratitis

Interstitial keratitis (IK) is an inflammation of the corneal stroma in the absence of primary involvement of the corneal epithelium or endothelium. It is most often associated with congenital syphilis but may occur with other conditions such as tuberculosis, leprosy, Lyme disease, and other viral infections.


What is the name of the corneal surgical procedure in which the corneal epithelium and partial thickness of the stroma are transplanted, leaving the deep stroma and endothelium intact?

Lamellar keratoplasty

Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty

Deep lamellar keratoplasty

Penetrating keratoplasty


Lamellar keratoplasty

A lamellar keratoplasty involves a partial thickness excision and transplantation of the corneal epithelium and stroma only, leaving the deep stroma and corneal endothelium intact. This type of procedure is typically indicated in patients with localized corneal thinning, marginal corneal thinning or infiltration, or opacification of the superficial 1/3 of the corneal stroma.

A deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty is a transplantation procedure in which all of the opaque corneal tissue is removed almost all the way to the level of Descemet’s membrane. It is indicated in patients who have a corneal disease involving 95% of the corneal thickness but who maintain a healthy corneal endothelium with an absence of breaks in Descemet’s membrane.

A penetrating keratoplasty is a surgical procedure in which the full thickness of the cornea is replaced by donor tissue. This procedure is used in cases where the endothelium is compromised, there is dense and deep corneal scarring, severely infected corneal tissue, or degenerative diseases that could potentially recur.


A patient with against-the-rule astigmatism in the right eye will exhibit which of the following bowtie configurations on corneal topography imaging?

Bowtie slanted right

Vertical bowtie

Bowtie slanted left

Correct answer Horizontal bowtie


Horizontal bowtie
The orientation of the bowtie on corneal topography is aligned with the location of the steep keratometric meridian (90 degrees away from the axis). Therefore, in against-the-rule astigmatism (axis near 90 degrees), the bowtie will be oriented horizontally. With-the-rule astigmatism (axis near 180 degrees) will reveal a vertically aligned bowtie pattern on topography. Additionally, patients with oblique astigmatism will have the bowtie slanted either left or right. For example, if a patient reveals astigmatism with an axis of 45 degrees, topography will show a bowtie pattern that is slanted to the right by 45 degrees (aligned with the 135 degree meridian).


During periods of severe hypoxia, the cornea will revert to anaerobic metabolism and break down glycogen. What layer of the cornea is capable of storing glycogen for use during times of hypoxia?


Epithelial layer

Descemet’s membrane

Endothelial layer


Epithelial layer
The epithelial cells store glycogen, which is used as an energy source when oxygen is not available. The stores can last for about 2 hours before being depleted. Once glycogen is no longer accessible, the cornea will not produce enough ATP and the epithelial cells will begin to die.


Which of the following systemic conditions is MOST commonly associated with a diagnosis of superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis?


Systemic lupus erythematosus





Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis (SLK) is predominantly found in middle-aged women that tend to have associated abnormal thyroid function (usually hyperthyroidism). Studies have shown a 50% prevalence of thyroid disease in patients diagnosed with SLK. The exact etiology and pathophysiology of SLK remains unclear, but the relation with hyperthyroidism and the pattern of exacerbations and remissions suggests a possible autoimmune association. It is thought that SLK occurs as a result of blink-related mechanical trauma that leads to irritation of the superior limbal region as loose conjunctival tissue rubs against the limbus during the blinking movement of the upper eyelids. Damage typically occurs to both the superior tarsal and conjunctival surfaces.


What is the approximate average refractive power of the human cornea at birth?

38 diopters

48 diopters

43 diopters

56 diopters

32 diopters


48 diopters

At the time of birth, the approximate average refractive power of the human cornea is 48 diopters. As emmetropization occurs, the cornea will typically lose about 4 diopters of refractive power by the time a child reaches the age of 2.


Which of the following conditions warrants the use of a bandage contact lens?

