Congenital Facial Clefts and common craniofacial anomalies Flashcards
Describe the embryological prominences forming the face
- 5 prominences
- FrontoNasal Prominence
- Medial Nasal Prominence (MNP)
- Lateral Nasal Prominence (LNP)
- Nasal placodes
- Lens placodes
- Maxillary prominence (paired, 1st BA)
- Mandibular prominence (paired, 1st BA)
Describe the embryological derivatives of the brachial arches (BA)
1st Branchial Arch = Mandibular
- Artery degenerates
- Nerve: V mandibular br
- Cartilage: Meckel’s
- Condyle ->EO
- Mandible template -> ImO
- Incus, Malleus
- Sphenomandibular lig.
- Zygoma, Maxilla, Squam-Temporal->ImO
- Greater sphenoid (from Quadrate cartilage
- Muscles: MMATT
- Muscles of mastication
- Mylohyoid
- Ant. belly digastric
- TT
- 1st pouch = Middle Ear, Eustachian Tube
2nd BA = Hyoid
- Artery: stapedial
- Nerve: VII
- Cartilage: Reichart
- Stapes (except foot plate- otic capsule)
- Styloid process
- Stylohyoid lig
- Lesser horn and upper portion of hyoid
- Muscle DESS
- Muscle of facial Expression
- Posterior belly of Digastric
- Stapedius
- Stylohyoid
- 2nd pouch = Tonsillar Fossa
3rd BA = Pharyngeal
- Artery Carotid
- Nerve: IX Glossopharyngeus
- Cartilage: Greater horn of hyoid, lower part
- Muscle: Superior pharyngeal constrictor, stylopharyngeus
- 3rd pouch = Inferior parathyroid, Thymus
4th BA = Laryngeal
- artery: R subclavian, L aortic arch
- Nerve: X Vagus
- Cartilage: Thyroid, Cuneiform
- Muscle: Inferior pharyngeal constrictor, Cricopharyngeus, LP, Cricithyroid
5th BA =
- Artery: R and L pulmonary artery
- Nerve: Recurrent laryngeal n
- Cartilage: Arytenoid, Cricoid, corniculate
- Muscle: Intrinsic of larynx except Cricothyroid
Describe develoment of the face
- wk 4-8
- Lens placode
- Nasal placode
- MNP, LNP fuse with MxP
- paired MNP= Nasal tip, philitrum, cupids bow, premaxilla, primary palate, nasal septum
- LNP= ala
- FNP = forehead, nasal dorsum, derivatives of MNP LNP
- MxP
- fusion of MxP + MNP= seperate oral nasal
- fusion MxP + LNP = Nasolacrimal system
- MxP = Upper lip excluding philtrum, Upper cheek
- MxP = zygoma, maxilla, Squamous temporal
- Quadrate cartilage =>greater wing of sphenoid +incus
- MdP
- fusion paired = lower jaw, chin, lower lip
- Condyle - EO
- merckels template of mandible =>ImO
How are congenital CF anomalies classified?
- Cleft, Encephalocele, Dysostoses
- Hypoplasia/atrophy
- Hyperplasia/neoplasia
- Craniosynostosis
- unknown
Name cleftogens
- Maternal infetion: toxoplasmosis, CMV, rubella
- Maternal metbaolic: phenolketonuria, diabetes
- Mechanical = amniotic band
- Chemical - vit A, vitamin deficiency
- Radiation =
Describe the Tessier facial cleft classification
- clefts labelled 0-14 - 8 is equator at lateral canthus
- 0,1,2 - lip to nose
- 3,4,5 - lip to orbit/lower lid
- 3 = lateral incisor, pyriform
- 4= lateral incisior, medial to IOF
- 5- premolar, lateral to IOF
- 6,7,8 - treacher collins
- 7- macrostomia
- 8- lateral canthus
- 9,10,11 - upper orbit and eyelid
- 12,13,14 - medial to upper obit
- 0,14 - fronto nasal dysplasia
Describe clinical manifestation of Tessier cleft 0-14
- Midline Cleft
- Cleft 0
- Bone- Central incisors, nasal septum, maxilla
- ST - median cleft lip, columella
- Cleft 14
- Bone - frontal, ethmoid, cribiform
- ST - forehead,
- Clinically: encephaloceles, hyper/hypotelorism, bifid nose, median cleft lip
- Cleft 30 - mandibular extension with mindline course through symphysis, hyoid, sternum, tongue, lower lip, chin, strap muscles
Describe clinical manifestation of Tessier cleft 1-13
- Paramedian Cleft
- Cleft 1
- Bone- Central/lat incisors, maxilla, pyriform
- ST - paramedian cleft lip, ala notch
- Cleft 13
- Bone - ethmoid
- ST -medial eyebrow
- Clinically: encephaloceles, hypertelorism, notched nose, paramedian cleft lip
Describe clinical manifestations of cleft 2-12
- ParamedianCleft
- Cleft 2
- Bone- Lateral incisor,pyriform
- ST - cupids bow, middle of alae
- Cleft 12
- Bone -ethmoid, normal cribiform
- ST - medial to MCT, middle of brow
- Clinically: hyperteolorism
Describe clinical manifestation of cleft 3-11
- Lateral Cleft (lip/nose/orbit)
- Cleft 3 - 4 cavities (oral nasal maxillary sinus orbit)
- Bone- pyriform, maxilla, lacrimal crest
- ST - cupids peak, alar cheel jx ,nasolacrimal system disrupted, lower lid coloboma, micropthalmia
- Cleft 11
