conflict and tension- peacemaking Flashcards
when was the paris peace conference?
january 1919
who came to the paris peace conference
representatives from the 32 winning countries
where was the paris peace conference
palace of versailles in paris
who led the discussions at the paris peace conference?
leaders from the most powerful victorious countries; britain, france and usa
who was the leaders of britain france and the usa
georges clemenceau, woodrow wilson, david lloyd george
where did the most fighting occur
france especially the north east and the germans destroyed many mines railways factories bridges and farmland
who suffered the most deaths
what did clemenceau want from the paris peace conference
wanted to cripple germany to make sure it would never be powerful enough to harm france again. he wanted the armed forces dramatically reduced and germany’s border to he pushed back to the rhine in eastern germany to take away its defences and make france less vulnerable to attack, compensation to rebuild france
why was lloyd george elected?
because he promised to ‘make germany pay’
what did lloyd george want
he wanted revenge as many young british men died in the trenches however he was more cautious than clemenceau because he was concerned that if germany was treated badly it would lead to another war, he also wanted to keep germany quite strong so britain could still trade with them, he wanted to gain territory for the british empire, he wanted to keep the british navy powerful and saw this as a good opportunity to reduce germany’s
what happened to american during the war
there was no fighting on american soil and they made a lot of money by selling weapons to the allies
what did woodrow wilson want
he didn’t want to be too harsh as he was scared there would be another war. he was an idealist and wanted a future where everyone could be equal, he suggested a world pariliament called the league of nations so countries could work and trade together. he also believed in self determination allowing countries freedom of themselves. another idea was freedom of the seas which meant anyone could sail trading boats anywhere. he had many ideas for a better world (14 points)
what did the armistice agree to?
that germany would pay reparations, give alsace lorraine back to france and move its army out the rhineland
how did clemenceau use the armistice
he used the fact germany had already agreed to some principles in the armistice to argue they should also appear in the treaty
how long did the paris peace conference last
12 months
when was the treaty of versailles signed
28th june 1919
germany had no say on the treaty of versailles (diktat meaning dictated peace)
navy- treaty of versailles
limited to 15 000 men, 1500 officers and only 6 battleships- size and number of other ships also limited
article 231 of treaty of versailles
war guilt clause- germany and it’s allies had to take full responsibility for the waf
which term of the treaty of versailles did germany hate the most
article 231 war guilt clause as it humiliated them
rhineland- treaty of versailles
the rhineland (land between germany and france) was demilitarised
article 232 of treaty of versailles
article 232 was the reperations- in 1921 it was agreed they had to may £6,600 million and it was estimated it would take till 1988 to pay back
german colonies- treaty of versailles
germanys colonies in africa where given as mandates to the league of nations so britain and france now controlled them
land- treaty of versailles
germany lost 10% of its land including- alsace lorraine, eupen and malmedy, and north schleswig
saar- treaty of versailles
put in control of the league for 15 years
danzig- treaty of versailles
danzig was taken and made a free city under league of nations control
polish corridor- treaty of versailles
germany was split in two by the polish corridor, a strip of land that was given to poland to allow them to have access to the sea
army- treaty of versailles
germany army was limited to 100,000 men and conscription wasn’t allowed
league of nations- treaty of versailles
league of nations was formed but germany wasn’t allowed to join
forces- treaty of versailles
germany wasn’t allowed tanks, submarines or an air force
anschluss- treaty of versailles
anschluss (union) between germany and austria was forbidden
what was going on in germany in 1919
the country was in turmoil; the kaiser had fled to holland and different political parties where arguing with eachother, to make matters worse the germans where furious about the treaty of versailles and how it had left them perceived and in financial ruin
why where britain ready to see germany pay
because nearly not a single family had lost someone to the war and civilians had suffered food shortages
what was the general feeling about the treaty of versailles in britain?
