Conditions Flashcards
sore swollen throat, exudate on tonsil
Diganose: mon spot test
Treat: symptomatically
When can go back to sports: spleen US
(positive mono spot=can still play sports if US neg)
sore swollen throat,
Diagnose: strep test
-pallatine petichia
Treat: PCN
sandpaper rash and terrible throat, Palatine petechia, and HA?
scarlatina rash/scarlet fever= untreated strep–> glumerolnephtirits and rheumatic fever
Need abx:
Pallatine petichia and HA
DO we give a pt with mono amoxicillin?
no can have a morbilliform rash all over drug eruption rash.
Macrolide: azirtho or cephalsporin
ONLY PCN can use is PCNVK
Large erythematic tonsils with lots of pus?
Peritonsillar abscess: deviated uvula
-common cause (strep throat)
- might need to go to ED to have access drained
nagging cough you cannot get rid of
Acute Bronchitis
only treat antibiotics if pertussis
acute resp infection 7-10 days later pain when bending over and unilateral toothache. how do you treat?
Treat: amoxicillin or agumentin
Prevent periorbital sinusitis from developing
Chronic- nasal polyps