- Bone - ethmoid
- ST -middle 1/3 of upper eyelid and brow, frontal hairline
- Clinically:hypertelorism, alar notching, micropthalmia, nasolacrimal disturbance
Describe clinical manifestation of cleft 4-10
- Lateral Cleft
- Cleft 4 (oral, max sinus, orbital)
- Bone- lateral to pyriform (no nasal involvement) maxilla, medial orbital rim
- ST - cleft lip, through cheek
- Cleft 10
- Bone - frontal, SOR
- ST -upper lid, brow, hairline
- Clinically: cleft lip, obital content prolapse, encephalocele frontal w infero lateral prolapse of orbit
Describe clinical manifestations of cleft 6
- Cleft 6 = incomplete treacher collins
- zygomaticomaxillary dysplasia
- Bone- Zm suture, hypoplastic malar prominence, IOFfissure
- ST - lateral lip to lower lateral lid, lower lid coloboma, lateral canthal dystopia, normal ears
Describe clinical manifestation of cleft 7 and cleft 8
- Cleft 7 - most common
- Bone - hypoplastic zygoma/maxilla, leading to orbital dystopia + mandible condyle
- ST - macrostomia, parotid abnormlaities, temporalis muscle hypoplsaia, ear abnormalities
- Associated with TC, CFM, goldenhar, branchial arch 1 and 2
- Cleft 8
- Bone - ZF suture
- ST - lateral canthus, lower lid coloboma
- RARE in isolation - most common in TC
Describe clinical features of Holoprosencephaly/Frontonasal Dysplasia, and treatment
Clefting of midline structures
- excess tissue = FND
- absence of tissue = HPC
CNS: absence of corpus callosum, holoprosencephaly, encephalocele, meningocele, hydrocephalus, mental retardation. Widow peak
Ocular: hypertelorism, telecanthus, epibulbar dermoid
Nasal: midline cleft, bidif nose
Oropharyngeal: median cleft lip, micrognathia
- cranial: incise encaphlocele sac, repair dura, bone reconstruction with facial bipartition
- Nose: nasal osteotomies, cantilever bone graft
- Lip - cleft lip repair
How does HPC/FND differ from craniofrontonasodysplasia?
CFND is Xlinked (not soradic) and associated with craniosynostosis
Describe the clinical features of HFM/CFM= tessier 7 = 1st and 2nd brachial arch syndromes
Craniofacial dysostoses
=OculoAuriculoVertebral spectrum from HFM->Goldenhar syndrome
= 2nd most common congenital malformation, sporadic
Etiology: stapedial artery injury, isotretinoin (vit A) thalidomide
- mental retardation, CN7 palsy (+ 1-9)
- epibulbar dermoid, coloboma iris/lid
- ptosis, narrow palpebral fissure, enophthalmus, orbit dystopia
- microph/anophthalmia
- microtia, middle ear deficiency, CHL, preauric tags/sinus, parotid hypoplasia
- zygoma/maxilla/sqaumous temporal bone hypoplasia
- hypoplasia muscles of mastication, facial expression
- condylar/manidbular hypoplsia, occlusal cant, anterior open bite
- cleft palate, cleft lip, VPI, high arched palate
- vertebral fusion
- coarctation of aorta
- agenesis, hydronephrosis
How do you classify HFM
OMENS (mulliken) + Mandible by Pruzansky and Ear by Meurman
O- Orbital distortion
- O0- none, O1= size abN, O2 = position abN, O3 = both
M- Mandible - pruzasky + Kaban
- Type 1 - small ramus
- Type 2 - small ramus/condyle
- Type 2A - TMJ functional, glenoid-condyle relationship intact
- Type 2B - TMJ non-functional/absent
- Type 3 - absent condyle, ramus small/absent
Ear (Meurman)
- type 1 - mild hypoplasia
- type 2 - only remnant auricle/cartilage
- type 3 - absent
N - Nerve
- N0 = normal, N1=upper br dysfx, N2= lower br dysfx, N3 = all, Nx = other than CN7
S- soft tissue
- S0 normal, S1- minimal, S2- moderate, S3 - severe
Outline the treatment algorithm for a infant with HFM from birth to adolescence
- Birth
- AIRWAY - trach/mandibular distraction
- Work-up - abdo U/s (renal agenesis/hydron), echo (coarc/VSD), skeletal survey (vertebral fusion)
- Consults - ENT, audiology, genetics, social W, orthodontics, speech, dietitcian
- <2yr
- Feeding - repair macrostomia, preauric tags/sinuses, CL/P
- 2yr
- Mandibular distraction (if type 1-2A)
- 4yr
- Mandibular recon with costochondral graft (if type 2b-3)
- 6-10
- Microtia recon (>10, chest circumf >60cm)
- Orbit (increase size w adv. SOR, lateral wall and BG to increase orbital volume
- Zygoma - BG if necessary
- Pharyngoplasty/VPI if required
- Adolescence
- Mandible - BSSO if required, genioplasty +/i free fibula if requied
- Maxilla - Lefort 1 if required
- ST augmentation w autologous materials
What is goldenhar syndrome and the clinical features?
