American Political Culture Flashcards
Political Culture
Dominant beliefs, customs, traditions, and values that define the relationship btw citizens and governments.
the belief that individuals should be responsible for themselves and decisions they make
equality of oppurtunity
everyone should have a chance to succeed based on effort
Free Enterprise/Laisse Faire
An economic system in which govt. intrude as little as possibly economically
Equality and Freedom Contradict
it is difficult to have everyone be free and equal in society
Rule of Law
no one’s above the law
Limited Government
humans have inherent rights that the govt. can’t take away
political socialization
experiences and factors that shape an individual’s political values, attitude, and behaviors.
political ideology
an individual’s coherent set of beliefs about government and politics
the increasing interconnectedness of people, businesses, and countries
monetary theory
match the growth of money supply to the growth in economic productivity
stimulate the economy during times of economic recession by spending money to encourage economic growth
supply side theory
stimulate the economy by cutting taxes to encourage businesses to grow and taxpayers to spend more money
command + control economy
policy in which gov. dictates the nations economic activity
mixed economy
policy in which there is a combo: regulations done by the gov. and conditions left to the individuals
Consumer Price Index (CPI)
cost of a fixed basket of goods and services over time
(GDP) Gross Domestic Product
total value of goods and services produced by an economy
unemployment rates
of people looking for jobs
rise in cost of goods and services
(triple down economics)
the wealthy benefit
republicans support:
increased budget spending on military and less spent on taxes
democrats support:
increase spending programs that target inequalities, tax the wealthy, spend only what we need
federal reserve systems
controls interest rates
federal program that provides health insurance to seniors and the disabled
a federal program that provides healthcare for free for the poor
public opinion
collection of attitudes and views held by the general public