Corneal abrasion

Limbal girdle of Vogt

A dellen

Arcus senilis


Corneal abrasion

Bandage contact lenses can be used in situations where the corneal surface requires protection from mechanical forces (such as trichiasis or entropion) or from eyelid movement over the exposed area; the bandage contact lenses can be used to promote healing and pain relief (i.e., from a corneal abrasion) and to improve vision while maintaining binocularity. In general, it is best to choose a silicone hydrogel for extended wear purposes that fits a little more steeply to reduce lens movement and mechanical friction (do not seal off the cornea– some movement is required).

A dellen is a paralimbal thinning of corneal tissue adjacent to elevated tissue. In general, a dellen can develop beside a pinguecula, pterygium, chemosis or scar tissue secondary to trauma or surgery. This condition arises from uneven tear film distribution, causing desiccation and thinning. If present for a long period of time, scar tissue may develop.

Corneal arcus is commonly seen in the elderly as a bilateral yellow/white ring that encircles the cornea while maintaining a clear zone between itself and the limbus. The ring occurs due to lipid leakage from limbal blood vessels. Treatment is not generally required as vision is not affected. However, if the patient is under 50 years of age, consider systemic hyperlipidemia and refer for blood work. If the patient is under 40 years of age and presents with arcus, refer for a serum cholesterol measurement. Lastly, if the arcus is unilateral, consider carotid occlusion on the side that DOES NOT display corneal arcus.

A limbal girdle of Vogt is located in the interpalpebral zone at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions of the cornea and comes in two types. The less common form leaves a clear zone between itself and the limbus and appears as a white/yellow band that remains in the peripheral cornea and is considered to be an early form of band keratopathy. The second form is contiguous with the conjunctiva and may be mistaken for a pinguecula, because there is no clear zone between itself and the limbus. The white-yellow band occurs as a result of collagen breakdown in Bowman’s layer. No treatment is necessary.


You are performing manual keratometry on your post-LASIK patient and realize that his corneal curvature is so flat that it falls outside of the range of the keratometer. Which of the following trial lenses would extend the range in the proper direction, and what adjustment do you need to make to the reading to obtain the true value?

Add a +1.00 lens and add 9D from the drum reading

Add a +1.00 lens and subtract 9D from the drum reading

Add a -1.00 lens and subtract 6D from the drum reading

Add a +1.00 lens and subtract 6D from the drum reading

Add a -1.00 lens and add 6D to the drum reading

Add a -1.00 lens and subtract 9D from the drum reading


Add a -1.00 lens and subtract 6D from the drum reading

1- if it is too much steeper –> Try +1.25 lens –> then add 8-9 D to the drum reading

2- if too much steep–> try +2.25 trial –> then add 16 D to the drum

3- if it is flat –> try -1.00 trial lens –> substract 6D from the drum

When measuring the keratometry values utilizing a manual keratometer, there are certain circumstances in which the reading may be out of the range of the drum values. In these cases, one will need to add a trial lens to keratometer in order to extend the ranges (lenses are added to the patient’s side of the keratometer). Cases in which the curvature is steeper than the drum reading, plus trial lenses are required, and when the reading is flatter than the drum reading, minus trial lenses are necessary.
In the case of steeper curvatures, typically a +1.25 trial lens is tried first. If a measurement can be found with this lens, one will need to add about 8-9D to the drum reading in order to obtain the true value. A +1.25 lens will extend the range from about 52D to 60 or 61D.
If keratometry values are even steeper (in the 60-68D range), a +2.25 trial lens can be utilized to extend the drum range even more. In these cases, about 16D is added to the drum reading to reach the true keratometry value.
If the curvature is flatter than can be measured with the manual keratometer, a minus lens can be added to extend the range in the opposite direction. Typically a -1.00 trial lens will encompass a keratometry reading from about 32-38D. If a -1.00 lens is added, one will need to subtract 6D from the drum reading. This is the case for the above patient.


Which of the following statements is TRUE in regards to gonococcal keratoconjunctivitis?

