Conditions Flashcards
Conditon: Aggravating Factors
- Extension
- Prolonged standing or walking
- Walking downhill
- Lying flat
** Anything that loads the posterior column **
Spinal Stenosis
- Swelling of costal cartilages
- Anterior chest pain, loacilzed and superficial
- Agg: breathing and trunk movement
- Usually resolves in 12 wks
Tietze’s Syndrome
Condition: Lumbar axial pain that may refer to the LE, pain increased with extension and lateral rotation
Lumbar Facet Arthropathy
Condition: Represents a pathologic state in which the function of the spinal nerve roots is affected
Lumbar Radiculopathy
- Constant or Intermittent pain
- Low grade ache
- Leg sx rare
- Morning stiffness/pain
- Localized in low back, rare for pain to radiate
Degenerative Disc Disease
Condition: Aggravating Factors
- s/p vigorous activity
- Static posture
Functional Instability
Condition: acceleration-deceleration injury to the neck, injury to soft tissues
Whiplash injury
Condition: also known as a limbus fx, caused by excessive compression or distraction and present like a disc herniation
Apophyseal ring fx
Can think of it as a salter harris fx to the growth plate in the vertebral body
Condition: Presensts with excessive IR
Condition: Degenerative changes of the spine
Condition: Objective
- Limited ROM +/- mm guarding
- Limited B SB
- PPIVM: segmentally limited
- PAIVM: limited, painful
- NO neuro sx
- Palpable tenderness and mm spasm
Cerivcal Facet Syndrome
Condition: MOI of sudden unguarded movement (i.e. flexion or rotation)
Acute Facet Joint
Condition: Symptoms
- Flexion does not ease symtpoms
- Rarely have back sx
Vascular Claudication
AROM to end range limited by stiffness/spasm
Subacute stage of MVA/whiplash
Condition: Subjective Exam
- Ache/stiffness
- Cloward signs
- Pin in upper neck, head, face, top of shoulder, scapula, posterior upper arm
- May or may not have distal sx
Cervical Disc Herniation
- 50 + yo
- Kyphotic position
- Extension activities reduc stress on vertebral body
Thoracic Vertebral Fracture
- MOI: Sudden neck movement
- Synovial capsule impingement w/in facet
- Localized pain +/- mm spasm
- Acute torticollis
Acute Cervical Facet Syndrome
Condition: Objective Exam
- Skin color or temperature changes
- Hair loss
- Peripheral pulses absent
- LE cramping/tightness
Vascular Claudication
Condition: Widening of the pars interarticularis fx with increased pain and radiculopathy
History includes sudden onset of localized back pain that may resolve with continued activity
Condition: Results in increased intervertebral segment motion
- Upper T-spin (T3-7)
- Flat or Reduced thoracic kyphosis
Flexion movement impairment
- Stiffness > 30 min
- Back pain improved w/exercise NOT rest
- Awakening during 2nd half of night due to back pain
- Alternating butt pain
- Less than 2.5 cm of chest expansion
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Condition: Objective Exam
- Flat lumbar posture
- Painful/limited extension
- Pain with SB on involved side
Spinal Stenosis
Flat back posture unload the posterior column
Condition: ASIS more lateral and PSIS more medial
Condition: Easing Factors
- Flexion
- Sitting or squatting
- Walking uphill
- Bike riding
Spinal Stenosis
Condition: pounding headache associated with dizziness and visual distrubances
Vascular headache
- Slight flexed posture
- Lateral Shift +/-
- Limited ROM/Gaurded movement
- Centralization of pain
Posterolateral Disc Herniation
- Tightness anywhere on the cranium or suboccipital region
- Bilat and trigeminal distribution
- W > M
Tension HA
Condition: Body chart can include unilateral pain, buttock pain, LBP, or posterior leg pain to knee
SI Joint Dysfunction
- Lateral curve w/o rotational component
- Can lead to mm spasm, inflammation, injury
- Can be corrects with position changes
- Tx underlying cause and it will resolve
Functional Scoliosis
Condition: Subjective
- Bilat parathesia in glove distribution
- Intermittent posterior thoracic pain or scapula pain
- Sx worst in evening and with thoracic slump/flexion
- Position of comfort is laying completely flat
T4 Syndrome
Condition: head and face pain arising from the UCS
Cervicogenic headache
Cervical Disc Herniation: Pain at back of neck, head and face
Upper C-spin
- M > F
