Congenital and developmental disorders Flashcards
What deformities come under ‘limb malformations’?
Extra bones
Absent bones
Short/hypoplastic bones
Fusions of bones and/or soft tissues
What is the most common congenital malformation of the limbs?
Two digits fused due to failure of separation of soft tissues
What is polydactyly?
When an extra digit is formed
What is fibular hemimelia?
A limb deficiency involving partial or complete absence of the fibula
What does fibular hemimelia cause?
Shortening of limb
Bowing of tibia
Ankle deformity
How are mild cases of fibular hemimelia best treated?
Limb lengthening with circular frame external fixator
How are severe cases of fibular hemimelia best treated?
Ankle amputation at 10months-2years old and use of below knee prosthetic limb
Other than fibular hemimelia, what are some other causes of congenital leg length inequality?
Deficiencies of proximal femur and tibia
What hand deformity can absence or hypoplasia of the radius cause?
Absence of thumb
Radial club hand
What is the most common congenital fusion?
Fusion of two of the tarsal bones of the foot - tarsal coalition
What complication might arise from tarsal coalition?
Painful flat feet
What is the incidence of obstetric brachial plexus palsy?
2 in 1000
In which babies is obstetric brachial plexus palsy more common?
Large babies (macrosomia in babies) Twin deliveries Shoulder dystocia
What is the name of the most common type of obstetric brachial plexus palsy and which nerves are injured?
Erb’s palsy
C5 & C6
The injury to the nerve roots in Erb’s palsy results in the loss of motor innervation of which muscles?
Deltoid Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Brachialis muscles Biceps
What is Klumpke’s palsy?
A rare type of obstetric brachial nerve palsy involving an injury much lower down, at nerve roots C8 & T1 caused by forceful adduction
Which position is the arm held in following an Erb’s palsy?
“Waiters tip” position
Internal rotation of the humerus
What is the result of Klumpke’s palsy?
Paralysis of the intrinsic hand muscles, finger and wrist flexors
Possible Horner’s syndrome