=OculoAuriculoVertebral Dysplasia
= Bialtreal HFM + other associated features
Clinical features
- bilat branchial arch 1+2 dysplasia
- Eye - enopthalmus, lateral canthal dystopia
- Oropharynx - CLP, VPI
- Midface - zygoma/maxilla hypoplasia
- Ear - microtia/preauric pit/sinus, parotid hypoplasia, CHL, middle ear abnorm.
- CNS - absent corpus callosum, Nerve palsy Cn 7
- Muscle facial exp/mastication hypoplasia
- CVS - coart/VSD
- Renal - agenesis, hydronephro
- Epibulbar dermoids
- vertebral anomalies
What are names for treacher collins (Franceschetti) syndrome, what is the characterizing feature and the gene mutation
Tessier 6,7,8 = zygoTemporoAuroMandibular dysplasia
franceschetti = complete form Tessier 6,7,8
Treacher collins = incomplete Tessier form
- Characterized by bilateral symmetric absence of zygoma
- AD w variable expressivity, TCOF1 treacle gene on 5q31
Describe the clinical features of treachercollins (Franceschetti) syndrome
- CNS: normal intelligence
- Orbit:
- lower lid - lateral 1/3 coloboma, medial 2/3 no eyelashes
- lateral canthal dystopia
- vision loss
- Nose
- broad base, choanal atresia
- Oropharynx
- CP, high arch palate, pharyngeal hypoplasia, macrostomia, VPI
- Ear
- CHL, middle ear defomrity/ossicles, microtia/EAC atresia
- Maxilla
- hypoplasia/cleft in bone at ZM, ZF, absent IOF
- Mandible
- mandible hypoplasia, class 2 malocclusion - absent Zarch
Outline the treatment algorithm for TC from birht to adolescence
- Birth
- AIRWAY - trach
- FEEDING - NG vs Gtube
- Work-up - genetics
- Consults - ENT, audiology, ophtho, dietiticna, speech, social W
- <1yr
- CP repair, macrostomia repair, preauric tags/sinuses
- 5-10
- Orbit - coloboma recon with lower lid recon (tripier/frcike, msutarde)
- OrbitoZygomatic complex - recon with BG lat orb wall and floor + malar
- Ear - microtia recon
- adolescence
- Mandible - at skeletal maturity - lefort1/2, BSSO, genio, TMJ condyle
- Midface - rhino, autologous fillers
What is Pierre robin sequence, clinical features and etiology
PRS - due to inciting event which leads to subseuqent defomrity
- Inciting cause - microgenia (mandible deformity)
- Leads to triad
- micrognathia
- glossoptosis
- airway compromise
- Clinical features
- 1/3 have CP
- 1/5 have MR
- all have GERD
- Etiology - many PRS associated w causes
- SHOULD find etiology b/c will determine if extrinsic/intrinsic problem w mandibel growth and if it will catch up
- Pierre, my Naging Teacher is a Stickler for Beck’s Alcohol VCF
- Nager
- Treacher collins
- Stickler syndrome * most common
- Beckwidemann
- Ftal alcohol syndrome
Outline management of PRS
- monitoring for hypoxemia (risk of cor pulmonale, FTT, death)
- prone sleeping, +/_ NasoPharyngeal tube
- O2 monitoring, sleep studies
- Tongue lip adhesion - released at 12mth w CP repair
- Mandibular distraction
- Trach
- Feeding
- NG, Gtube, antigerd meds
- Mandible - may catch up growth or orthognathic surgery
What is Moebius syndrome, list the clinical features
- generally bilateral CN7 (+/-CN6) congenital palsies - unclear if neural or myopathic etiology
Clinical features
- Eye: CN6 (60%), CN3 (30%), Hypetelorism, coloboma, palpebral fissure, epicanthal folds
- Facies: CN7 palsy with Upper br worse than lower br, bilateral, difficulty closing eyes
- Oropharynx: CN12 - tongue weakness/atrophy, CN 9,10 (10%) difficulty swallowing, airway/speech issue
- Ear - SNHL, low set ears
