Conduct of Business Flashcards
When is a firm permitted to communicate via a website? (5 conditions)
- Evidence that it is appropriate method
- Client has specifically consented to this method
- Client is notified of website address electronically
- Information is kept up to date
- Information is continuously accessible for as long as the client requires it
How long should recordings be kept for client orders and what are the 3 specific purposes these recordings should be kept for?
5 years
Receiving client orders, executing client order, arranging for a client order to be executed
List some communications that client recordings should be kept for (4pts)
- Fax
- Instant messaging
- Mobile phones
Who does recording of voice/electronic communications apply to? (2pts)
With any client.
Any eligible counterparty
Who do the COBS apply to?
Directly to firms conducting designated investment business.
Applies to firms conducting insurance business from an establishment maintained by them/appointed reps in the UK
Who do COBS indirectly apply to and what is another name for these persons?
Indirectly apply to appointed representatives (aka tied agents)
What does the Fair Treatment part of COBS detail?
All firms must ensure they act honestly, fairly and professionally - clients’ best interests rule.
What are the two types of professional clients?
- Per se professional client
- Elective professional client
What are 4 types of per se professional clients?
- Authorised/regulated firm
- Govt, central bank, supranational
- Other institutional investors e.g. special purpose vehicles
- Large undertaking (e.g. large business company level - MiFID)
What is the criteria to be a large undertaking at a company level?
Has to satisfy at last 2/3:
1. Balance sheet €20mn
2. Net turnover €40mn
3. Own funds €2mn
What is an elective professional client?
When a retail client opts up to a professional client
What is the qualitative test to be an elective professional client and who does it apply to.
Applies to all businesses.
Firm to assess expertise, experience and knowledge to provide reasonable assurance about capability and understanding
What is the quantitative test to be an elective professional client and who does it apply to.
For MiFID businesses only. Have to meet 2/3 of following conditions:
1. Avg trade frequency 10 per quarter over previous 4 quarters
2. Portfolio > €500k
3. Works or worked in financial sector for >= 1 year in professional capacity
What are the 3 steps for process of retail client opting up to be elective professional client?
- Written intent from client to be classified as a professional
- Written warning to client explaining lost protection
- Written client consent to lost protection
Two types of Eligible Counterparties? (ECPs)
Per se ECP or elective ECP
If you want to opt up to be a professional client but not to MiFID business, what test/s do you need?
Qualitative test only however in exam, assume that if not specified, we are assuming MiFID business and so 2 tests needed (qual and quant)
What does classification of ECP businesses only relate to?
Related to ECP businesses dealing on their own account and/or executing orders on behalf of clients
What are examples of some certain per se professional clients conducting ECP business (therefore assumed per se ECPs)?
Authorised/regulated firm
Government, central bank, supranational
Who is able to become an elective ECP?
Any undertaking that is a per se professional client (except an individual investor)
Procedure to become an elective ECP?
Obtain client confirmation to be treated as an ECP
Can you opt down protections for ECPs and PCs, how does this happen?
Yes - per se ECP can be treated as PC or RC and per se PC can be an RC.
This happens either on the firm’s own initiative or at the request of a client.
If a person is acting as an agent, what does this mean - who should be treated as a client?
Where the person with whom the firm is dealing with (A) , is acting as an agent of another person (B) , then (A) should be regarded as the client.
What are the exceptions to acting as an agent rule (2pts)
Written agreement between firm and the agent to treat B as the client.
Purpose of the agency is to avoid duties owed to B.
When firms rely on info provided by other organisations, when can firms fully rely on this? If they can’t fully rely, what are the 3 conditions so that they can rely on info.
If info is from a MiFID firm then they can fully rely on info.
If not MiFID firm, 3 conditions are:
1. Info is in writing
2. Non-MiFID firm is independent
3. Non-MIFID firm is competent - held accountable
What is law S21 FSMA 2000?
Must not communicate a financial promotion unless:
1. It is an authorised person; or
2. The content has been approved by an authorised person
If firm approves financial promotion approved by a 3rd party, what are the 3 conditions so that it would never be in breach of rules?
- Established that an authorised firm has approved the promotion
- It communicates the promotion only to those it was intended
- The promotion has not ceased to be fair, clear and not misleading
What are exceptions on the FCA’s rule on communications? (5pts)
- Exempt under the financial promotions order (FPO)
- From outside the UK, and cannot have effect within UK
- Subject to takeover code or any similar code
- Personal quotes or illustrations
- One-off promotions that are not cold calls
4 rules for communications with retail clients?
- Name of firm is included
- Details are fair and accurate
- Promotion is comprehensible
- Promotion doesn’t obscure important items, statements or warnings (particular focus on ‘Capital at risk’ products)
On past performance communications, what are the exact time frames that it must show and also, what are key bits of info that must be disclosed?
Cover at least 5 years (or life of investment) in complete 12-month periods.
Reference periods and sources must be clearly shown
Must be stated that this isn’t an indicator of future performance.
If relevant: must show currency stated and warning of currency risk
Disclose effect of fees and commission if gross performance shown.
In general must not be most prominent feature
Rules on simulated past performance communications - what must the simulation be based on?
Based on actual performance of a similar investment/index.
Must comply with the rules for past performance too.
Future performance communications - what must it not be based on and what else must be disclosed?
Must not be based on simulated past performance.
Must disclose effect of fees and commissions.
Must warn that forecasts are not reliable indicators.
What are direct offers or invitations and which clients are these for?
This is a financial promotion that contains a method of response for the client to invest in a product e.g. an application form.
This is for retail clients only.
For direct offers, what are 3 areas of info that it must contain?
- Info on firm and its svcs
- Info on safekeeping of client investments and money
- Info on costs and charges
For direct offers, when must a firm also include additional appropriate info to allow an understanding of the nature and risks of an investment?
When it is a non-MiFID business only
In terms of rights to cancel, what is the general time frame and what case is there an exception for this?
Generally c.14 days
Life + pension products is usually c.30 days
Unwritten promotions - what are 3 things that must be stated at the start of either a solicited or unsolicited unwritten promotion?
- The caller
- Their employer
- The purpose of the call
When are cold calls permitted to retail clients?
When it is about generally marketable packaged product (not a high volatility fund)
Services relating to readily realisable securities (shares, bonds etc) other than warrants.
Info disclosure wrt to the firm - what type of info is given to all clients (6 pts)
- Name and address of firm
- Method and language of communication
- Name and contact details of competent authority
- Whether the firm is acting through an appointed rep
- Nature, frequency and timing of performance reports
- If a common platform firm, the conflicts of interest policy
What is a common platform firm?
Firms subject to either Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) or the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)
What is the Retail Distribution Review (RDR)
For retail clients.
States that firms making personal recommendations to retail clients must be either independent or restricted.
In terms of the RDR and what it states for remuneration (from both product provider and the adviser)?
No commissions from the product provider are permitted.
From the adviser - adviser charges are agreed in advance. Clients can choose whether to pay the adviser charge upfront or have it deducted from their investment over time.
Product disclosure: when would a KID be used (Key Information Document)
For packaged Retail and Insurance-based investment products (PRIIPS)
Product disclosure: when would a KIID be used (Key Investor Information Document)
For UCITS schemes
MiFID business, inducements: What fees are permissible for a firm to take?
Proper fees necessary for the provision of the business.
E.g. custody costs, settlement fees, legal fees, etc.