Congenital Anomlies And Seizures Flashcards
Imaging not required for occult spinal dysraphism
Sacral Dimple (<5mm , <25 mm from anal verge) Coccygeal Pits
- hydrocephalus in AC II defect lead to herniation of cerebellum to foramen magnum due to which defect of what structure
Pontine flexure
Which syndrom is assoc w encephalocoele
Meckel - Gruber Syndrome
What syndrom is assoc w Lissencephaly?
Miller - Dieker Syndrome
Midline anomalies like cyclopia, single nostril is assoc w what congenital anomaly?
Agenesis of corpus callosum
What syndrome is assoc w bilat facial weakness, bilat abducens nerve palsy?
Moebius Syndrome
Which suture craniosynostosis has a dolicocephaly or scaphocephaly (boat shaped) deformity?
Failure of coronal suture to fuse are assoc w what syndromes? (2)
Apert syndrome
Crouzon syndrome