Conduct of Fund Management Business Flashcards
What are the contents of the Investment Management Agreement
- Client risk profiles and investment objectives
- notification of any signification changes to the investment policy or investment recommendation
- clear authorisation from the clients for discretionary mandate
- scope of services that will be provided by the fund management company incl. frequency of written statements and reports
- fees and charges to be paid by the clients or any other remuneration received by FM company
- details of custodial arrangement
- basis of valuation used for any type of investment products
- terms and conditions relating to soft commissions
- liability of fm company where there is a breach of the IMA
- conditions for alteration and termination to the IMA and its implications in respect of settlement, repayment obligations and surrender documentation
- Details of delegation of the fm company’s function
SC requires agreement between FM company/trustee and its delegate or service provider including:
- services to be provided
- the fees, remuneration and other charges
- restriction or prohibition regarding the performance of the function to be delegated
- reporting requirements, including the line of reporting between the delegate and the management company or trustee and means of evaluating the performance of the delegate
What is an investment mandate?
sets out the client’s instructions concerning the asset allocation of the portfolio (perhaps incorporating max and min of sector expoeures) and may provide a benchmark by which the performance of the fund management company may be assessed. It may also incorporate prohibited investments
what is the disadvantage of a investment mandate?
may not be as readily amended by the client in response to variations in its investment objectives and investment strategy, hence may mandate may be included with the agreement as a schedule which the agreement may allow to be altered by agreement of the parties
What are the contents of the investment mandate?
- description of the fund management company’s investment style and investment approach
- identification of the type of mandate
- asset allocation ranges incl. details of how exposure to each asset class to be measured
- details of the authorised investments from which the fund management company is able to select appropriate einvestments
- details of any prohibited investments
- estent of which the FM company may use derivatives , and methods by which the FM company monitors compliance with restrictions on the use of derivatives imposed
- counterparty credit limits
- gearing restrictions
- related party investments
- impact of taxation (whether to ignore tax effect)
- foreign currency management
- securities lending and borrowing policy
what is usually included in investment mandate in relation to performance measurement?
- Benchmarks to be applied
- inclusion or otherwise of fund management company’s fees in measuring performance
- performance attribution
- impact of taxation on performance measurement
what are the other issues included in investment mandate?
- FM policies in relation to CG, proxy votings, related party dealings
- restrictions imposed on the investment portfolio by legislation, trust deeds etc
- time limit for remedying non-compliance with investment restriction s applicable
The use of derivative instruments by fund management companies provides benefits to clients by way of
- increased execution efficiency
- improved investment returns: from mispricing of derivatives
- reduced costs: share transactions attract stamp duty
- Risk separation, for example forex
Risks involved in the use by fund management companies of derivative
- Market risk: risk inherent in a position that arises from market price movements
- credit risk: risk associated with entering into a transaction with a specific counterparty.
- operational risk: Inadequate systems and controls, human error or management failure
- legal risk: enforceability of derivatives contract and includes risk arising from insufficient documentation and insufficient capacity or authority of the counterparty
What is the Prudent Investor Rule?
Fiduciary must:
1/ Adhere to fundamental fiduciary duties of loyalty, impartiality, and prudence
2. maintain overall portfolio risk at a reasonable level (i.e. risk and return objetives and tradeoff must be reasonable and suitable to client on behalf)
3. Provide for a reasonable level of investment diversification ( an investment may be high risk, but in the context of the overall porfolio that investment may be justified)
4. prudence where delegation occurs and in the selection and supervision of agents
5. cost conscious when making investments and particularly in relation to the expected level of returns from the investments
What are the potential areas of conflict of interest?
- Personal account trading
- Crossing between clients
- (advisable that full disclosure of the transaction be made to each client prior to the crossing being disclosed to Bursa)
- Allocation
- soft dollar earnings: any or shared commissions should be directed to the account of the fund concerned. soft commissions provided may be retained by management company only if the goods and services are of demonstrable benefit to unit holders and dealins with broker are executed on terms which are the best available for the fund, and are adequately disclosed in the prospectus and reports
- dealing through related party strockbrokers: must be made on terms which are the best available for the fund and no less fabourable to the fund than an arms length transaction, and should not exceed 50% of funds dealings in value
Rules on records and segregation of assets
Custodian safeguards and maintains assets that comprise the portfolio on behalf of the client. It holds assets in its own name but on behalf of client who retains beneficial ownership. Custodian makes settlements for securities bought and sold, and collects income arising from the portfolio and pays expenses as instructed by the client. CMSA requires a fund management company to maintain a trust account for client monies and property and to make arrangemetns for licensed custodian to maintain account (s122), under s123(1c), separate record is to be maintained
Under what condition can CMSRL holder accept or hold client monies or property?
not allowed unless rep does so on a behalf of a FM company and in the course of the rep’s employment with that FM company (s122(7))
What are teh obligations of CMSL holder in relation to deposits and withdrawals from trust account?
- shall open trust account for client’s assets and make arrangement for custodian to maintain such account, unless client has own arragement for custodian to maintain trust acc
- Commission may exempt holder of CMSL from requirement to arrange trust acc and permit other person to maintain trust acc
- shall deposit clients assets into the trust acc maintained by a custodian or any other person as may be permitted by the commission under subsection 2, as the case may be, not later than the next bank biz day
- where clients assets are received in a place outside Msia, may deposit such assets into a trust acc maintained by custodian outside Msia
- shall not withdraw from or deal with clients assets except for making payment to person entitled, or otherwise authorised by law
- clients assets held in trust acc shall not be available for the payments of the debts of CMSL holder
- CMS reps license holder shall neither accept nor hold clients assets unless he does so on the behalf of CMSL and in course of employment
- nothing shall be construed as takin gaway or affecting any lawful claim or lein which any person has against or upon any clients assets held in a trust acc
- person who contravenes this section shall be liable to fine not exceeding 500k, or with intent to defraud, RM1m, and prison term not exceeding 10 years
What are the purposes of records maintenance in accordance with IMA?
providing information for purposes of proper monitoring of portfolio, and for reconciliation with custodian and portfolio ac records