Congress Flashcards
our Congress notes so far...!
article 1
makes laws
2 houses
House: # of members
435-> based on population
House: requirements
25 yrs, 7 yr citizen, have to live within the states
House: census
determines # of reps. done every 10 years
House: term length
two years, no limits
states draw new district lines
purposely drawing district lines to benefit a political part
Senate: requirments
30 yr, 9 yr citizen, live within states
Senate: #’s
2 per sates, 100 in total,
Senate: Term Length
6 years, no limit
Continuous Body
1/3 of state is up for re-election every two years
cross section
Does a body reflect the entire Congress?
- Congress DOES NOT rep. the entirety of society
What are the two types of powers of Congress?
Liberal and Strict instructionalist
take the constitution and stretch to fit modern times
Strict Instructionalist
Take the constitution as it is
Powers of congress
to tax, borrow, trade, make money, declare war, naturalization, copyrights and patents
Non-legislative powers
amendment process, electoral duties, impeachment, investigation powers.
pork barrel spending
reps. pass legislation to bring jobs and $ back to their district
log rolling
voting for someone’s legs. b/c they voted for yours
Congress oversees exec. branch
already in office when running again for re-election
Baker vs. Carr
all districts should be the same # wise
Shaw vs. Reno
Gerrymandering based on racial background
define majority party
party with most seats in chamber
define minority party
party with 2nd highest number of members
responsibilities of the speaker of the house
only leadership position described in constitution
-2nd in line of succession
-elected by house members
-controls agenda and assignments
majority/minority leader
assists the leader speaker of the house, sets agenda, coordinates party activity
majority/minority whip
assists the party majority/minority leaders
VP is in charge of…
casts the breaking vote in senate, determines if president is fit
president protempore
presides over chamber when VP is not present
(really doesn’t have much power)