Conflict & Tension 1918-1939 Flashcards
Who were the Big Three?
Britain, France and USA
Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain at the end of WW1?
David Lloyd George
What did Clemenceau want to do to Germany after WW1?
Cripple them
What did Woodrow Wilson want to set up after WW1?
A League of Nations
What is an Armistice?
An agreement that countries at war make to stop fighting immediately.
How many Points did Woodrow Wilson propose as part of the peace treaty?
Where did the Big Three meet for the peace conference?
How long did the peace conference last?
12 months
What did Communists believe?
That all wealth should be shared equally.
How many battleships were Germany allowed in the TOV?
What was Article 231?
The War Guilt Clause
What happened to the Rhineland
It was demilitarised
How much did Germany have to pay in reparations?
£6.6 billion
What is the Anschluss?
The union of Germany and Austria
Was Germany allowed any tanks, submarines or an air force under the TOV?
Was Germany allowed to join the League of Nations when it first formed?
How many men was the German army restricted to under the TOV?
Was Germany allowed to use conscription under the TOV?
What was the Polish Corridor?
A strip of land that was given to Poland to allow them access to the sea.
What happened to Danzig under the TOV?
It was taken from Germany and made into a free city under the League of Nations
How long was the Saar put under the control of the League of Nations?
15 years
What happened to Germany’s colonies under the TOV?
They were given as mandates to the League of Nations which meant that Britain and France controlled them.
What happened to Alsace-Lorraine under the TOV?
It was returned to France
What happened to the Kaiser at the end of WW1?
He was forced to abdicate
What is a Diktat?
A forced peace
What was the new government in Germany known as following WW1?
The Weimar Republic
When was the final payment made for the reparations?
What percentage of it’s land did Germany lose?
What did Germany feel with a reduced army and navy?
Which Treaty had Germany treated an enemy in the past harshly with?
Why did America not become a member of the League of Nations?
Congress voted against it
Where was the League of Nations based?
Geneva, Switzerland
Why was Russia not allowed to join the League of Nations?
It was communist
What did the Covenant in the League of Nations do?
It set out how the League would deal with aggression
What is a ‘moral condemnation’?
A good telling off!
What is an economic sanction?
Where members of the League would not trade with warring countries
What was the idea of collective security?
If all countries worked together they could make sure that peace was kept and that the interests of every nation were looked after.
What is mitigation?
Getting countries to talk through problems.
What was the Assembly?
An international Parliament
How often did the Council meet?
Once a year
What did all decisions made by the Assembly have to be?
How many judges did The Permanent Court of International Justice have?
What was The Secretariat?
The Civil Service of the League
What were were the Special Commissions?
The International Labour Organisation (ILO), The Disarmament Commission, The Health Organisation, The Slavery Commission, The Commission for Refugees
Did the League of Nations have its own army?
How many slaves did the League of Nations help to set free in Sierra Leone?
What is a plebiscite?
A vote
What did the League decide should happen to the Aland Islands?
The Islands should go to Finland
Who was the dictator of Italy who invaded Corfu in 1923?
Benito Mussolini
What happened in America in 1929?
Wall Street Crash
What year were the Locarno Treaties?
What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 state?
That countries would not use war as a way to solve disputes