Conformity - Asch's research Flashcards
conformity definition
a change in a persons behaviour or opinions as a result or imagined pressure from a person or group of people
group size definition
Asch increased the size of the group by adding more confederates, thus increasing the size of the majority. conformity increased with group size, but only to a point, leveling off when the majority was greater than 3
unanimity definition
the extent to which all members of a group agree. in Asch’s studies, the majority was unanimous when all the confederates selected the same comparison line. this produced the greatest degree of conformity in the naive participants
task difficulty definition
Asch’s line-judgement task is more difficult when it becomes harder to work out the correct answer. conformity increased because naive participants assume that the majority is more likely to be right
Asch sample
123 American men
Asch baseline procedure
123 american men were tested, each one in a group with other apparent participants. each participants saw two large white cards on each trial. the line X on the left hand card is the standard line . the lines A,B and C are the comparison lines. one of the comparison lines are clearly the same length as X, the other 2 are substantially different so clearly wrong. on each trial the participants had to say out loud which of the comparison lines were the same length as the standard line X
physical arrangements of participants in Asch study
participants were tested in groups of 6 or 8. there was only one genuine (naive) participant, who were always seated last or next to last in the group. the others were all confederates of Asch that all gave the same incorrect answers each time. the genuine participant did not know the others were confederates
Asch baseline findings
-on average the genuine participants agreed with confederates incorrect answers 36.8% of the time
-there were individual differences, 25% of participants never gave a wrong answer so never conformed
-So 75% of people conformed at least once
when did Asch do his baseline procedure
what was Asch investigating
asses to what extent people will conform to the opinion of others, even in a situation where the answer is certain and unambiguous
why is Asch original study called a baseline
it is the study which all later studies are compared against
when did Asch do later studies to investigate variables that may increase or decrease conformity
what variables did Asch investigate that might lead to an increase or decrease in conformity
-group size
-task difficulty
how did Asch vary study to investigate group size
-wanted to know if group size would be more importnat than the agreement of the group. he varied the number if confederates from 1 to 15 (so total group size was 16)
results of Asch investigation on group size
-found a curvilinear relationship between group size and conformity rate
-conformity increased with group size but only to a point, with 3 confederates wrong answer rose to 31.8%, but presence of more confederates made little difference as conformity are soon leveled off