that it was fair but could and should of been much harsher however on return lloyd george was greeted as a hero
how did lloyd george feel about the treaty
there where parts he was pleased with such as how the empire had gained extra colonies and now covered a third of the globe, the german navy was restricted so was no competition with britains. however lloyd george was concerned the loss of german land and people to poland would cause huge problems in the future especially those who were determined to be part of germany again. lloyd george also felt the reparations where too harsh and britain had lost an important trade partner and that germany would resent the treaty so much that it could cause another war in years to come
how did the french feel about the treaty of versailles
the where pleased that france was no longer threatened by germany and they would receive reparations and they were given control of the saar but most people where furious about the treaty and felt that their suffering during the war had been greater than the germans suffering would be so it should be harsher
what did clemenceau think of the treaty
he was angry that germany was even allowed an army and felt that it should of been completely taken away and germany made into a small powerless independent state. he also felt france should of been given the saar permanently and felt the reparations should be more as he wanted to see germany financially crippled
what did the americans think of the treaty
they felt that it was too harsh and wilson had helped britain and france become more powerful and rich at germany’s expense. the also favoured isolationism and felt that the us shouldn’t get involved in affairs in europe as it did more harm than good
what did woodrow wilson think of the treaty
he was devestated he couldn’t join the league. he feared that the harsh treaty would cause another war and was happy that the league was created and how most eastern european countries would have self determination but the rest of his 14 points where ignored.
what did the germans hope would happen in the treaty
the German treaty hoped that the treaty would be fair to them and try and guarantee future peace. a British blockade had prevented food being imported to Germany throughout the war and people were starving- there germans needed compassion and help to rebuild a country that lay in tatters
who did the allies blame the war on
the German kaiser. they said he needed to abdicate before the armistice could be signed. when the kaiser fled too holland many germans felt that the person responsible had been punished so no further punishment was needed.
what was the German reaction of the treaty
they were shocked by the severity especially considering it was a diktat so the German people weren’t allowed to negotiate terms.
what did the germans want to do about the treaty
many wanted to reject it but the alternative was to start fighting again and nobody wanted that so they had non choice but to accept it.
what did the German government become
they were called the ‘November criminals’ and it was said that Germany had been ‘stabbed in the back’
what did the abdication of the German kaiser mean
it meant there was nobody left to run Germany so a New Democratic government known as the Weimar Republic was set up.
what did the germans think of the weimar republic
that they weren’t strong enough to run the country. most people wanted one strong leader and that the government weren’t helping people enough. many revolts broke out and the first five years post war where unstable and violent
what did the germans hate the most about the treaty
article 231, the war guilt clause. Germany and its allies had to accept full responsibility for the war and had to pay reparations. the German economy was not in ruins and the government claimed that 763,000 people died from starvation.
11 November 1918
armistice was signed, kaiser advocates
4-15th jan 1919
communists attempt to overthrow the German government
28th June 1919
treaty of versailles was signed
11th august 1919
the German revolution ends and the weimar constitution a list of rules that the new democratic government must follow is accepted
march 1920
the app putsch (revolt) against the German government its only narrowly defeated
April 1921
the League of Nations agrees the reparations price of £6,600 million
January 1923
germany misses reperation s payment and France invade the Ruhr and the German government pays the workers to go on strike by printing more bank notes (German economy crumbles)
November 1923
because of hyperinflation a loaf of bread costs 200 000 million marks. the Nazi Party tries and fails to overthrow the government in the Munich putsch
august 1924
the Dawes plan was agreed (American loans to help build German economy)
negative consequences of treaty of versailles- living in German territory
around 6 million germans found themselves living outside German territory. they feared persecution especially as Germany had been forced to accept the war guilt clause
negative consequences of treaty of versailles- loss of land
germany lost 13% of land and German families where forced off land that they had owned for generations as other countries where claiming it from the treaty of versailles
negative consequences of treaty of versailles- German army
germans felt vulnerable. they worried that the reduced army and navy were not big enough to protect them from an attack
negative consequences of the treaty of versailles- article 231
the causes of ww1 where very complex and not all Germany and its allies faults. causes such as arms race where Britain and Germany competed to have the biggest navy and empires where not all germanys fault
negative consequences of the treaty of versailles- diktat
the treaty was a forced peace and Germany weren’t even allowed to send representatives to the conference or negotiate the terms. they had to accept all terms that where given
negative consequences of treaty of versailles- 14 points
the germans thought that the treaty would be based on Wilsons 14 points. these where set out to achieve a fair world for everyone. if they had known that so few of these would make it through to the final treaty they may not of signed the armistice
negative consequences of treaty of versailles- reparations
reparations crippled Germany. it was estimated too take till the 80s to pay back.
