Configuration Options - Chapter 5 Flashcards
Explain cross plan dependencies in Workday.
There are 4 types of cross plan dependencies that Workday Supports, and any combination of the four can work together to validate a single benefit plan. A violation of a cross plan dependency rule will generate a hard error when enrolling that must be corrected to continue entering elections.
Name the four types of cross plan dependencies.
- Cross Plan Insurance Coverage Maximum
- Cross Plan Insurance Percentage Maximum
- Cross Plan Enrollment Prerequisite
- Cross Plan Retirement Savings Contribution Maximum
Explain: Cross Plan Insurance Coverage Maximum
Defines maximum life insurance coverage amounts based on the combined total of multiple plans.
The cross plan insurance coverage maximum places a coverage limit on the combined total of two or more insurance plans, and allows you to configure the order in which the limit is calculated.
Explain: Cross Plan Insurance Percentage Maximum
Limits coverage in a specific plan up to a percentage of the total coverage in one or more insurance plans
Explain: Cross Plan Enrollment Prerequisite
Defines the relationship between a primary and secondary benefit plan in which the secondary plan is available only if a worker elects the primary plan.
Explain: Cross Plan Retirement Savings Contribution Maximum
Creates a combined maximum contribution for more than one retirement savings plan.
The cross plan retirement savings contribution maximum places a coverage limit of a percentage or amount of the total coverage in one or more savings plans during the enrollment process. There is a separate payroll limits that are used to make sure deductions stop one limits are reached.
Give an example of an Insurance Percentage Maximum
An enrollment in Spousal Life is limited to 50% of the employee’s supplemental life insurance coverage level, so an employee with $500000 of Supplemental Life coverage can have no more than $250000 worth of Spousal Life insurance.
For plans with a calculated coverage amount such as multiples of salary, Workday will round the new coverage amount to the next $1000 when you reach the cross plan maximum.
Give an example of a Retirement Savings Contribution Maximum.
A contrition in a 401k and another 401k is limited to either a percentage or amount of contribution across both plans. If an employees tries to elect over the limits and error message will be generate.
Give an example of an insurance coverage maximum
A combined limit of $1,000,000 of coverage could be set for an employee’s elections for Basic Life and Supplemental Life. If the employee elects $300,000 for Basic life and $75,000 for Supplemental Life, the system will generate an error message and require the employee to reduce one of their elections so their total coverage is less than or equal to $1,000,000.
Explain the secondary plan rule.
The secondary plan rules allows you to further define the prerequisite relationship by specifying the following.
- Must elect at least one secondary plan
- May elect one or more secondary plan
- Only one primary or secondary plan can be elected
Explain how when setting up cross plan enrollment prerequisites the ‘require the same coverage targets on all health care plans’ works
If there is a need to have the same coverage targets for both the primary and secondary benefit select the checkbox. This will not enforce that the same dependents are enrolled. Pg 157
Maintain Enrollment Instructions - Explain the purpose
The ability to add your own enrollment instructions or information to assist employees when they go through the enrollment process can mean the difference between a successful enrollment and calling the benefit partner.
What does the general enrollment section do in the enrollment instructions?
Choosing the general enrollment sections option enables text to be entered for each page of the process including the beneficiary and review pages, within each page, different text can be entered for each benefit group, as well as for different types of events.
The enrollment instructional text at the top of the page is the default for the section. If instructional text is entered, it would display when an employee views the page selected. If there is a benefit group which should see different text, you can enter the group and the alternative text in the section below to default text.
What happens when there is text for a specific event and benefit group?
Text for a specific event type will overwrite text for a benefit group. For example, the health care text for the new hire event will display instead of the text for Active employees benefit group. If a benefit group and event type is used together, the combination will override a specified event type or benefit group. Pg 160
When would you use the enrollment tobacco use?
It will show the configured tobacco use statement if tobacco is used as a demographic in the benefit rate. The configuration of the question can be specific according to benefit group and or enrollment event type.
Can the tobacco use question text and default response be overridden according to a benefit group/enrollment event?
Explain a few things to keep in mind regarding ‘Dependent Tobacco use’
It provides the same options available on the enrollment tobacco use page but there are a few differences in how the defaulting is applied.
- The default question appears when the dependent is added through the dependent event and when entering enrollments.
- The default response is only applicable when a dependent is added for the first time.
- Once this question is answered by the employee, it is not reset and the question is not asked again.
- To change the dependents tobacco use status use Edit on the dependent record.
Explain the configuration options available for the Benefit Worklet (Maintain Dashboards)
- Actions - Select actions available to employees. The four actions that can be selected are benefits, dependents, beneficiaries and retirement savings.
- Custom Reports - Create a custom report and include it on this worklet for easy access. Make sure the custom report has the same security access for it to be visible.
- System Reports - Two system reports are available to include: Benefit Elections, which displays current elections only and Benefit Elections as of Date.
- External Links - Provides convenient links to relevant information. Create a quick link and add it to the benefit worklet in the external links section. Translation is available.
what does a business process definition determine:
- Who approves or denies something that happened
- Who needs to do additional tasks
- Who needs to know something happened
- Any additional system events that need to be initiated
What are the differences between actions, approvals, and to dos:
Actions - tasks or events within Workday
Approvals - Approval of a task or event in Workday
To Dos - Reminder to do something that happens outside of Workday
Name the Benefit BPs
Change Benefits Change Benefit for Life Events Change Benefit for Open Enrollment Change Retirement Savings Passive Event Dependent Event Change Beneficiary Review Cobra Eligibility Event Change Benefit Jobs Manage Medicare Information
Name the common condition rules that can be used to control whether the change benefit election step occurs and under what condition is it routed to the benefit partner or employee.
- If there is an effect on employee Benefits (Workday owned)
- If the employee is (country) based
- Worker has Workday account
- Route to Benefit Partner is True? Route to benefit partner is false.
- Enrollment type route to benefit partner
Condition rule - Is there an effect on employee benenfits
Mandatory entry condition on all HR business processes (not included on benefit business processes such a change benefits and passive event)
Condition rule - If the employee based? (country)
Events can be created only for employees in certain countries
Condition rule - Worker has Workday Account
Used if there are employees in your population who will not be using self-serve and other conditional rules do not exclude them from the step.
Condition rule -
Route to benefit partner is True?
Route to benefit partner is False?
Route enrollment to Benefit Partner (CRF)
Condition Rule - Enrollment Type Route to Benefit Partner
Enrollment Type (CRF) Passive event BP only
Name the BPs where the change benefit for life event sub process can be added.
Change Benefits, Hire, Edit Position, Add additional job, Change Benefit Jobs, Onboarding, change job, end additional job. Dependent event, Change organization assignment for worker, Terminate employee, End international assignment, Passive Event, Contact Change, Request Leave of Absence, Start international assignment, Change primary address, Request compensation change, request return from LOA, Manage Medicare information. Medicare info page 171
True or False - There are three types of cross plan dependencies: insurance coverage maximum, insurance percentage maximum, and enrollment prerequisites.
FALSE - There are 4
Which of the following is not a secondary plan rule in a cross plan enrollment prerequisite?
A. Must elect one primary and one secondary plan
B. Must elect at least one secondary plan
C. May elect one or more secondary plan
D. only one primary or secondary plan can be elected
Which is not a component of Maintain Enrollment Instructions?
A. Default Text
B. Show text for a specific benefit group
C. Show text for a specific enrollment event type
D. Show text for a specific security group