Neisseria gonorrhoeaeis incapable of invading an intact corneal epithelium

Gonococcal infections do not result in pseudomembrane formation

Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a Gram-positive organism

Lymphadenopathy in gonococcal infections is typically prominent


Lymphadenopathy in gonococcal infections is typically prominent

Gonorrheal infections typically have the following characteristics:

  • Profuse conjunctival purulent discharge
  • Eyelid tenderness and edema
  • Severe conjunctival chemosis and hyperemia
  • Pseudomembrane formation can occur
  • Lymphadenopathy is typically prominent
  • N. gonorrhoeae can invade an intact epithelium; therefore peripheral corneal ulceration can occur if conjunctivitis is not treated properly
  • In severe cases, the ulceration can extend centrally, and eventual corneal perforation and endophthalmitis is possible
  • Gram staining will reveal a Gram-negative organism with a kidney-shaped diplococcic appearance

Which of the following findings would you expect to see in a patient with Grade 2+ diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK)?

Large central epithelial defects

A slight hyperopic shift in vision

High levels of irregular astigmatism

No change in refractive error


A slight hyperopic shift in vision

Diffuse lamellar keratitis is a non-infectious inflammation at the interface between the corneal flap and the stroma in patients who have undergone a LASIK procedure. As the inflammation advances, the stromal tissue melts resulting in a flattening of the cornea and a hyperopic shift. DLK does not result in corneal epithelial defects and usually does not result in high levels of irregular astigmatism


In cases of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), subepithelial infiltrates (SEIs) typically appear within how many days after the onset of the disease?
14 days

1-2 days

8 days

SEIs are not associated with EKC

10-12 days


14 days
Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis typically runs a common clinical course that begins with characteristic signs and symptoms following an 8-10 day incubation period. Initially, patients will usually complain of eyelid edema, pain, photophobia, and lacrimation. Early conjunctival clinical signs include a mixed papillary and follicular response, hyperemia, chemosis, and subconjunctival hemorrhages that typically last for 7-21 days. In more severe cases, the development of a conjunctival membrane or pseudomembrane is possible.

Corneal involvement in patients with EKC is variable, but most patients develop diffuse, fine, superficial keratitis within the first week of the onset of the disease. After about 6-13 days, focal punctate epithelial lesions that appear elevated and stain with sodium fluorescein often occur, and by day 14, subepithelial opacities develop under these focal lesions in about 20% of patients. These subepithelial infiltrates may affect vision and can persist for months to years but typically will eventually resolve without scarring or neovascularization.


Which 2 of the following statements are TRUE in regards to the presence of Vogt’s striae in patients with keratoconus? (Select 2)

Vogt’s striae are most commonly found surrounding the base of the cone

Vogt’s striae will often disappear when external pressure is applied to the globe

Vogt’s striae represent vertical folds in Descemet’s membrane

Correct answer Vogt’s striae are fine vertical lines deep within the stroma

Vogt’s striae are only observed in cases of keratoconus


Vogt’s striae will often disappear when external pressure is applied to the globe

Vogt’s striae are fine vertical lines deep within the stroma

Vogt’s striae are thin, fine, parallel, vertical lines that are commonly observed in patients with keratoconus. They are typically found radiating through the center of the cone, and represent stressed collagen lamellae deep within the corneal stroma. These striae will usually disappear when external pressure is applied to the globe. Vogt’s striae can also be present in patients with pellucid marginal degeneration but are most commonly found in cases of keratoconus.


The V-shaped protrusion observed in the lower eyelid when gaze is directed downwards in patients with severe keratoconus is known as which of the following signs?

Hutchinson’s sign

Munson’s sign

Von Graefe’s sign

Shafer’s sign

Uhthoff’s sign


Munson’s sign

Patients with moderate to severe corneal thinning and steep ectasia may exhibit a noticeable protrusion of the lower eyelid on downgaze. This is known as Munson’s sign. Mild presentations will not produce significant displacement of the lower lid, as corneal protrusion is more subtle.

Von Graefe’s sign is lagging of the upper eyelid on downward rotation of the globe and is associated with Grave’s disease.

Hutchinson’s sign refers to a skin lesion on the tip of the nose that commonly precedes the development of herpes zoster ophthalmicus.

Uhthoff’s sign is a worsening of neurologic symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis when the body’s temperature is elevated.

Shafer’s sign is the presence of fine retinal pigment epithelial cells in the anterior vitreous that are highly indicative of a retinal tear.