- 40-50
- Occupation involves lifitng, sitting, oversure
Degenerative Disc Disease
Cervical Disc Herniation: Pain at base of neck and top of shld
Condition: Pain worse with incline walking but improved with decline walking
Vascular Claudication
Condition: Pt. may have back pain, leg pain, or a combination of the two
- Lateral curve w/rotational component
- Can be congential/idiopathic
- Can’t be corrected by positioning
- Can cause wedge shaped vertebra
Structural Scoliosis
- Hx of neck or shld pain
- Unilateral, associated pain in neck, shld, arm
- Variable pain, moderate intensity, dependent on movement
- NOT throbbing
Cervicogenic HA
Condition: Sudden chest pain, radiationg to back that is unrelenting (emergency situation)
Dissecting thoracic aneurism
Condition: Inflammatory response at pubic symphysis and ischial rami caused by susatined or repetitive trauma to the pubic symphysis
Osteitis Pubis
- C/T junction or high T-spine segments
- Excessive kyphosis
- vertebral bodies may become wedge shaped
Extension movement impairment
Condition: Consists of radicular pain in a dermatomal distribution in combination with N/T and motor weakness
Lumbar Radiculopathy
Condition: Subjective
- Pain worse distally w/dermatomal pattern
- Possible cloward sign
- Pain can be constant
Cervical acute nerve root
- poor posture: hangs on ligaments/posterior pelvic tilt
- weak or hypermobile hip/spine
- weak gluteals and abdominal wall
- prolapse
Weakness of pelvic girdle
Condition: Symptoms
- Localized vauge pain
- Back and leg pain (can be bilateral)
- Presence of N/T and weakness in LEs
- Cramping
Spinal Stenosis
Condition: Objective
- Increased cervical lordosis and C/T kyphosis
- Flattened/restricted upper T-spine
- Minimal thoracic movement w/single arm elevation
- Local tenderness and sx reproduced w/mobilization between T2-7
- Local hypomobility
- ULTT/Slump +
T4 Syndrome
- UE/LE weakness
- B&B dysfunction
- Gait disturbance
- Due to cord compression
Cervical myelopathy
Condition: Starts as stress fx on the pars interarticularis, typically L5 followed by L4
- 20s-50s
- Poorly localized dull ache in back
- May have buttock pain
- Increased pain in AM
- Unloads spine from sit to stand
- > 55 yo
- neck and arm pain
- painful/restricted ROM
- sensory/motor defects
- intrinsic hand mm wasting/loss of hand dexterity
Cervical Stenosis
Agg: neck movement, posture, position,
Ease: meds, modalities, change in posture, lying down, tx
Decreased ROM
Pattern: occipital/suboccipital
Cervicogenic HA
- Localized pain
- Reduced motion w/respiration, coughing, and sneezing
- Local mm spasm
Rib subluxation
Anterior = concavity of rib posteriorly
Posterior = prominence of rib posteriorly
- Pain with change in position
- Deep shift/clunk
- Difficulty with WB activities
- Positive stability tests
- Active SLR +
- Pain provocation +/-
Hypermobile Pelvic Girdle
- Hx of reciprocal clicks that have now stopped
- Often have limited opening range or “closed lock”
Anterior disc displacement WITHOUT reduction
Condition: vertical compression resulting in massive suboccipital HA
Fx of posterior arch of atlas (C1)
Condition: Symptoms
- More distal than proximal signs i.e. radiating
- Limited ROM and activity
- Muscloskeletal involement is central/local
Condition: no audible sound with full anterior displacement w/o reduction
Locked joint
Condition: ASIS more medial and PSIS more lateral
Condition: Subjective
- Young > Old
- Commonly L5-S1
- Fluctuating symptoms, rarely radiating
- Localized pain
Functional Instability
- Severe back pain
- SLR +
Possible Cauda Equina
Condition: Objective
- Altered posture
- Neuro +/-
- ROM limited by closing movements
- Spurling +
- Neurodyanmic testing +
Cervical chronic nerve root
Condition: Subjective
- Agg: looking down or turning head
- Limited ADLs
- Altered speed of movement
- Driving, sitting, work
Cervical Disc Herniation
Condition: can be seen in adults due to repeated (occupational) stress
History includes: sudden onset but usually due to repetitive bending, lifting or frequent lifting, recurrent episodes
Posterolateral Disc Herniation
Condition: Objective
- Uncomfortable posture
- Corrected posture/deformity increases pain
- ROM only available in 1-2 motions
- Neuro +
Cervical acute nerve root