defence of the peacemakers and the severity of the war
- the treaty was signed after the most devastating war that the world had ever seen and it was only right that the losing countries should pay for the damage
- it was normal for the losers to agree to harsh terms. Germany made the Russians sign the treaty of Brest-Litovsk when they left the war which took more than a quatre of there population and farmland. many people said this was evidence that Germany would of treated the allies even harsher had the war ended differently
- europe was falling apart. the Austro-hungarian and Ottoman empires had ruled most of Eastern Europe and with the collapse of these empires politics had become even more unstable
The treaty of st Germain- main counties affected
when was the treaty of st Germain signed
10th September 1919
terms of treaty of st germain
land- austria lost land to Italy, Romania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia and Poland
reparations- the amount was never fixed but Austria had to pay reparations
military restrictions- 30,000 men in the army, no conscription, no navy
other terms- Austria where forbidden from uniting with Germany
impact of the treaty of st germain
- italy had joined the war in 1915 and they promised to support the allies and in return would receive land when the war was won, however the Italians felt they didn’t receive enough land
- much of Austrias industry was in land given to Czechoslovakia so Austria lost a huge source of income. their economy collapsed in 1921
- the new states that where formed were a mix of nationalities so they often clashed
- Eastern Europe now consisted of lots of small new states instead of one powerful empire
country affected by treaty of neuilly
date treaty of Neuilly was signed
27th November 1919
terms of treaty of Neuilly
land- Bulgaria lost land to Yugoslavia, greece, and roman ia but also gained some from turkey
reparations- £100 million
military restrictions- Bulgarian army was limited to 20,000. no conscription, no airforce, only allowed 4 battleships
country affected by treaty of Trianon
date treaty of Trianon was signed
4th June 1920
terms of treaty of trianon
land- Hungarian land was lost to Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Austria
reparations- amount was never fixed and the Hungarian economy collapsed so nothing was ever paid
military restrictions- 30 000 men, no conscription, only allowed three patrol boats
country affected by treaty of sèvres
date treaty of sevres was signed
10th august 1920
terms of treaty of sèvres
land- turkey lost land to greece, lost all its European land except a small area around the capital, the Ottoman (Turkish empire) was split up
military restrictions- Turkish army restricted to 50,000 men, navy restricted to 7 sail boats and 6 torpedo boats
other terms- they had to open up the dardanelles and Bosphorus, allies could keep troops in turkey
impact of treaty of sèvres
the people of turkey were so mad that they revolted and overthrew the government
-new president threatened to fight the allies and Britain weren’t prepared so they agreed to overwrite the treaty with the treaty of lausanne
date treaty of Lausanne was signed
July 1923
terms of treaty of Lausanne
turkey regained- some of the land Greece took, control of dardanelles and Bosphorus, right to decide how big their armed forces were.
reparations where also cancelled and allied troops were withdrawn
significance of sèvres
- proved that the other treaties were unenforceable; if countries rebelled against harsh terms there was little people could do that didn’t result in war which nobody wanted
- when the British agreed to a new treaty it gave the impression that they agreed the old one was fair
- seeing this other leaders such as Mussolini and Hitler realised that if they broke rules nobody would stop them