Configuration and Setup Flashcards
(Objectives 1,2)
What does Locale control?
Language and format of date and time, address, currency, name, and number fields.
What is a Salesforce Organization ID?
A unique 15 character identifier that identifies each Salesforce organization.
What is a Salesforce license, or license definition?
Salesforce licenses define what features and services are made available to an org.
What are the different types of licenses in Salesforce and what do they do?
- User Licenses - Define the baseline features available to a user. Each user must be assigned one.
- Feature Licenses - Grants access to additional features that are not included in a standard license.
- Permission Set Licenses - Gradually grant users access to features that are not included in their user licenses.
What does API stand for and what does it do?
Application programming interface. Allows access to Salesforce programmatically, instead of using the user interface.
How is storage divided and how is each type used?
Storage is divided between data storage and File storage. The amount of storage available in an org is determined by the edition of the org and the number and type of user licenses in the org. Additional storage can be purchased.
Data storage is used creating records and file storage is used by storing files in attachments, the documents tab, the files tab, content, chatter, and assets.
What are the 3 levels of language support? Describe them.
- Fully supported - All SF features will display in the selected language.
- End user - These languages will have translations for all standard object field labels and pages but not setup and Help.
- Platform - For these languages it is possible to provide translations for customizations and standard fields. If translations are not provided, labels fall back to English.
Why are Business hours and holidays important?
Business hours determine the times when users are available to support customers and are the basis for the computation of support processes hours such as Case escalation rules and Entitlement processes.
What are the options to define fiscal years?
Standard or custom fiscal years. Standard fiscal years are based on a monthly structure and can start on any month. Custom Fiscal years can use a different structure such as quarters.
What are the two options available for specifying a default record page view at the org level? Describe them.
- Full view - A data-dense view that focuses on details and related lists and puts all the information on the same page.
- Grouped View - Divides record information into groupings across multiple regions and tabs.
What is Inline Editing in Lightning Experience?
When a user hovers over the field, a pencil icon will appear if the cell is editable. On the other hand, a lock icon will be displayed if it is non-editable
What is the App Manager?
The App Manager is used to view, create, and customize apps available in the organization.
What is the Utility Bar?
The Utility Bar allows easy access to common productivity tools such as Notes, History, Calculator, and Omnichannel. Items placed in the Utility Bar will appear near the bottom of the screen.
What are temporary tabs?
Temporary tabs are opened when a user clicks an item that does not have a parent object placed in the navigation bar. Temporary tabs can be made permanent in the navigation bar by selecting Add to Nav Bar.
What is the App Launcher?
App Launcher can be used to immediately open or search for apps or items.
Users can drag and sort the apps according to personal preference.
AppExchange is accessible from App Launcher.
What is the App Menu?
The App Menu can be used to change the app’s visibility in the App Launcher.
Apps can be reordered and made visible or hidden for all users in the organization.
What is In-App Guidance?
In-App guidance can be used to create a hands-on interactive tour to guide users through onboarding or feature introduction by means of step-by-step prompts.
It can be placed on Object record pages, Supported Setup pages, List view dropdown menu, Record tabs, and subtabs, and Record fields.
An in-app guidance can be assigned to a specified record type, on specific page or app, or any page and app.
What are the 3 In app guidance Prompt Types?
- Floating Prompt
- Targeted Prompt
- Docked Prompt
What is the Guidance Center?
The Guidance Center guides administrators in setting up and enhancing the Salesforce org and provides recommendations tailored for the org and the admin’s level of experience.
What are Global Search Results
The search results that appear when users search using the global search bar at the top can be configured.
What is Lookup Search?
Lookup Search is a feature that allows a user to search for a record of an object and associate it to a record of another object using a lookup field.
Give Search overview details.
Encrypted, formula, and lookup fields cannot be searched.
Field-level security is enforced when users search for records. Search results do not override field-level security. Data in restricted fields do not return in the results.
What is a Dependent Lookup?
A dependent lookup is a lookup field that includes a lookup filter that reference fields on the source object record.
How many records are searched in a list view search?
Only the first 2000 records are searched. Users can overcome this limitation by using more specific terms or by changing the filters and sorting order.
What is Federated Search?
Federated search will allow users to search data stored in external repositories from the Salesforce interface.
Define Search Layout.
The Search Layout determines which fields users can view, filter on, and sort by on the search results page for global search and lookup search.
What is Einstein Search?
Einstein Search is enabled by default and provides features like search personalization, natural language search, and instant actionable results.
What is a List View?
A list view is a list or summary of records that meet defined criteria. Records and Fields that appear in a List View depend on what the user has access to.
What does the List Email Button do?
Allows emails to be sent to individual leads, contacts, and campaigns in a list view
When a custom list view is created, what are the three options for viewing?
- Only for the user that created the view.
- All users.
- Shared with a group of users.
To create a public list view, the user needs the ‘Manage Public List views’ permission.
List view visibility can be restricted to user groups and roles
What is a Pinned List?
Pinned lists allow a user to make any list the new default. The default pinned list for all objects is ‘Recently Viewed’.
What is a split view?
Split views allows users to see a list view and a record side by side.
How is Kanban view customized?
By determining summary and group fields.
What is the Lightning App Builder?
The Lightning App Builder is a one-stop shop, point-and-click tool that can be used to customize Lightning Apps.
What are Dynamic Forms?
Dynamic Forms can be used to break up record details into fields and sections in Lightning App Builder
What are Dynamic actions?
Dynamic Actions can be used to dynamically control the visibility of Action buttons on a record page based on the values on the record. It helps in keeping the record page neat and streamlined.
What is the Lightning Usage App?
The Lightning Usage App helps with monitoring adoption metrics and page performance.
What is the Lightning Page Analysis tool?
The Lightning page analysis tool in Lightning App Builder calculates the page performance of a Lightning Record Page and identifies the components that have the most impact on page load time.
Can users change the navigation bar?
Yes, users can add more navigation items to an app menu, and reorder them by dragging the tabs around the navigation bar. Users can also rename and remove navigation items except for the ones added by the Admin by default.
What are the different types of actions? Describe them.
1.Standard Publisher Actions - Actions that are automatically included when Chatter is enabled, including Post, File, and Link.
2. Custom Actions - Custom actions are newly created or customized actions that can either be global or object-specific, such as Create a Record, Send an Email, or Log a Call actions.
3. Default Actions - Default actions are predefined by Salesforce per object.
4. Mobile Smart Actions - Mobile smart actions are preconfigured just like Default actions per object. These are displayed only in the Salesforce mobile app.
5. Productivity Actions - Productivity actions are predefined by Salesforce and attached to a limited set of objects, such as Send Email, Log a Call, View Website, etc.
What is a Mass Quick Action?
After a Mass Quick Action is set up, up to 100 records can be selected in a list view and perform mass updates in Lightning Experience.
What is a Global Publisher Layout?
Layout of Global Actions. Can be assigned by profile.
What is a Sandbox?
A sandbox is a separate environment that contains a copy of a production organization. It is used for development and testing. The different sandbox types are based on their storage limit, initial data, and refresh interval.
What are the four types of sandboxes and what makes them different?
- Developer - Used for development and configuration. Testing of new functionality. 200mb data/file. Config only. 1 day refresh.
- Developer Pro - Development in which larger amounts of data are needed. 1GB Data/File. Config only. 1 Day refresh.
- Partial Copy - Testing or training where a subset of data is sufficient. 5GB Data/File. Subset of data determined by template. 5 day refresh.
- Full copy - Performance testing. Staging in identical environment. 5GB data/file/ All data. 29 day refresh.