Condition: Aggravating Factors
- WB activities: standing, single leg stance, hopping, running
- Ascending/descending staris
- Pain with change of position: sit to stand, moving in bed
SI Joint Dysfunction
- Difficulty with activities requiring anterior rotation
- ASIS posterior and superior
- PSIS inferior
- Functionally short leg
- Decreased hip extension and anterior rotation
Posteriorly rotated ilium
Condition: separation of the pubic bones anteriorly leads to outflaring of the iliac bones; sacrum is less tightly held and can move anteriorly
Pubic symphysis dislocation
Cervical Disc Herniation: Pain at scapula, across the shld joint, posterior/lateral aspect of upper arm
C5-6 OR C6-7
Condition: Objective
- Localized pain but can refer to larger area
- Local tenderness with palpation, stiff, thick
- Initially hypomoble
Chronic Facet Joints
- Loss of disc height
- Loss of normal lordosis
- Lateral clefts at U-joints
- Intersegmental hypermobility/instability
Cervical Disc Degeneration
Condition: Objective
- Abnormal posture
- Limited flex/ext
- Painful unilateral ROM (SB or Rot)
- Central PA pain > unilateral
- Spurling +
Cervical Disc Herniation
- SLR (-)
- Thickened soft tissue
- PAIVM increased, decreased mobility, min pain
Degenerative Disc Disease
Condition: Compression of the sciatic nerve, typically presents with similar presentation to L5/S1, LBP/Buttock pain radiation now the posterior thigh/leg
Piriformis syndrome
Condition: Presents with reciprocal clicks
Anterior disc displacement WITH reduction
Condition: HA with redness under eyes
Cluster HA (vascular)
Condition: Objective
- Poor posture
- limited and painful ROM
- Painful central/unilateral PA
- Sensory AND Motor Loss
- Hyporeflexia
Condition: side to side curvature of the spine (Cobb angle) of > 10 degrees
Idiopathic scoliosis (more common in females)
Condition: Symptoms
- Unilateral pain
- Less sharpt over the joint
- Rarely radiates down leg
Chronic Facet Joint
- MOI: increased neural tension, stiff joints, natural posture
- Stiffness of C/T junction and T3-7
- Flexion restriction
Flattened Upper Thoracic Spine
Condition: Easing factors
- Rest
- Changing to a new position
Functional Instability
Condition: defect in pars interarticularis
Condition: Symptoms
- Stiffness and pain in AM
- Increased pain with stretch of joint
Chronic Facet Joint
Condition: Typically occurs in vertebrae from T12-L2
Chance fx
- Increased tone of pevlic floor mm and mm of hip and trunk
- Mm imbalance/incoordination of hip and trunk
- Mobility impairment of scar/CT in perinuem, inner thight, abs
- Diaphragm tightess/poor use
- Dysfunction of pelvic joints
- poor posture
Hypertonus dysfunction
Condition: Presents with excessive ER
Condition: Symptoms
- More proximal than distal
- Minimal limitation of activity
Condition: History
- Past Acute Facet Joint
- Never entirely symptom free
- Trauma
- Degeneration
Chronic Facet Joint
- Occuring in older pt. w/degenerative changes
- Occuring in younger pt. w/trauma
- Inflammation due to viral or chemical
Cervical acute nerve root
Aggravating factors include
- Extending
- Bending
- Sitting
- Sit to stand
- sustained posutre
- sudden motion
- end ROM
Degenerative Disc Disease
Condition: Subjective
- Constantly moving positions
- Pain decreased when new positions reached
- Hx of catching/locking
Functional Instability
- Pain isolated to upper back or radiate in dermatomal pattern
- Pain shooting around or through chest wall
- Possible sensory deficits and neurological weakness
- Agg: movement, deep breathing, cough/sneeze
Thoracic Disc Lesion
Condition: Compression fx to the vertebral body
Burst Fx
- First rib
- Limited painful caudal glide
Superior subluxation
Condition: wedging of multiple vertebral bodies
Scheuermann’s Disease
Condition: Those with Posterolateral Disc Herniation are at high risk
Cauda Equina
Condition: Transverse fx of the vertebral body right under the epiphysis, flexion and distraction fx
Chance Fx
Sx intermittent
Limited active movements
weak mm
postural changes
Chronic stage of MVA/whiplash
- Difficulty with activities requiring posterior rotation
- ASIS anterior and inferior
- PSIS superior
- Functionally long leg
- Decreased hip flex and posterior rotation