What is the name of the surgical procedure in which thermal laser burns are placed in the mid-periphery of the cornea in an attempt to steepen the corneal curvature?

Photorefractive keratectomy

Conductive keratoplasty

Radial keratotomy

Limbal relaxation incisions

Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis


Conductive keratoplasty

In cases where the corneal curvature must be steepened in order to correct for refractive error (hyperopia or presbyopia), conductive keratoplasty (CK) is a viable surgical option. Although this surgical procedure was used more often in earlier years, it is not currently as widely used as laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). In comparison to CK, LASIK and PRK tend to be safe, have long-standing results, and more predictable outcomes. The CK technique involves using a radiofrequency probe to create burns in either one or two concentric rings in the mid-peripheral region of the cornea. These thermal laser burns cause subsequent stromal shrinkage, which results in an increase in the curvature of the cornea. This change in curvature typically decays over time, but the procedure can be repeated.

Radial keratotomy is also an older surgical procedure in which a diamond blade is used to create several radial corneal incisions (the number and depth of the incisions depends on the refractive error) in order to flatten the corneal curvature in patients with myopic refractive errors. Limbal relaxation incisions are similar in that arcuate incisions are made on opposite sides of the corneal periphery in the meridian of the “plus” cylinder axis in order to create flattening of the steep corneal curvature (with some smaller steepening of the flat meridian) in an attempt to reduce the amount of corneal astigmatism.

Photorefractive keratotomy (PRK) and laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) are refractive surgery techniques that use an excimer laser to ablate corneal tissue to a certain depth in either the central cornea (to correct myopia) or peripherally (to correct hyperopia).


What types of cells are normally present in Bowman’s layer?




None-this layer is acellular


None-this layer is acellular

Bowman’s layer is roughly 12 microns thick and serves as a smooth support for the epithelial cells that lay anteriorly. This layer does not contain cells but is comprised of collagen fibrils arranged in a random fashion.


According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), what amount of corneal neovascularization is considered to be significant?

Vessel penetration in excess of 1.5mm

Vessel penetration in excess of 0.2 mm

Vessel penetration in excess of 0.7 mm

Any amount of vessel penetration is considered to be significant


Vessel penetration in excess of 1.5mm

The FDA has deemed that vessel penetration into the cornea in excess of 1.5 mm is considered to be of significance. A small amount of neovascularization (especially with soft contact lens wear) is to be expected, but if the vessels penetrate too far into the cornea, it is likely a sign of hypoxia and should be dealt with accordingly.


Neovascularization associated with contact lens wear is generally located in which layer of the cornea?

Posterior stromal layers



Posterior to the endothelium



Neovascularization associated with soft contact lens wear is generally located superficially and presents as an extension of vessels from the superficial marginal arcade beyond the limbus into the cornea. Most commonly, neovascularization is the result of over-wear from a contact lens that possesses a low Dk/t.

Stromal neovascularization can occur with contact lens wear but this is not the norm. Most stromal neovascularization is typically the result of infections such as chronic blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis, phlyctenulosis, trachoma, or graft rejection.


A young man 28 years of age is seen at your office and wishes to undergo LASIK. His subjective refraction is OD: -9.00-5.00 x 178 and OS: -3.50-7.25 x 172. His corneas are clear and there are no apparent ocular or systemic contraindications to surgery. Is this patient a good candidate for LASIK?

Only the right eye could undergo LASIK

No, neither eye should undergo LASIK

Yes, both eyes could safely undergo LASIK

Only the left eye could undergo LASIK


No, neither eye should undergo LASIK

Unfortunately, this patient is not a good candidate as his high prescription falls outside the specified parameters for LASIK. Reportedly, LASIK can be used to correct up to 12.00 D of myopia, 6.00 D of astigmatism, and 6.00 D of hyperopia. The right eye of our patient has 14.00 D of myopia in the vertical meridian (when in doubt, always place the prescription on an optical cross). His left eye possesses a high amount of astigmatism which also falls outside the range of current approval for LASIK.