- Skeletal - Poland
- CNS 10% mental retardation
What is romberg’s disease
- slowly progressive atrophy of soft tissue and bone
- self limited
- unilateral
- L>R, F:M
- Onset 10-20, progresses over 2-10yrs, starts with coup de sabre - linear scleroderma
- Diff b/w scleroderma and romberg - elastin preserved in romberg
Clinical features
- Facies - atrophy of skin, sc, muscle, fat, alopecia
- Oropharyngeal - atrophy of tongue/lip, zygoma/maxilla
What is Nager syndrome
= mandibulofacial dysootosis + preaxial limb abnormality
Naging Teacher with a missing thumb
=> similar to TC but with preaxial abnormality of thumb hypoplasia, RLD, or duplications/failureof differetniation
What is binder syndrome
Nasomaxillary dysplasia
Characteristic feature - absence of ANS
Clinical features
- Nose
- short, absent ANS, poorly projected tip, short oclumella, wide flatten ala, acute NL angle, obtuse NF angle
- Lip
- wide philtrum,
- Maxilla
- hypoplastic maxilla, class 3 short alveolar process
- Maxilla positioned first - LeF 1/2 adv+lenthening +/- BSSO, genio
- Nose - nasal lenghthening, columella recon, tip projection
What are features of down syndrome related to craniofacial/UE for consideration of treatment
- Cranial: brachycephaly, metopic CS, absent frontal/sphenoid sinuses
- Orbit: lateral canthal dystopia (upward), epicanthal folds, hypotelorism
- Ears, low set, HL
- Oropharynx - macroglossia, Maxillary hypoplasia, microgenia, type 3 malocclusion, lower lip hypotonia
- Hand - brachydatyly, clinodactyly , D5 single crease, simian crease of hand,
- Macroglossia correction
- Orthodontics and orthognathic surgery
- lateral canthopexy, epicanthal fold correction
What is stickler syndrome
- Inherited CP, arthropathy with ocular D
- AD with variable penetrance
- COL2A mutation - type 2 procollagen
Clinical features
- Ocular: myopia, spontaneous retinal detahment, cataract blindness
- Ear - progressive SNHL
- MSK - degenerative jt disease, hyperextensible joints
- Associated with PRS
What is Vander Woude syndrome
Most common form of syndromic Cl/P
CL/P + lower lip pits/sinuses
- AD, IRF6 mutation
What is Velocardiofacial syndrome, clinical features
VCF = CP, congenita lheart disease, facies, learning disability
- AD, variable
- Most common cleftins syndrome
- 2nd most common syndrome ass with CP
Clinical features
- Eye: lateral canthal dystopia, microphthalmia
- Oropharynx: CL/P (most common SubMCP), VMExcess!!, retrognathia, , class 2
- Cardiac: VSD, medial internal carotids
What is Digeorge syndrome and howdoes it differ from VCF
Digeorge - defect of 3rd and 4th pouches
- Hypo PTH (absent inf/sup parathyroid)
- Absent thymus
- Conotruncal anomaly
Plus above for VCF (becaseu they are both deletion of 22q11)
What is Beckwidth wiedermann
Overgrowth syndrome, AD
Clinical feature
- macroglossia
- omphalocele
- gigantism
Associated with
- prenatal/postnatal overgrowth
- hypoglycemia
- organ overgrowht (liver/renal)
- wilms tumor
What are congenital and acquired causes of hypertelorism
- Facial clefting
- encephalocele
- crnaiosynostosis
- trauma
- tumor
What are features of macroglossia(3) and DDx
- open bite deformity, mandibula rprognathism, malocclusion
- Downs
- Beckwith Wiedemann, Behmel
- glnad hyperplasia, hemangioma, lymphagioma
- Endo: hypoT, DM, acromegaly
- Infiltrative: amyloid/sarcoid
- Infectious: TB, syphilis, Ludwigs angina
- Tumor: NF
- Nutritional - vit B12 deficiency