Conditions Flashcards
Add a condition to CRC(mainly) or other
Run it by supervisor
And if they ok it,
Hit conditions, under PBIS
Under choose an action, hit drop down and create DO imposed Condition
On next screen, hit select condition and all of them open up.
Pick the condition, and create justification saying why I’m imposing and how it’ll help him.
and under “state of request” change it from “under PO review” to “under supervisor review”
It generates all paperwork for me, except for the CRC reporting instructions which I’ll print out myself.
While parolee is present, or beforehand(just make sure you cancel with CRC if it goes sideways), call CRC and find out when he should report
Give parolee paperwork including: reporting instructions and all of the paperwork generated via the condition and have him sign it. I keep copies of all that paperwork he just signed relative to the condition and put it in his folder/file.
Email the CRC all of the signed paperwork, reporting instructions, cert, special conditions, general conditions, and class material by scanning it to myself and then emailing it to them
Cronos the visit
Reviews of internet conditions
Must be done yearly if district imposed
Work computers and parolees
They need to talk to their employer and tell them their exact charges
I need to see proof(maybe an employee manual) saying that the computer is monitored.
If a parolee is arrested by a local PD
F21 arrest report, in group drive. I summarize what happened on this form.
Social media includes some suprises
Craigs list and online gaming . Anything with a chat mechanism
How to print out a new condition
Go to process new condition, then it’ll prompt me to accept it, then go to drop down menu that says “choose action” and print. They have 5 days to contest
GPS is mainly for DV cases and it has exclusion zones(phase 1) EMP (electronic monitoring program) is basically house arrest
90 days you review it, to see if you wanna extend it to the 6 month limit or not. GPS and EMP are treated the same.
No Internet
No Internet can either be special condition 5 or 6. 5 is less restrictive and means they can have Internet but only with my approval and 6 means no Internet. Period. With a no Internet condition we can search any device capable of Internet capabilities, so we have access to their cell whenever.
Porn conditions
Child porn people automatically get a no porn condition
Conditions that can be contested(there’s 5)
2 Internet ones
Social media
Once you process condition, go to conditions and state of request under PO review. Go to box under PO review, put cursor in their and get the option of under supervisor reviews and hit process new condition.
General effectuation forms
Are only for PSL/CSL cases that u want to refer them to counseling or treatment. For this get the form and fill it out online. Look on his general conditions and see if it’s condition #12 or #14(it’ll be one or the other) and put that in.
For justification, look in my cronos as to why I want to add this condition. And look into class material for the offense details, add them both in
Get the referral form, program agreement, and reporting instructions
Finally, cronos it as office visit
Dual supervision
If a parolee is on MSV and PSL/CSL u gotta do an effectuation form and and a new condition via cronos