A patient returns to your office after having undergone LASIK four days ago concerned with progressive loss of acuity. His refraction has undergone a hyperopic shift with the presence of astigmatism. Biomicroscopy reveals white granular infiltrates located diffusely across the interface. The conjunctiva is white and quiet and the corneal surface does not stain with fluorescein. There is no anterior chamber reaction. Given the above findings what is the MOST appropriate diagnosis?

Microbial keratitis

Diffuse lamellar keratitis

Dry eye syndrome

Epithelial ingrowth


Diffuse lamellar keratitis

Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK), sometimes referred to as the Sands of Sahara, typically occurs two to five days post-LASIK. Initially the patient will note a progressive decrease in visual acuity. Biomicroscopy will reveal diffuse inflammatory infiltrates located across the periphery of the surgical interface but do not penetrate into the stroma nor do they extend into the flap. Very early cases will display infiltrates along the edge of the flap. Generally there will be little to no injection of the conjunctiva, the corneal surface will remain intact and there will be no reaction in the anterior chamber. The patient usually does not notice any discomfort. As the condition progresses, the patient will continue to notice a decrease in acuity. The subjective refraction will become hyperopic with astigmatism. The number of granular infiltrates will increase and diffusely cover the flap interface and a central haze will develop. With time, the central haze will become more condensed and may appear wave-like. Stromal folds may develop but some believe that this is actually not related to DLK but some other variant and thusly should not be classified as DLK. Either way, treatment is aggressive and consists of topical steroid drops every hour. If the infiltrates are severely condensed, the flap may have to lifted, the interface debrided and the flap refloated to remove them. If this condition is not detected and treated early, stromal melt along with severe scarring and poor visual acuity could ensue.

It is important to be able to distinguish between microbial keratitis and DLK, as the treatments differ for each. If you treat microbial keratitis with a steroid, you are only increasing the risk of infection as the steroid will suppress the body’s ability to fight infectious organisms. Remember, in general, infections will cause redness and usually will not limit themselves to the surgical interface. Some form of discharge will likely be present, and the patient will generally note some type of discomfort or irritation.

Dry eye syndrome may present with mild injection of the conjunctiva and superficial punctate keratitis but infiltrates in general will not occur with this condition. The patient may report a foreign body sensation along with burning and stinging of the eyes.

Epithelial ingrowth tends to develop several days to weeks post-LASIK and initially presents along the flap edge interface. Ingrowth generally progresses at a slower rate than DLK and most likely will not present diffusely throughout the flap-stromal incision sites at such a rapid rate.


While awake, what is the major source of oxygen used by the cornea?

The aqueous

Limbal blood vessels

Atmospheric oxygen

Palpebral capillaries


Atmospheric oxygen

Tears absorb oxygen from the air which then diffuses into the cornea. Oxygen is required by the endothelium and the epithelium because they are metabolically active. A small amount of oxygen is also supplied by the limbal blood vessels and by diffusion from the aqueous. However, due to the large amount of oxygen required by the cornea, most of the oxygen during periods of wakefulness is derived from the tears. For this reason, it is important that contact lens patients be fitted with lenses that offer high oxygen permeability.


Which of the following values most closely corresponds to the average eccentricity of the human cornea?

  1. 50
  2. 50
  3. 00
  4. 10
  5. 00

r 0.50Eccentricity is the measurement of the asphericity of a curved surface. In the case of the human cornea, it indicates the way in which the cornea changes from a more curved central portion to a flatter periphery (also known as a prolate shape). Normal corneal eccentricity values (e values) range between +0.50 and +0.60 in humans. A higher corneal eccentricity value indicates that the cornea flattens more rapidly in the periphery; a lower eccentricity measurement would occur in a patient whose cornea flattened more slowly in the periphery.

Another way to think of eccentricity is that the ‘e’ value designates that amount by which the cornea deviates from a perfect sphere (which has an eccentricity value of 0). A parabola has an eccentricity value of 1; a prolate ellipse (as in the normal cornea) will have an eccentricity between 0.1 and 0.9 depending on how fast the peripheral flattening occurs. Lastly, an oblate ellipsoid (as in some post myopic refractive surgical corneas) will have an eccentricity value of between -0.1 and -0.9, depending on how fast the curvature steepens in the periphery.