Anteriorly Rotated Ilium
Condition: Subjective
- Dermatomal pattern, not necessarily distal
- “Patchy” distribution
- Usually intermittent
- Agg: sustained flexion or movement that narrow foramen
- Can be nagging
- able? to sleep at night
Cervical chronic nerve root
- 20-55 yo
- LBP, back and leg pain
- Associated muscle spasms +/-
Posterolateral Disc Herniation
Condition: Objective
- Localized thickness in tissues
- Stiff segmentally
- May report pain with OP
- Entire ilium higher
- ASIS/PSIS superior
- May have decreased anterior/posterior rotation
- Decreased hip ABD strength
Pain as dominant complaint
Apprehensive with AROM of neck
Shld/arm movement tolerated
Dizziness with active movement
Acute stage of MVA/whiplash
Condition: Localized irriation of costosternal joint/2nd rib
Aggravating factors include: flexion, sitting, sit to stand, walking, sneezing, coughing
Posterolateral Disc Herniation
Condition: fx of anterior and posterior arch of C1
Jefferson fx
- Pain
- Limited chest excursion
- Limited spinal mobility
- Bone scan +
Anklyosing Spondylitis
Condition: boring pain to mid T-spine after eating
Peptic Ulcer
- Sensory distrubances in hand
- Intrinsic mm wasting of hand
- Unsteadiness during walking
- Hyperreflexia
Myelopathy that has progressed to the point where surgery would be indicated
Condition: Increased thoracic kyphosis with compensatory cervical and lumbar lordosis
Scheuermann’s Kyphosis
Condition: Symptoms
- Unilateral pain, sharp over facet
- Increased pain with stretch/compression of joint
- Limitation in SB and extension
Acute Facet Joint
Condition: Ojective
- Increased lumbar lordosis
- End ROM may provoke symptoms
- Hesitation in flexion at 30-40 degrees
- Hinging with extension
- Gowers +
Functional Instability
Condition: Small herniation of disc material into the endplate of vertebral bodies
Schmoral’s nodes
Condition: Objective
- Poor pelvic and abdominal control
- Central PA painful with altered end feel
- Leg load test +
Functional Instability
Condition: Pain with referred pain along the joint line and ipsilateral hip/trochanter, can also refer along posterior thigh to knee, and can resemble lumbar disc pathology
Condition: Subjective
- Cloward sign
- Diffuse uni/bilateral sx
- Agg: sustained flex, quick motion, end ROM
- Long hx of neck pain or MVA
Condition: Irritation/Inflammation, compression, or tension to the nerve root
Acute Nerve Root (ANR)
- Occurs more commonly in the T-Spine
- 20s-30s
- Pt. unloads spine before getting up
Intra-Spongy Herniation
Condition: MOI can include trauma, pregnancy, chronic L/S or hip problems, pelvic floor dysfunction
SI Joint dysfunction
History includes repeated micro trauma to annular fibers, trauma to disc, or bone spur formation
Degenerative Disc Disease
Fx of C2 pedicles with disolcation of C2 on C3
Dens migrates into brainstem
Hangman’s Fx
Condition: rupture of transverse lig.; may result in cord compression
AA dislocation
- Stiffness
- Headache
- Neck pain
- UE pain
- B “stocking glove” paresthesias
T4 Syndrome
- Reduced costal mobility (rotation)
- Agg: twist or reach
- Pain: breathing, trunk rot, unilateral PA over C/T junction
- Pain and stiffness w/rib mobility
Costal Joint Derangement
- Hx of cancer
- 50+ yo
- Failure of conservative tx
- Unexplained wt loss
Condition: Chronic irritation of nerve root/adhesion
Chornic Nerve Root (CNR)
- ROM limited in the acute phase
- Pain with flex/ext, OP, sustained posture
Degenerative Disc Disease
- Middle age +
- Stiffness at multiple levels
- Loss of elastic end feel
- Limited arm elevation
- Stiff/painful accessory glides
- Mm imbalance
Generalized upper/mid thoracic stiffness
- MOI: Chronic neck pain, poor posture, tight scalenes
- May cause thoracic outlet syndrome
- Limited end range cervical rotation and shld flex
Elevated 1st Rib
- Ache in neck, shld, arm, or hand
- N/T on inside of forearm and 4th and 5th fingers esp w/shld flex
- Weak/clumsy hands
- Sweeling/redness in arms/hands
- Difficulty w/OH activities
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Condition: Typically in teens due to trauma
- Unable to close mouth or “open lock”
- Rare but can occur after prolonged dental procedures
- Lateral pterygoid becomes overstretched
Posterior disc displacement